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You're the manager - build your squad

Guest Knightrider

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Guest Knightrider

*warning this thread requires a degree of imagination, a few reads, and lots of thinking*


OK, you are Sam Allardyce from now until the first game of the new signing. You are binded by the following:


League finish target - 6th place, no lower. The new owner wants European football and so do the fans, anything less would be classed as a failure and may put your job on the line.


You only have £15m to spend because the new owners don't want to splash the cash until they clear club debts and complete their review. Money will be made available in January so you may scout players now and tie up some deals now for January. You have to buy good players you feel will be within your budget and who can help take the team to 6th place, cover injuries and generally strengthen the squad.


You can raise money with player sales, but having released a good number already, you are reluctant to release any more until you have brought more in and even then, you're only prepared to release 2 more players regardless of whether you sign any new players or not. You must decide which 2 you sell or whether to keep them, the decision is entirely yours.




You have already signed Barton, Rozental, Viduka and Geremi


The following players may miss the big kick-off: Duff, Taylor, Viduka, Barton, Emre, Babayaro


The following players have been released: Bramble, Gooch, O'Brien, Pav, Sibbers, Parker, Bernard, Moore


The following players are rumoured to be unhappy: Dyer, N'Zogbia


The following players have question marks over their future: Luque (just hasn't worked out), Martins (clause)


You can only sell 2 more players, although you can also keep them if you want.


You can convert any player to any position you feel they can be adapted to, called gap plugging.


You have £15m to spend.


Your report to Mr Ashley must cover:


Which two players do you want to sell: Names here please (you don't have to sell any or can sell 1)


Place a price on their head (a reasonable one) and list your reasons for selling.


Add the sales money to your new total transfer budget.


Bearing in mind who is injured, who is unhappy, who isn't good enough, list your targets and how much you are prepared to spend on them, you must also provide a back-up player in case your first target doesn't want to come, is overpriced or their club doesn't want to sell.


Which players do you plan on converting and to what position and why, list them and give your reasons.


Over to you, err, Sam.


*go on, have a bit of fun, or not*

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fucking hell, this will keep me from going to bed early, but what the hell, i have not gone to bed early in a few years anyway because of this forum and internet...these things can be quite fun. give an hour or two ;)

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Guest SwissMagpie

Buy: Hangeland 3M,Curtis Davies -8M,Baines 6M,Rb at 5 Million

Sell:Luque 4 Million,Carr 2 million.Luque- whants to leave.Carr is Shite

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Guest Knightrider

Aye, a break from the norm and testing for the mind, may also give you an insight into how hard it is to actually strengthen a squad. I do hope this thread gets a few replies, forum needs it IMO and I for one would be interested to read what others are thinking about the whole squad building process, in greater detail.

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Guest Knightrider

Buy: Hangeland 3M,Curtis Davies -8M,Baines 6M,Rb at 5 Million

Sell:Luque 4 Million,Carr 2 million


This isn't a fucking wishlist  :knuppel2:


Complete the task or go and play FM ;)

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Guest Knightrider

Curtis Davies is £11m and Luque is unsellable. Carr is worth only 0.5m.





Ye anarl  :knuppel2:



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Guest SwissMagpie


Sell Dyer - 7 Million.

Buy-Hangeland 2.5m,Davies 11m,Baines 6m and the rest for a RB.


Now whats wrong with that?! Perfect

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It's hard to do this here tbh, as if you're actually in SA's position you can find out how much certain players will cost you, whereas here it's pure speculation.


Also, nobody here has the scouting system that the actual manager has at his disposal...


Sorry, I'll give it a go later though. :lol:

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I don't usually do this fantasy football shite but here goes.


I'd sell Carr and Babayaro and try to get £1 million to bring my kitty to £16 million, I'd try to bring in Hyppia for £2 million and Lahm for £14 million, if not then I'd probably try and get Gallas who was moaning about Arsenal earlier in the month just after they lost Henry, try £6 million which is about right for a class 30 year old, leaving £10 million for a left back, try a bid for Bridge.

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Crikey. This is a cracking idea for a thread. Here goes.


Players to sell :

Kieron Dyer to West Ham for 5 million, if his heart was in it I'd keep him, but lets assume it isn't.

Ramage for 0.5 million to anyone, the rest of the bairns are passing him by


Players in :

Mikael Silvestre LB, CD (8 million), backup Wes Brown (6 million)

Brede Hangeland CD, DM? (3 million), backup ? (Hyppia if available)

Wayne Bridge LB (5 million), backup Moritz Volz (3 million)


And that's me done, 4 million in change. Reckon I might end up spending that to get one of the centrebacks though. Lineup on day 1 (assuming no new injuries and I'm in charge so it's 4-4-2)




Solano          Rozenhaal          Silvestre          Bridge



Milner            Butt                    Geremi            N Zogbia


                      Ameobi                Owen


Bench : Harper, Hangeland, Viduka, Martins, Luque


But with the hope of shifting Geremi to RB, and Solano to the bench when either Emre or Barton come back.

Ameobi and Owen get the nod on game 1 with Viduka and Martins expected to fight for their shirts

Buy another defender at Christmas. Other than that, as the injuries return things look ok.










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