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Owen To Leave?

Dinho lad

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Wow you've found another loser that bases it on stadium size and the amount of times you filled the stadium :clap:. One guy on their actually describes Newcastle as a "giant" club with only one person on their questioning him mackems.gif.


Say something enough times and loud enough it becomes fact.



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Wow you've found another loser that bases it on stadium size and the amount of times you filled the stadium :clap:. One guy on their actually describes Newcastle as a "giant" club with only one person on their questioning him mackems.gif.


hahahahaahahaha!!! Its a good job most Toon fans have a good sense of humour.

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And personally I don't care what we may have won in the 60s, I'm only bothered about what my team have done in my life time.


Precisely, and doesn't that prove the point that different people measure it by different things, and that they relate most to things they've seen?


I've seen with my own eyes my club win the League and the European Cup. Does it bother me that it was before 1992? Nope. Is it lessened by the fact it was before 1992? Nope.


A 20 yr old Villa fan would have a different outlook entirely, probably, but that's not really surprising.



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And personally I don't care what we may have won in the 60s, I'm only bothered about what my team have done in my life time.


Precisely, and doesn't that prove the point that different people measure it by different things, and that they relate most to things they've seen?


I've seen with my own eyes my club win the League and the European Cup. Does it bother me that it was before 1992? Nope. Is it lessened by the fact it was before 1992? Nope.


A 20 yr old Villa fan would have a different outlook entirely, probably, but that's not really surprising.




Tbh I think we are saying the same thing in different ways!

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And personally I don't care what we may have won in the 60s, I'm only bothered about what my team have done in my life time.


Precisely, and doesn't that prove the point that different people measure it by different things, and that they relate most to things they've seen?


I've seen with my own eyes my club win the League and the European Cup. Does it bother me that it was before 1992? Nope. Is it lessened by the fact it was before 1992? Nope.


A 20 yr old Villa fan would have a different outlook entirely, probably, but that's not really surprising.




Tbh I think we are saying the same thing in different ways!


I think you're probably right, tbh  :thup:

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Guest Gemmill

Turning the swear filter on should at least account for 85% of the content of Stevie's posts on the matter. :razz:

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