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Emre must go.


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Chronicle don't think he'll be ready for the Bolton game, he's gone to Germany for treatment. We're starting to look thin already, if we let Dyer go we're down to the bare bones in central midfield and across the defence. Once again we just don't look ready for the new season. Two and a half weeks now until the season starts.

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I am really surprised that some of you want Emre out. He might not have performed extraordinarily well alst season but who has? He might be the only one with a magic touch (apart from Nobby perhaps) in the middle of the park. Definetely one of Europe's finest midfield maestros!


What has he done in the last 8 years to warrant such praise?


bringing inter at second place... at the last year of hector raul cuper managerial... one of moratti golden boy in  that time... emre career just drop like a water fall since mancini... just very few time of playing... one of 100 top footballer legend at pele's view....


How long ago was that?


1 season..... he just arrived... 1 season before he become first team regular player


That was before the injuries though right?


ditto!... but his injury are not as crocked as owen... just mancini quite doesn't like midget...


He's not what he used to be though I think you'd agree.


Injuries haven't ruined him mate, I think you're clutching at straws here tbh.


What's held him back is having 2 awful managers in Souness and Roader.


Yes Baggy that is partly true but is also true is that he while looking good he doesn't contribute much like the way I used to hide in the choir. :razz:


I think that depends on what you consider to be a contribution, he doesn't get many goals or assists if that's what you're referring to however he's a player that is capable of bringing more to the team than that, one thing that usually gets overlooked is how he drops deep to receive the simple ball from the defence so he can play it out from the back, he's a player that can keep the team ticking over with his ability to pass and move, he's someone who continuously looks for the ball in midfield, bringing others into the game and works his bollocks off most of the time closing down the opposition.


Teams need players like this, he's like an upgrade on Speed at Bolton last year and as part of a 3 man midfield he'll make a big contribution as to how we do in the league next season if he remains fit, sometimes you have to look deeper to find what contribution a player makes rather than stats on a website, look at the impact Carrick had on Spurs and Man Utd over the past few years but he's an unsung hero so to speak, I'm not saying Emre is as good as him but he's the same type of unsung hero to me.



Overall i agree with parkey some how.... he haven't perform yet for NUFC... and it's because the manager tactic... also player must follow manager... if he cannot perform on manager tactic.... then he should go... if cannot flourish under Big Sam he must go... but i still agree that he stay... at least this year under Big Sam... give him another opportunity... but if he still cannot perform ... he must go.... but i don't doubt his capabilities and what he can do....

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I am really surprised that some of you want Emre out. He might not have performed extraordinarily well alst season but who has? He might be the only one with a magic touch (apart from Nobby perhaps) in the middle of the park. Definetely one of Europe's finest midfield maestros!


What has he done in the last 8 years to warrant such praise?


bringing inter at second place... at the last year of hector raul cuper managerial... one of moratti golden boy in  that time... emre career just drop like a water fall since mancini... just very few time of playing... one of 100 top footballer legend at pele's view....


How long ago was that?


1 season..... he just arrived... 1 season before he become first team regular player


That was before the injuries though right?


ditto!... but his injury are not as crocked as owen... just mancini quite doesn't like midget...


He's not what he used to be though I think you'd agree.


Injuries haven't ruined him mate, I think you're clutching at straws here tbh.


What's held him back is having 2 awful managers in Souness and Roader.


Yes Baggy that is partly true but is also true is that he while looking good he doesn't contribute much like the way I used to hide in the choir. :razz:


I think that depends on what you consider to be a contribution, he doesn't get many goals or assists if that's what you're referring to however he's a player that is capable of bringing more to the team than that, one thing that usually gets overlooked is how he drops deep to receive the simple ball from the defence so he can play it out from the back, he's a player that can keep the team ticking over with his ability to pass and move, he's someone who continuously looks for the ball in midfield, bringing others into the game and works his bollocks off most of the time closing down the opposition.


Teams need players like this, he's like an upgrade on Speed at Bolton last year and as part of a 3 man midfield he'll make a big contribution as to how we do in the league next season if he remains fit, sometimes you have to look deeper to find what contribution a player makes rather than stats on a website, look at the impact Carrick had on Spurs and Man Utd over the past few years but he's an unsung hero so to speak, I'm not saying Emre is as good as him but he's the same type of unsung hero to me.



Overall i agree with parkey some how.... he haven't perform yet for NUFC... and it's because the manager tactic... also player must follow manager... if he cannot perform on manager tactic.... then he should go... if cannot flourish under Big Sam he must go... but i still agree that he stay... at least this year under Big Sam... give him another opportunity... but if he still cannot perform ... he must go.... but i don't doubt his capabilities and what he can do....


Should have just stopped there fella... :razz:

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I am really surprised that some of you want Emre out. He might not have performed extraordinarily well last season but who has? He might be the only one with a magic touch (apart from Nobby perhaps) in the middle of the park. Definitely one of Europe's finest midfield maestros!


hahahahaaha thats funny.


He showed fuck all of that magic touch so far, apart from an amazing takent for disappearing during big games.

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