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Biggest decision of the summer

Guest sicko2ndbest

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Guess again. The word you missed was "confident". At the end of the day, someone who is afraid of the job isn't for us, as Roeder himself has said, and you don't know if anyone was afraid of it or not.


Not like when we had a s*** board though MIck, and even Newcastle supporters weren't interested in the job.




I thought Steve Bruce turned us down under this board?  Why would anybody be afraid to take the job on if they are going to get good financial backing off the board?  I know the fans are giving Roeder stick and gave the same to Souness but that's down to those two not being good enough.

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The Robson thing was crazy. We all knew in May 2004 that the 2004-5 was his last one, Shepherd said something to the press which mentioned this, Robson came out saying he knew nowt about him leaving. :lol:




Some people like macbeth will ignore this though, they probably slate the board when it rains.





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Guess again. The word you missed was "confident". At the end of the day, someone who is afraid of the job isn't for us, as Roeder himself has said, and you don't know if anyone was afraid of it or not.


Not like when we had a s*** board though MIck, and even Newcastle supporters weren't interested in the job.




I thought Steve Bruce turned us down under this board?  Why would anybody be afraid to take the job on if they are going to get good financial backing off the board?  I know the fans are giving Roeder stick and gave the same to Souness but that's down to those two not being good enough.


Steve Bruce has never been offered the job.



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Guess again. The word you missed was "confident". At the end of the day, someone who is afraid of the job isn't for us, as Roeder himself has said, and you don't know if anyone was afraid of it or not.


Not like when we had a s*** board though MIck, and even Newcastle supporters weren't interested in the job.




I thought Steve Bruce turned us down under this board?  Why would anybody be afraid to take the job on if they are going to get good financial backing off the board?  I know the fans are giving Roeder stick and gave the same to Souness but that's down to those two not being good enough.


Steve Bruce has never been offered the job.



so why is he on about "turning newcastle down was the biggest mistake i ever did" every time he's asked about something newcastle related

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Guess again. The word you missed was "confident". At the end of the day, someone who is afraid of the job isn't for us, as Roeder himself has said, and you don't know if anyone was afraid of it or not.


Not like when we had a s*** board though MIck, and even Newcastle supporters weren't interested in the job.




I thought Steve Bruce turned us down under this board?  Why would anybody be afraid to take the job on if they are going to get good financial backing off the board?  I know the fans are giving Roeder stick and gave the same to Souness but that's down to those two not being good enough.


Steve Bruce has never been offered the job.



so why is he on about "turning newcastle down was the biggest mistake i ever did" every time he's asked about something newcastle related


I've no idea


EDIT. At a guess, I would say he's hoping he'll be asked in the future.



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Guess again. The word you missed was "confident". At the end of the day, someone who is afraid of the job isn't for us, as Roeder himself has said, and you don't know if anyone was afraid of it or not.


Not like when we had a s*** board though MIck, and even Newcastle supporters weren't interested in the job.




I thought Steve Bruce turned us down under this board?  Why would anybody be afraid to take the job on if they are going to get good financial backing off the board?  I know the fans are giving Roeder stick and gave the same to Souness but that's down to those two not being good enough.


Steve Bruce has never been offered the job.




It would appear that he thinks he was offered it although I can only find the quotes and not a link to the article in The Journal.




"People associate me with Manchester United but I am a Newcastle United fan, my family is from Newcastle and I used to crawl under the turnstiles to watch them play. I had the chance to manage them but felt loyalty to the people I work for here at Birmingham."


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It would appear that he thinks he was offered it although I can only find the quotes and not a link to the article in The Journal.




"People associate me with Manchester United but I am a Newcastle United fan, my family is from Newcastle and I used to crawl under the turnstiles to watch them play. I had the chance to manage them but felt loyalty to the people I work for here at Birmingham."



I don't like quoting myself but here's a link



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Guess again. The word you missed was "confident". At the end of the day, someone who is afraid of the job isn't for us, as Roeder himself has said, and you don't know if anyone was afraid of it or not.


Not like when we had a s*** board though MIck, and even Newcastle supporters weren't interested in the job.




I thought Steve Bruce turned us down under this board?  Why would anybody be afraid to take the job on if they are going to get good financial backing off the board?  I know the fans are giving Roeder stick and gave the same to Souness but that's down to those two not being good enough.


Steve Bruce has never been offered the job.




It would appear that he thinks he was offered it although I can only find the quotes and not a link to the article in The Journal.




"People associate me with Manchester United but I am a Newcastle United fan, my family is from Newcastle and I used to crawl under the turnstiles to watch them play. I had the chance to manage them but felt loyalty to the people I work for here at Birmingham."



that is the quote I have seen too. Its bollocks. What Newcastle fan [now] would turn down the chance to manage Newcastle ? I would walk on broken glass for it, so would most of us. He wouldn't turn down manure though I bet ? And he hasn't been offered the job. He is just aware people think he's a plastic Geordie, which he is, and is trying to build bridges in case he is offered it in future, as he hopes will happn. See my last post.


It would be interesting if someone he knew came along and refuted this statement that he crawled under the turnstiles, because if you think about it, he was almost definitely playing football as a kid on Saturday afternoons when Newcastle were playing. This statement is probably nothing other than the same sort of statement many people make when they say "I;ve always supported the toon me", knowing full well they weren't interested in going in any shape or form until Keegan walked through the door in 1992.



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that is the quote I have seen too. Its bollocks. What Newcastle fan [now] would turn down the chance to manage Newcastle ? I would walk on broken glass for it, so would most of us. He wouldn't turn down manure though I bet ? And he hasn't been offered the job. He is just aware people think he's a plastic Geordie, which he is, and is trying to build bridges in case he is offered it in future, as he hopes will happn. See my last post.


It would be interesting if someone he knew came along and refuted this statement that he crawled under the turnstiles, because if you think about it, he was almost definitely playing football as a kid on Saturday afternoons when Newcastle were playing. This statement is probably nothing other than the same sort of statement many people make when they say "I;ve always supported the toon me", knowing full well they weren't interested in going in any shape or form until Keegan walked through the door in 1992.




I don't know if the quote is bollocks, the same way as you don't know if it is.


I have no reason to think he's talking crap but he could well be doing that.  I'll take his word for it until it's proven otherwise.  Lying about being offered the job isn't really the best way to put yourself in line for it in future, I'd have thought the opposite would be true.

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I've found something else, I can find quotes again but not where they originally came from.



Steve Bruce admits he still thinks about his decision to turn down the offer to manage boyhood club Newcastle United.


The Premiership side came calling two-and-a-half years ago following their decision to dismiss Sir Bobby Robson, only for Bruce to spurn their advances.


Earlier this season and with 'Bruce out' chants ringing around St Andrews, the Newcastle-born tactician must have been ruing his decision to turn his back on a switch to St James' Park.


However, Bruce has overseen a transformation of the club's fortunes and they now play Newcastle on Saturday in an FA Cup tie sitting top of the Championship and favourites to win promotion.


It is, though, with genuine affection that Bruce talks of Newcastle as he reflects on the biggest decision of his career in management.


"I am a typical Geordie, who is black and white through and through," he told the Sunday Express.


"You talk about big decisions in your life. To get the opportunity to manage them was probably the biggest compliment I've had in football.


"Bloody hell, Newcastle wanted me!


"It was the hardest decision I've had to make. But to have taken the job would have meant letting down the people here at Birmingham.


"I always wonder whether I've closed the door on a dream. As a player I'd always wanted to play for them and then I was given the chance to manage them."


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I've found something else, I can find quotes again but not where they originally came from.



Steve Bruce admits he still thinks about his decision to turn down the offer to manage boyhood club Newcastle United.


The Premiership side came calling two-and-a-half years ago following their decision to dismiss Sir Bobby Robson, only for Bruce to spurn their advances.


Earlier this season and with 'Bruce out' chants ringing around St Andrews, the Newcastle-born tactician must have been ruing his decision to turn his back on a switch to St James' Park.


However, Bruce has overseen a transformation of the club's fortunes and they now play Newcastle on Saturday in an FA Cup tie sitting top of the Championship and favourites to win promotion.


It is, though, with genuine affection that Bruce talks of Newcastle as he reflects on the biggest decision of his career in management.


"I am a typical Geordie, who is black and white through and through," he told the Sunday Express.


"You talk about big decisions in your life. To get the opportunity to manage them was probably the biggest compliment I've had in football.


"Bloody hell, Newcastle wanted me!


"It was the hardest decision I've had to make. But to have taken the job would have meant letting down the people here at Birmingham.


"I always wonder whether I've closed the door on a dream. As a player I'd always wanted to play for them and then I was given the chance to manage them."



It´s on Skysports website as one of the last articles in the Newcastle archive for December 2006.

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It´s on Skysports website as one of the last articles in the Newcastle archive for December 2006.


Thanks, it looks totally different from the one I found on icnewcastle.

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Agreed. I think most managers with ambition and belief in their ability would snatch this job. The prize for succeeding is massive and they all know it.



Couldn't agree more, Shepherd did unbelievably well to get Souness then Roeder from all the ambitious and confident managers from the list who were willing to snatch the job


they have obviously been reading your informed and professional website.


Or talking to that willy woofter who runs the Post Office, you know, the bloke you think would be our ideal chairman


Your faith in the club you say you support is touching. Such unambitious talk would have made Mckeag and his cronies proud, as I'm sure you have so much else in common with them.



time after time you have gone to my site and systematically pointed out the inaccuracies. Every time I try and take you advice and fix it. Then I find I'd be going against what Shepherd has published and I think "who do I believe Freddie Shepherd, and his signed report, or NE5". My brain then explodes.


You agreed with Shepherd's appointment of Souness, I never agreed with Crozier's appointment of Sven, regardless of how many times you say it. Give the choice of Sven or Souness it would be a brave man to decide either way. You are clearly braver than me in deciding Souness was the better man.


Where did McKeag appear in this ? McKeag's appointments versus Souness and Roeder. Not sure I've heard you say anything against any of them.


But that's cos you sycophantly back who ever is chairman then claim otherwise later. Doff your cap the rich man. Yes Sir, of course Sir !! 11th's great sir, better than 7th last year sir, and better than 3rd and 4th and 5th sir, just unlucky sir, blame the manager sir, blame the players sir, blame the fans sir, how were you suppose to know sir, yes sir of course sir, Geordies are winners sir, yes sir.


(Oh and yes sir, did you like my clever comment about poofters sir, wouldn't ever catch a great man like you sir, doing anything dodgy on the sex front sir, unless you you asked me kindly sir, cos for you sir, anything sir  :bootyshake: )


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the decsion to sack Roeder should be easy,to any sane person who cares for the Club


Sadly,that person is NOT shepard,he won't offer Roeder a new contract,nor will he sack him,maybe after we have a misrble run of results next season will we see the end of Roeder..



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Agreed. I think most managers with ambition and belief in their ability would snatch this job. The prize for succeeding is massive and they all know it.



Couldn't agree more, Shepherd did unbelievably well to get Souness then Roeder from all the ambitious and confident managers from the list who were willing to snatch the job


they have obviously been reading your informed and professional website.


Or talking to that willy woofter who runs the Post Office, you know, the bloke you think would be our ideal chairman


Your faith in the club you say you support is touching. Such unambitious talk would have made Mckeag and his cronies proud, as I'm sure you have so much else in common with them.



time after time you have gone to my site and systematically pointed out the inaccuracies. Every time I try and take you advice and fix it. Then I find I'd be going against what Shepherd has published and I think "who do I believe Freddie Shepherd, and his signed report, or NE5". My brain then explodes.


You agreed with Shepherd's appointment of Souness, I never agreed with Crozier's appointment of Sven, regardless of how many times you say it. Give the choice of Sven or Souness it would be a brave man to decide either way. You are clearly braver than me in deciding Souness was the better man.


Where did McKeag appear in this ? McKeag's appointments versus Souness and Roeder. Not sure I've heard you say anything against any of them.


But that's cos you sycophantly back who ever is chairman then claim otherwise later. Doff your cap the rich man. Yes Sir, of course Sir !! 11th's great sir, better than 7th last year sir, and better than 3rd and 4th and 5th sir, just unlucky sir, blame the manager sir, blame the players sir, blame the fans sir, how were you suppose to know sir, yes sir of course sir, Geordies are winners sir, yes sir.


(Oh and yes sir, did you like my clever comment about poofters sir, wouldn't ever catch a great man like you sir, doing anything dodgy on the sex front sir, unless you you asked me kindly sir, cos for you sir, anything sir  :bootyshake: )


i just thought he was saying that we have had worse boards in his time and for all the slaggings off those slagging off come up with no solutions
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Agreed. I think most managers with ambition and belief in their ability would snatch this job. The prize for succeeding is massive and they all know it.



Couldn't agree more, Shepherd did unbelievably well to get Souness then Roeder from all the ambitious and confident managers from the list who were willing to snatch the job


they have obviously been reading your informed and professional website.


Or talking to that willy woofter who runs the Post Office, you know, the bloke you think would be our ideal chairman


Your faith in the club you say you support is touching. Such unambitious talk would have made Mckeag and his cronies proud, as I'm sure you have so much else in common with them.



time after time you have gone to my site and systematically pointed out the inaccuracies. Every time I try and take you advice and fix it. Then I find I'd be going against what Shepherd has published and I think "who do I believe Freddie Shepherd, and his signed report, or NE5". My brain then explodes.


You agreed with Shepherd's appointment of Souness, I never agreed with Crozier's appointment of Sven, regardless of how many times you say it. Give the choice of Sven or Souness it would be a brave man to decide either way. You are clearly braver than me in deciding Souness was the better man.


Where did McKeag appear in this ? McKeag's appointments versus Souness and Roeder. Not sure I've heard you say anything against any of them.


But that's cos you sycophantly back who ever is chairman then claim otherwise later. Doff your cap the rich man. Yes Sir, of course Sir !! 11th's great sir, better than 7th last year sir, and better than 3rd and 4th and 5th sir, just unlucky sir, blame the manager sir, blame the players sir, blame the fans sir, how were you suppose to know sir, yes sir of course sir, Geordies are winners sir, yes sir.


(Oh and yes sir, did you like my clever comment about poofters sir, wouldn't ever catch a great man like you sir, doing anything dodgy on the sex front sir, unless you you asked me kindly sir, cos for you sir, anything sir  :bootyshake: )


i just thought he was saying that we have had worse boards in his time and for all the slaggings off those slagging off come up with no solutions

Then you probably don't know the context of these two's 'duels'.

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Guest Knightrider

I think I know why Roeder was appointed and the thought process behind it. We clearly failed for whatever reason to attract whoever it was we wanted, more than likely Martin O'Neill. That or we chased him (whoever we wanted) so hard and went for X only, when X eventually turned us down, it was (in the eyes of the board) too late in the day to go on another hunt, and with Roeder doing well, they took the safe option and gave him the job, telling on a 2 year deal with a 12 month review clause inserted in which could be bull but I've heard it said once or twice now so it could just as well have legs in it. Our failkure to get our man and Roeder's successful caretakership kind of colluded to make up the board's mind for them.


And with Shearer going off for a year or two to do his badges and other things, perhaps Roeder (in the eyes of the board) would be the ideal housesitter if you like until Shearer is ready.


But Roeder has done as bad a job as Souness (on a small budget I must add) so as it stands, things are up in the air and the board have a decision to make, do they:


A stick by Roeder and give him some money

B Appoint someone to assist him

C Sack him


If that review clause is true, I think it is up to Roeder to keep his jon, the remaining games and his ideas for the new season ahead and the reaction of fans will be key for him.


As far as I'm concerned, the seeds of doubt was planted in Alkmaar, and the board are leaning twowards change, hence the rumours of Big Sam, Sven and no doubt more to follow.


For my money, I think Roeder is a gonner myself, and I think he knows or has an inkling that his job is far from safe, hence the ultra defensiveness, his even more cautious tactics (afraid to lose? You bet) and his blame game and excuse tactics.


He's trying to win fabour in the media and support among what he calls and thinks is the majority - the knowledgeable fans and hacks.


Man's deluded then because the vast majority of fans have had enough and in part it is the excuses and blame game tactics that are turning unonvinced people against him.


Bye Glenn.



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Agreed. I think most managers with ambition and belief in their ability would snatch this job. The prize for succeeding is massive and they all know it.



Couldn't agree more, Shepherd did unbelievably well to get Souness then Roeder from all the ambitious and confident managers from the list who were willing to snatch the job


they have obviously been reading your informed and professional website.


Or talking to that willy woofter who runs the Post Office, you know, the bloke you think would be our ideal chairman


Your faith in the club you say you support is touching. Such unambitious talk would have made Mckeag and his cronies proud, as I'm sure you have so much else in common with them.



time after time you have gone to my site and systematically pointed out the inaccuracies. Every time I try and take you advice and fix it. Then I find I'd be going against what Shepherd has published and I think "who do I believe Freddie Shepherd, and his signed report, or NE5". My brain then explodes.


You agreed with Shepherd's appointment of Souness, I never agreed with Crozier's appointment of Sven, regardless of how many times you say it. Give the choice of Sven or Souness it would be a brave man to decide either way. You are clearly braver than me in deciding Souness was the better man.


Where did McKeag appear in this ? McKeag's appointments versus Souness and Roeder. Not sure I've heard you say anything against any of them.


But that's cos you sycophantly back who ever is chairman then claim otherwise later. Doff your cap the rich man. Yes Sir, of course Sir !! 11th's great sir, better than 7th last year sir, and better than 3rd and 4th and 5th sir, just unlucky sir, blame the manager sir, blame the players sir, blame the fans sir, how were you suppose to know sir, yes sir of course sir, Geordies are winners sir, yes sir.


(Oh and yes sir, did you like my clever comment about poofters sir, wouldn't ever catch a great man like you sir, doing anything dodgy on the sex front sir, unless you you asked me kindly sir, cos for you sir, anything sir  :bootyshake: )



you are quite wrong.


I looked at your site once, and decided it was a load of bollocks, and never looked at it again. And have no intention of looking at it again.


Like your post above.



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I've found something else, I can find quotes again but not where they originally came from.



Steve Bruce admits he still thinks about his decision to turn down the offer to manage boyhood club Newcastle United.


The Premiership side came calling two-and-a-half years ago following their decision to dismiss Sir Bobby Robson, only for Bruce to spurn their advances.


Earlier this season and with 'Bruce out' chants ringing around St Andrews, the Newcastle-born tactician must have been ruing his decision to turn his back on a switch to St James' Park.


However, Bruce has overseen a transformation of the club's fortunes and they now play Newcastle on Saturday in an FA Cup tie sitting top of the Championship and favourites to win promotion.


It is, though, with genuine affection that Bruce talks of Newcastle as he reflects on the biggest decision of his career in management.


"I am a typical Geordie, who is black and white through and through," he told the Sunday Express.


"You talk about big decisions in your life. To get the opportunity to manage them was probably the biggest compliment I've had in football.


"Bloody hell, Newcastle wanted me!


"It was the hardest decision I've had to make. But to have taken the job would have meant letting down the people here at Birmingham.


"I always wonder whether I've closed the door on a dream. As a player I'd always wanted to play for them and then I was given the chance to manage them."



Steve Bruce has never been offered the chance to manage Newcastle United



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I've found something else, I can find quotes again but not where they originally came from.



Steve Bruce admits he still thinks about his decision to turn down the offer to manage boyhood club Newcastle United.


The Premiership side came calling two-and-a-half years ago following their decision to dismiss Sir Bobby Robson, only for Bruce to spurn their advances.


Earlier this season and with 'Bruce out' chants ringing around St Andrews, the Newcastle-born tactician must have been ruing his decision to turn his back on a switch to St James' Park.


However, Bruce has overseen a transformation of the club's fortunes and they now play Newcastle on Saturday in an FA Cup tie sitting top of the Championship and favourites to win promotion.


It is, though, with genuine affection that Bruce talks of Newcastle as he reflects on the biggest decision of his career in management.


"I am a typical Geordie, who is black and white through and through," he told the Sunday Express.


"You talk about big decisions in your life. To get the opportunity to manage them was probably the biggest compliment I've had in football.


"Bloody hell, Newcastle wanted me!


"It was the hardest decision I've had to make. But to have taken the job would have meant letting down the people here at Birmingham.


"I always wonder whether I've closed the door on a dream. As a player I'd always wanted to play for them and then I was given the chance to manage them."



Steve Bruce has never been offered the chance to manage Newcastle United




Shepherd told you that last time you were picking up your pay packet?

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I've found something else, I can find quotes again but not where they originally came from.



Steve Bruce admits he still thinks about his decision to turn down the offer to manage boyhood club Newcastle United.


The Premiership side came calling two-and-a-half years ago following their decision to dismiss Sir Bobby Robson, only for Bruce to spurn their advances.


Earlier this season and with 'Bruce out' chants ringing around St Andrews, the Newcastle-born tactician must have been ruing his decision to turn his back on a switch to St James' Park.


However, Bruce has overseen a transformation of the club's fortunes and they now play Newcastle on Saturday in an FA Cup tie sitting top of the Championship and favourites to win promotion.


It is, though, with genuine affection that Bruce talks of Newcastle as he reflects on the biggest decision of his career in management.


"I am a typical Geordie, who is black and white through and through," he told the Sunday Express.


"You talk about big decisions in your life. To get the opportunity to manage them was probably the biggest compliment I've had in football.


"Bloody hell, Newcastle wanted me!


"It was the hardest decision I've had to make. But to have taken the job would have meant letting down the people here at Birmingham.


"I always wonder whether I've closed the door on a dream. As a player I'd always wanted to play for them and then I was given the chance to manage them."



Steve Bruce has never been offered the chance to manage Newcastle United




Shepherd told you that last time you were picking up your pay packet?


have you emailed your london journo mate who hates NUFC to dish the dirt on the club you say you support lately ?



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I've found something else, I can find quotes again but not where they originally came from.



Steve Bruce admits he still thinks about his decision to turn down the offer to manage boyhood club Newcastle United.


The Premiership side came calling two-and-a-half years ago following their decision to dismiss Sir Bobby Robson, only for Bruce to spurn their advances.


Earlier this season and with 'Bruce out' chants ringing around St Andrews, the Newcastle-born tactician must have been ruing his decision to turn his back on a switch to St James' Park.


However, Bruce has overseen a transformation of the club's fortunes and they now play Newcastle on Saturday in an FA Cup tie sitting top of the Championship and favourites to win promotion.


It is, though, with genuine affection that Bruce talks of Newcastle as he reflects on the biggest decision of his career in management.


"I am a typical Geordie, who is black and white through and through," he told the Sunday Express.


"You talk about big decisions in your life. To get the opportunity to manage them was probably the biggest compliment I've had in football.


"Bloody hell, Newcastle wanted me!


"It was the hardest decision I've had to make. But to have taken the job would have meant letting down the people here at Birmingham.


"I always wonder whether I've closed the door on a dream. As a player I'd always wanted to play for them and then I was given the chance to manage them."



Steve Bruce has never been offered the chance to manage Newcastle United




Shepherd told you that last time you were picking up your pay packet?


have you emailed your london journo mate who hates NUFC to dish the dirt on the club you say you support lately ?




Come on, tell us how you know Bruce wasn't offered the job, or admit that you don't know.

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I've found something else, I can find quotes again but not where they originally came from.



Steve Bruce admits he still thinks about his decision to turn down the offer to manage boyhood club Newcastle United.


The Premiership side came calling two-and-a-half years ago following their decision to dismiss Sir Bobby Robson, only for Bruce to spurn their advances.


Earlier this season and with 'Bruce out' chants ringing around St Andrews, the Newcastle-born tactician must have been ruing his decision to turn his back on a switch to St James' Park.


However, Bruce has overseen a transformation of the club's fortunes and they now play Newcastle on Saturday in an FA Cup tie sitting top of the Championship and favourites to win promotion.


It is, though, with genuine affection that Bruce talks of Newcastle as he reflects on the biggest decision of his career in management.


"I am a typical Geordie, who is black and white through and through," he told the Sunday Express.


"You talk about big decisions in your life. To get the opportunity to manage them was probably the biggest compliment I've had in football.


"Bloody hell, Newcastle wanted me!


"It was the hardest decision I've had to make. But to have taken the job would have meant letting down the people here at Birmingham.


"I always wonder whether I've closed the door on a dream. As a player I'd always wanted to play for them and then I was given the chance to manage them."



Steve Bruce has never been offered the chance to manage Newcastle United




Shepherd told you that last time you were picking up your pay packet?


have you emailed your london journo mate who hates NUFC to dish the dirt on the club you say you support lately ?




Come on, tell us how you know Bruce wasn't offered the job, or admit that you don't know.


haha.......I thought you were stupid, now I know  mackems.gif

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