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Roeder - two or three will go!


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The thing is, people are mentioning the likes of Carr, Babayaro, Bernard & Luque, but he's talking about a few players who played in those 2 games. None of the above did. I reckon he's talking Bramble, Moore & Emre.


As do i. I hope all of the names above are peddled, and one or two more.


Mind, Roeders media statements are getting more and more shite. The man's an idiot of the highest order.

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"That is something I will not accept. I know who these players are and it will not matter to me whether they have contracts or not, they will not feature in my long-term plans.

reads pretty clear to me "oot on there arses"


Not sure about that tbh. The bit in bold scares the shit out of me.


1) The wasters are not here for the 'long-term' according to Roeder which implies that they are here for the short/medium term. In other words, unless we find anyone thick enough to take them off our hands, their contracts run out or we sign their replacements - we're stuck with them.

2) Roeder is under the impression that he himself has a 'long-term' future at the club.  :buck2:


And he has as the same fans are buying, the same fans are attending, and until anything changes the board can do whatever the fuk they feel like.


Welcome to the next 20 years.




If that was the case, that wanker Souness would still be here.

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Guest TampaToon

i don't think he has a precise idea, i think the vague "two or three" thing is meant to get everybody thinking about their future at newcastle and stepping up their game.  particularly lately, those who exit newcastle on less than pleasant terms tend to go no place but down....boumsong, viana, and robert come to mind, jenas hasn't exactly been first in line for england, bellamy's about the only one who's improved his station, but his exit had nothing to do with lacklustre play.


there's a few in this team who'd consider their time in black and white as their last (or only) chance to be a real player of note - many players might be thinking about whether they're among the "two or three"; hopefully it lights a fire under them

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Guest Alex20

Long-term plans ? LOL.


As if he's in the long-term plans of united.


My guess would be duff (he subbed him early on for emre, that was an indication that duff is no.1) , bramble & perhaps huntington.

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Guest NIToon

Long-term plans ? LOL.


As if he's in the long-term plans of united.


My guess would be duff (he subbed him early on for emre, that was an indication that duff is no.1) , bramble & perhaps huntington.


Hardly Huntington, as he seems to be the only one who can get a new contract at the mo!!!

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If given the choice of 5 players who goes in the Summer who would you get rid of?


Mine would be:








I could easily add a few more to that.








need a few more though - Ameobi and Sibierski aren't good enough, and if we had any real intention of being top 6, we could do with better/more consistent players than the likes of Emre and Dyer.



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