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The New Anfield.

Optimistic Nut

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It's absolutely stupid that Liverpool and Everton didn't get together to build a joint stadium. Likewise Arsenal and Spurs.


Why? If Sunderland were based in Newcastle there's no way i'd want them in the same ground.


Newcastle and Sunderland are different cities. The other clubs are within less than a mile of one another, in the same city. There'd have been a bit of grumbling from both sets of supporters, but after a few months everyone would be used to the idea. Does it affect the Milan clubs in a bad way?

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Italy is totally different because the clubs don't own the stadiums, the stadiums were built for Italia 90 and are owned by the council which the clubs rent back off them. They don't have a choice.


And I meant if Sunderland were a club from Newcastle i wouldnt be happy and nobody would in this country because that's not how it works over here.

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only reason for ground sharing is if your skint and need to raise capital and I dont think either pool or everton are cash strapped never going to happen and glad it doesnt every club deserves a place to call its own. Could never see us changing our ground name to "st james's stadium of light".

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It's absolutely stupid that Liverpool and Everton didn't get together to build a joint stadium. Likewise Arsenal and Spurs.


See, if you support a club that doesn't have rivals *in the same city* you're more likely to have that kind of approach, but if you share your city with a rival (or in our case, two), the idea of having the gurning, knuckle-dragging, under-evolved scum anywhere near your historic ground is about as appealing as a jab up the shitter with a red hot poker, no matter what kind of financial sense it may make.


I don't even like having them here for the derby game, let alone have them playing their home games there.


Actually, cup semi finals and the sight of the Holte End full of, say, Man United supporters used to make me come out in hives. The very notion of the bluescum there is just too awful to consider.


So, all in all, that's a "no" from me.

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It's absolutely stupid that Liverpool and Everton didn't get together to build a joint stadium. Likewise Arsenal and Spurs.


See, if you support a club that doesn't have rivals *in the same city* you're more likely to have that kind of approach, but if you share your city with a rival (or in our case, two), the idea of having the gurning, knuckle-dragging, under-evolved scum anywhere near your historic ground is about as appealing as a jab up the shitter with a red hot poker, no matter what kind of financial sense it may make.


I don't even like having them here for the derby game, let alone have them playing their home games there.


Actually, cup semi finals and the sight of the Holte End full of, say, Man United supporters used to make me come out in hives. The very notion of the bluescum there is just too awful to consider.


So, all in all, that's a "no" from me.


Completely agree. The stadiums a massive part of fans' collective identity. To share it with your biggest rivals would be unbearable. How could you take pride in a ground if theres fans you hate sitting in your seat half the time?

Its a horrible idea I always hate it when it gets suggested for any other clubs, obviously its something we never have to worry about, thank fuck.

what a load of bollocks bob.

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