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Guest Limpy

f*** me it's like Cocoon in this thread.  All the old twats waving their walking sticks.


Class, just fukcing class

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Nice intergenerational conflict you have going here lads.


I am not sure why people feel the need to slag off Niall and Biffa. Those two lads have chronicled the high's and lows of the club for over 13 years on an almost hourly basis. That kind of committment and perseverance is impressive. They are certainly allowed their own opinion which to their credit they usually relegate to the match reports.

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I was always told that little stretch of skin between your b@lls and your @rse crack was 'The Road to Grimsby.'

It's a sh1t hole or it smells of fish maybees, forgotten the reason why now.

Doubt the 'Sky Boys' would know that tbh.

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No ones slagging them off Cali, the OP bolded the bit about Grimsby and kids on messageboards and it was funny. A few people expressed a bit of criticism that has been said loads already. Then a few posters said that people on this forum were delusional if they thought the club wasnt fucked. Wullie and i both pointed out how the opposite is true. Apart from that 'shoes off if you love K2' remains a comedy highlight of the day.

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I was always told that little stretch of skin between your b@lls and your @rse crack was 'The Road to Grimsby.'

It's a sh1t hole or it smells of fish maybees, forgotten the reason why now.

Doubt the 'Sky Boys' would know that tbh.

It's on a lass - Smells of fish and near a shithole tbh.

Heard it being called the 'Humber Bridge' too. One end smells of fish and the other end smells of shit.

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Guest Phil K

Those two disappeared up their own arses a long time ago.

Not often I agree with you mate - but do there.

I agree with a lot of what they say, but they certainly have an ego problem !

Delusions of grandeur and all that !


Nice intergenerational conflict you have going here lads.


I am not sure why people feel the need to slag off Niall and Biffa. Those two lads have chronicled the high's and lows of the club for over 13 years on an almost hourly basis.


Again, absolutely true - but doesnt hide the ego fact !

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Guest derek sausage

A message for those of you having a go at NUFC.com.

From where I'm sitting and whatever its faults, the guys who compile the site are genuine Toon fans . Having attended the Charlton game and read their report I think theyve seen things exactly as they were and not through rose tinted specs.

For those that think they could do better, go on, produce your own toon site using your own time.


Aren't you already on it?


OK Mate very good point there

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If they're going to be up themselves they deserve to be told so, even if their travelling buddies get upset.



and if you don't like opinions on a messageboard...don't read it perhaps. Sorry, that only applies to nufc.com eh?



Of course they're entitled to their opinions, and if they stick them on their website they're fair game for criticism.



So which one is Niall?

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How can fans of any age hold back a club???????????????



By booing their own new signings and flicking the Vs at the club captain? By protesting for a manager change once a year? By continually renewing season tickets in the face of blatant incompetence? By campaigning for a world class manager for an 8th place club? By insisting they have a right to success based on their numbers alone?


You've just summed up yourself by saying all that, I hope you realise.

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There's nout wrong with a bit of constructive criticism and I'm sure the lads at .com will appreciate that. What is uncalled for is some of the comments that have been posted on here about them and their work over the last couple of years.  I guess they put a lot of time and effort into the site and they offer a different view. If folk don't like it - then rely on the useless official site, as long as you have a taste for believing their propaganda.

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Guest Gemmill

There's nout wrong with a bit of constructive criticism and I'm sure the lads at .com will appreciate that. What is uncalled for is some of the comments that have been posted on here about them and their work over the last couple of years.  I guess they put a lot of time and effort into the site and they offer a different view. If folk don't like it - then rely on the useless official site, as long as you have a taste for believing their propaganda.


Uncalled for comments about the official site there.  Constructive criticism only please. :razz:

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Guest Invicta_Toon


How can fans of any age hold back a club???????????????



By booing their own new signings and flicking the Vs at the club captain? By protesting for a manager change once a year? By continually renewing season tickets in the face of blatant incompetence? By campaigning for a world class manager for an 8th place club? By insisting they have a right to success based on their numbers alone?


You've just summed up yourself by saying all that, I hope you realise.


summed myself up as what pray tell?

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to be honest the money they must spend watching the toon i would be pissed off as well.


i spent about 350 quid going to belgium, and ive been to another 11 away games this season all seems pointless now, after a few good days out n a few memories. half way through march we have nothing to play for.


i think the whole club should have a look at themselves and why we are half way through march and have fuck all to play for. and our fans are getting worse. it pisses me right off when people are leaving with 5 minutes to go when we are drawing 2-2 with man united or beating liverpool

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