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Song for Viduka

Guest Nappy Rash

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Guest Nappy Rash

As Im bored and Im a creative genius I thought I'd welcome the Fat Aussie Bastard with a song for when his goals have us flying up the league


You know the tune


Oh the Grand old Duke of Oz,

He ate ten thousand pies,

He took us to the top of the Prem,

And we're never coming down again,


And when he was Fat he was shit,

But when he was thin he was mint,

But when Fat Sam gets him on a diet he'll never be fat again.




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Guest Nappy Rash

Some definite MENSA members in here like.


The Cyber Traffic Warden has just lowered the IQ count :'(

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Guest Geordiecunny

Why are people slagging off Viduka?


Because he is fat and not good enough, I think thats the reason anyway.


So scoring 19 goals at BORO in a shite team and coming on a free isn't good enough?

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Guest Nappy Rash

Why are people slagging off Viduka?


Because some people are never happy, they're a new breed of fan, evolved since SKY.


My song was meant to a pisstake, he's a cracking player and will hopefully prove to be a great foil for Owen / Oba  :celb:

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Why are people slagging off Viduka?


Because he is fat and not good enough, I think thats the reason anyway.


So scoring 19 goals at BORO in a shite team and coming on a free isn't good enough?


Certainly good enough for me but then I don't feel the need to moan about everything.

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Guest Invicta_Toon

he wasn't good enough for most when Roeder went for him



he's a fat lazy aussie wanker

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