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Guest Brazilianbob

I cannot believe some of the sh*te being spouted on here against NUFC.com.  I suspect most of you don't go on their site because it is not a discussion forum where you can argue the toss.


However, at the end of the day NUFC.com report facts not rumours, and very very occasionally, they get so hacked off with the way the team is performing, that they give an opinion.


No one has to agree with that opinion, but I have to say that having supported the club since the mid 60's, I am generally in full agreement their assessments regarding the state of the club and the direction we are heading.  They don't pull any punches and they say it how they see it.


Quite how anyone can disagree with their accurate, factually based, and reasoned assessments, is beyond me.

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Well said Big Geordie.


Haven't fallen a long way................Champion League.........to the Intertoto in 4 years, and now not even that Mickey mouse cup. Get real.


Souness was a disaster but the rot had set in under Robson, we might have gone back 10 years under Souness, but it was sliding in the last years of Robson. If any one see’s any signs of optimism then please show me. I like Big Geordie have been here before, and its dark days ahead.



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Bob - it's probably fair to say that many of the posters on here are younger lads who've never known Newcastle outside of the PL. Not their fault of course that they are young - but it doesn't mean that the opinions of us older lads are any the less valid, because we've seen all of this before.


In time, they will learn and their optomism towards the club will be replaced by cynicism when you begin to see the reality of the way things really are. I used to be blinded by my faith in the club - not anymore, and I'm not alone in that respect either.


It's on the back of the younger fans that Shepherd makes his money - and of course the older fans who still choose to keep going because they don't know any better. As I said on another forum yesterday - Shepherd knows he has lots of fans by the bo11ocks.

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Guest Gemmill

I'm plenty cynical about NUFC, and still think NUFC.com has gone down the shitter.  It's not quite as simple as saying "These young'uns just don't understand."  Not that I qualify as a young'un anyway. 


FWIW I also think we have probably now fallen behind the pack at the top to the point where it's irretrievable in the short to medium term.  A few good players is not going to put us back up there.  It's possible to recognise that and still not think too much of NUFC.com.

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Well said Big Geordie.


Haven't fallen a long way................Champion League.........to the Intertoto in 4 years, and now not even that Mickey mouse cup. Get real.


Souness was a disaster but the rot had set in under Robson, we might have gone back 10 years under Souness, but it was sliding in the last years of Robson. If any one see’s any signs of optimism then please show me. I like Big Geordie have been here before, and its dark days ahead.


Read what I say you idiot. My point was that we've fallen, but theres no reason to suggest we can't rise again like we have in the past. Were you really optimistic in about 2000 when we had the likes of Gallacher and Cordone upfront? Bet you'd have pissed yourself at the though of CL football 2 years later.


You seem a bit dense so i'll spell it out - i'm not saying we haven't fallen or that there aren't problems. We don't have a divine right to be in Europe, and as an older supporter i'd have thought you'd appreciate that from the periods in the 80s etc when we really were shit. We're a mid-table team now, you're making out like we're fucking Sunderland.


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I know this thread isn't about the state of the club (would you believe), but I do agree that some people have an exaggerated idea of how far we've 'fallen'.


Spurs have proven that the trip from mid table also-rans to champions league hopefuls is a surprisingly short one. In the same way we've gone in the wrong direction in the last 5 years, but it isn't terminal and I believe it's possible to make the return journey in not-that-long a time.

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Am I hallucinating or are there a bunch of less regular posters coming on here saying all the sky lads who frequent this board are too 'optimistic'?


Do they read the board? The only truly optimistic poster is NE5 and he is a pariah atm.


I like to be optimistic but then my first game was in 1978 so i dont fall into their category.

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What's the real irony here is k2 seems to be of the opinion that this is a message board made up of young kids that think a couple of good players is going to put us back up there and that things are going swimmingly when the truth is that the only person on here who thinks that has been going to games since 1892, as he himself will tell you.


We're shit. We know. I don't know what point you're trying to make, whatever it is, it's not really arguing against the original point made about .com.


EDIT: Chez's made my point for me.

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Perhaps yes - in relative terms, we haven't fallen so far - but from the CL to Intertoto - and now probably not even going to qualify for that is still a fair downward turn.


I see the warning signs, and have done for some time - as to the lads at .com because we've seen it before. And the lck of faith that is present in the current regime (Shepherd and Roeder) is as big a warning sign as any.

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Guest Invicta_Toon

K2 and biggeordie


the thing that boils my piss about you old 'been there done that' farts is that you singularly to a man never able to give a true account of why we were good under keegan and robson and why we were shite under the rest.


Your like, along with niall and bacon, and the muppets at true faith, are pass-masters at stating the bleeding obvious after the event and whinging on for ever more about it.


Not once have I seen a realisation of what's gone wrong since without perfect hindsight, nor a realistic account of what should have been done differently in those circumstances, or even an acceptance that what once worked under keegan et al would be completely inadequate because, guess what, football is a very different animal than it was even just 10 years ago


It probably explains why my previous post in here was conveniently glossed over


While you old cocks keep on keepin on, I won't pay too much heed to your 'insight'


Your's lovingly, naive Sky generation Toon fan who can confidently say there are definitely some toon games of the past decade that I have been to that you were never at

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Guest Knightrider

Perhaps yes - in relative terms, we haven't fallen so far - but from the CL to Intertoto - and now probably not even going to qualify for that is still a fair downward turn.


I see the warning signs, and have done for some time - as to the lads at .com because we've seen it before. And the lck of faith that is present in the current regime (Shepherd and Roeder) is as big a warning sign as any.


Everyone sees it man, even those that don't go to games or "count" FFS. Just because you've experienced shit in the past doesn't somehow give you an extra eye. The problems are so obvious at Newcastle United, Stevie fucking Wonder could write a song about it.


This whole thread is pathetic like :lol:

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Guest Knightrider

While you old cocks keep on keepin on, I won't pay too much heed to your 'insight'




'Kin too rights.

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I don't get it. Are the post-Sky KKBWJ generation too scathing of the current regime or not scathing enough? Depends which golden oldie you ask or how the arguments going I suppose. Also, for the ones who've 'seen it all before'. When have you seen it all before? I'm not a fan of Shepherd but where are the parallels of now with the club at any time pre-1992 that you can recall from your own experience?

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"the thing that boils my piss about you old 'been there done that' farts is that you singularly to a man never able to give a true account of why we were good under keegan and robson and why we were s**** under the rest"


Look back to the League Cup/Milk Cup/carling Cup – what ever it was called – game against man Utd, we played our top side, they played kids, we just managed to beat them. It was in hindsight a key moment. Though we managed to jump forward remarkably quickly, from 1st division to nearly winning the league, it was built with no foundations or plan B. Who has come thorough the ranks since keegan – bar Taylor, Shola and one or two of the kids now?? Keegan goes, we then had to tighten the belts (partly because of the Shearer outlay) look at who Dalglish bought in on the cheap. We were big under Keegan because we one of the few clubs who could spend big and we did. A number of teams caught us up financially. But we can not escape the reality that though we spend money – our money by the way – we have made some rotten purchases, many rotten purchases and what links many of them is stupid decisions at board level, stupid managers hired – Gullitt and Souness – a catalogue of failure and mis-management at board level that most other clubs would never have accepted, never mind any public limited company.


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Guest Knightrider

And we're talking real people here, who have drunk, fought and shouted for this club - not to be confused with harassed parents and numpty tosspots queuing for the new home shirt, who parade round Eldon Square but rarely grace SJP with their presence. Or maybe they're the sensible ones...


We're talking people who know that Grimsby don't play in Grimsby and Port Vale isn't a place. People to whom a message board is something that gets written on with a felt pen. People who have seen this team fail before, but never at these prices - and with this sort of investment spunked away on deadbeats.


Those tosspots queuing for the new home shirt provide the club with a large chunk of money, I mean the uber cool old generation wouldn't be seen dead in replica kits would they so someone has to buy them.


Anyone who knows that Grimsby don't actually play in Grimsby (I'm still shocked about this revelation, shouldn't they be kicked out the leage or something...) is a sad cunt and anyone  who knows Port Vale isn't actually a place is also bereft of a life.


The old generation are the ones who hold the club back, who are so cynical and depressive the club is damned if it does and damned if it doesn't. The type of fans who moan and moan yet do fuck all about it, except slag off other fans. The day they fuck off so the tosspots who queue for shirts can get a ticket, will be for the best, maybe then there won't be such an air of doom and gloom around the place and we can get some kind of atmopshere going.


Real people? :lol:


You mean who spend their entire life stalking a bunch of footballers wherever they go and then write about it on a glorified blog?


The irony.

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Guest derek sausage

A message for those of you having a go at NUFC.com.

From where I'm sitting and whatever its faults, the guys who compile the site are genuine Toon fans . Having attended the Charlton game and read their report I think theyve seen things exactly as they were and not through rose tinted specs.

For those that think they could do better, go on, produce your own toon site using your own time.


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Guest Knightrider

Knowing about Port Vale not being a place? Guilty as charged :lol:

Never knew that about Grimsby like.



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Knowing about Port Vale not being a place? Guilty as charged :lol:

Never knew that about Grimsby like.




They play in Cleethorpes and I've seen us play at Blundell Park. Soopafan bonus points.

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A message for those of you having a go at NUFC.com.

From where I'm sitting and whatever its faults, the guys who compile the site are genuine Toon fans . Having attended the Charlton game and read their report I think theyve seen things exactly as they were and not through rose tinted specs.

For those that think they could do better, go on, produce your own toon site using your own time.


Aren't you already on it?

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