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Players for the Big Stage


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Roeder talked about bringing players with the right mentality; Souness did before blindly signing players touted by his favourite agent. Sam's first two signings might not have you leaping out of your chair but you would fancy both Barton and Viduka to rise to the occasion.


Is this winner mentality something too many Newcastle sides have lacked in the past?



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Absolutley. The problem is that we have been signing squad players from champion sides, when we should be signing hungry players which stand out in theor otherwise average sides. (Ben haim, Barton, Viduka, Baines).

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Guest gggg

Sams mentality will help the players on the big stage, just look at how many times Bolton beat the big 4 Sams positivity and confidence will have played a major part in getting the players up for it. The total opposite of Roeder.



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I don't think it's all about managers, picking the right players is also key. Boumsong had loads of ability but didn't seem to relish the spotlight. Barton and Viduka on the other hand would probably love it which makes me think they'll do quite well here.



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Absolutley. The problem is that we have been signing squad players from champion sides, when we should be signing hungry players which stand out in theor otherwise average sides. (Ben haim, Barton, Viduka, Baines).


I agree. Souness in particular assembled a squad of top 4/CL regular squad players. I believe we should go down the SBR path again, big transfer fees for young players on low wages.

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Guest nufc_geordie

Isn't that what Sam said on the first day he came to Newcastle? It's not about signing big names, it's about signing playerts who can perform infront of 52000 fans every week. I 100% agree with this. Boumsong for his abilities seemed to fall apart infront of the huge crowds when the pressure was on. Another is Bramble for me. The talent is their but under pressure he cracks!


Keep up the good work Sam~!

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The last two managers we sh!t, the players got no inspiration from either of them.  This has now changed, expect a lot more effot and more fight away from home from now on.



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Guest teepee

i've got to say that i don't completely agree - although i think that both barton and viduka are good players - and perhaps players we need - neither is the player that can transform us into a medal-challenging side.


i'm happy that they are here, don't get me wrong, but we need to sit our sights even higher in the future. but players like these are necessary for us, and we have certainly lacked will and determinations since shearer, speed, rob lee etc. left us.

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It's true that these players aren't players the Champions league sides would be signing, and when Ashley hands Allardyce a whopping war chest, expectations will go to another level. But for the net outlay, these are very good signings and importantly, will relish playing in front of a packed St James'.


We have spent zillions on players with fantastic technique who look great on paper but go missing when the going gets tough in the past. Is that likely to happen with Barton, Viduka or Haim if he arrives? Now if we can get some defenders in who are prepared to shout at their team mates we might start actually looking like a team rather than a collection of expensively assembled individuals.





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Is this winner mentality something too many Newcastle sides have lacked in the past?

I think it's a question of confidence in yourself and, more importantly, in the manager and his game plan. If you have an idiot at the helm, that permeates through the team.


Allardyce has a fantastic track record for getting the best out of his players, even the most unstable nutters, and he has a very clear idea of what is expected.


You'll be a completely different proposition this season.


Obviously, you need players with mental strength, too (compare Gerrard and Henry's records in big games), but that doesn't help one iota if the players have little confidence in the manager.

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Guest Sheriff John Bunnell (Ret

I'm sure that the vast majority of our players have all wanted to win but what it comes down to is the manager's ability to get the best out of his players and make them believe they can do it.... Souness and Roeder lacked the man management required for a 'top club'! Big Sam has proven he is amongst the best in the business at getting the most out of his players... Roll on next season, i cant wait :D

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The most important appointment any club can make is the manager. I have a lot confidence in Sam than his two predecessors. All we need now is a defence and then I will enjoy games at SJP again. It is over two years ago since I last really ,really enjoyed a game.

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Guest kmdnufc

Roeder talked about bringing players with the right mentality; Souness did before blindly signing players touted by his favourite agent. Sam's first two signings might not have you leaping out of your chair but you would fancy both Barton and Viduka to rise to the occasion.


Is this winner mentality something too many Newcastle sides have lacked in the past?



We haven't signed Barton yet. He wants a £300,000 pay-off from City and they aren't giving it to him.

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Is this winner mentality something too many Newcastle sides have lacked in the past?

I think it's a question of confidence in yourself and, more importantly, in the manager and his game plan. If you have an idiot at the helm, that permeates through the team.


Allardyce has a fantastic track record for getting the best out of his players, even the most unstable nutters, and he has a very clear idea of what is expected.


You'll be a completely different proposition this season.


Obviously, you need players with mental strength, too (compare Gerrard and Henry's records in big games), but that doesn't help one iota if the players have little confidence in the manager.


The thought of Barton playing under the wobbly stewardship of Roeder chills the blood tbh. I would be hoping more for a Ferguson/Keane scenario developing at Newcastle with some proper leadership.



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