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Mort sets the record straight

Guest sicko2ndbest

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Guest sicko2ndbest

Mort will take his time to do the job rightAug 2 2007





By Luke Edwards, The Journal



Chris Mort’s honeymoon as Newcastle United chairman has not lasted long but, as he told Luke Edwards, he is only just starting to get his hands warm as he attempts to end the decades of under-achievement at St James’s Park.


EVERY long journey begins with a single step and the man charged with the task of leading Newcastle United towards an exciting new era is more concerned with making the first move forward than where it might end up.


Chris Mort does not have the charisma of some Premier League chairmen and he does not have the football experience of others, but what he does have is a sharp mind and proven business acumen.


A lawyer by trade, Mort does not hurry his words or his judgements, he is careful and considered in his approach, but a cool exterior hides a burning determination to succeed.


Those expecting a rollercoaster ride of fast spending, showbiz signings and delicious soundbites might be disappointed with Newcastle’s new chairman, but those who want to see their football club finally have clear direction and a long-term plan should be thrilled by his presence in the boardroom. It is sometimes said a marriage heads downhill as soon as the honeymoon starts and, while Mort has no intention of ending his relationship with Newcastle in an acrimonious divorce, he will perhaps have some sympathy with those sentiments.



Barely were the new man’s feet under the desk in his new office when the first whispers of criticism began to be heard. He was criticised for a lack of spending in the transfer market as Sam Allardyce struggled to sign the defenders his squad desperately needs, sniped at for failing to move his family home to the North-East and questioned about his long-term commitment to the club, with rumours buzzing around the City that owner Mike Ashley would look to sell the club at a profit as quickly as possible.



“It is not a short-term project for Mike Ashley or myself and I want to put that to bed straight away,” said Mort, who has revealed he will spend the majority of his time in his office at St James’s Park, despite keeping his family home in London. “If you look at the companies Mike has bought, like Dunlop and Slazenger, he has developed them over a period of 20 years.



“He does small investments like he did in adidas, which he then sells on, but that is not a whole business, it’s a minority stake. He has bought an entire asset here and the plan is to develop it over a lengthy period of time, not turn things around quickly and sell it on again.



“We are here for the long term, this is a long-term project. We are looking at how to take the club forward over various timescales. We are looking at the short term, which is making sure the team is a strong as possible for the start of the Premier League season, which means getting the squad and staff right.



“Then there is the longer time frame, like property development, which we haven’t really looked at yet at all. We have to get the foundations right here to sustain long-term goals.”



Although long-term goals are fine, it is the strength of the squad for an assault on the Premier League on which Mort and manager Sam Allardyce will first be judged. With rumours of financial trouble limiting the funds made available to the manager and even talk of tension between the two men, Mort confirmed the club’s debt – perhaps conservatively estimated at £80m – is larger than they first believed. He was careful not to openly criticise the club’s former owners, but there was also the clear inference that things would be better managed in the future.



There was also an overt pledge that the necessary money would be made available to Allardyce to buy the players he wants. Mort said: “The calibre of player we want to bring in is someone with a lot of Premiership experience or Champions League experience and they are in short supply. We are at a stage where we don’t want to just bring players in to add to the squad, we want players who are going to be in the first team. We are not just trying to add numbers, we are trying to add quality. I think Sam and I are not that focused on the money side of things, we are just trying to bring in the right people. We are conscious we don’t want to overpay, or panic buy and so we are managing our funds properly. But we both know we are going to have to pay decent money to bring decent players in. We are certainly willing to spend the money we have to strengthen the squad and we are close to bringing in two or three players before the start of the season.”



He continued: “The debt was certainly higher than we thought. The club’s finances were not in as strong a position as we first thought when we arrived, but that’s something we will work with over a period of time. It obviously wasn’t a positive thing to find out that the business isn’t in as good a financial health as we believed. It’s not a criticism of the previous regime, their heart was in the right place to do what they could to bring success to the club, but we’ll look at the debt and get it to a level which is suitable for the size of the club and its revenue.



“It has not been a hindrance to what we are doing in the transfer market and for me the two are separate. We are doing lots of things on the financial side and buying players is just one of those, the debt is another. The debt has not stopped us from trying to buy the players we want to improve the squad.”



There were also further assurances for Allardyce he will be given the chance to construct the firm foundations needed to sustain long-term success at the club. Mort added: “The aim is to win that first trophy, of course, but we are not setting Sam any specific goals for this season or beyond. We appreciate there is lots of work to do with the squad and behind the scenes in terms of backroom staff support.



“We want to be heading in the right direction in the Premiership, but we haven’t said we want this finish or that finish. We want to have a team which is tough to beat and who other teams are wary of, but this is going to be a gradual process. Our ambitions are to take the club back into Europe, but this is just the first step forward. We are getting the foundations in place in the first team, but also across the whole of the club. We are not focusing too much on what happens in the first few weeks and months.”



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Guest Gemmill

This thread has just reminded me that I had a dream last night that I got into a taxi and Mort was the driver.  He spent the whole journey discussing who we were signing with the bloke on the CB thing that taxi drivers have. :lol:

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Guest Ridzuan

It always the same thing.We are looking for quality players and not just to add on to the team and that cash will be made available bla bla bla.Its time that they show us some signings or their talks will be uselss.

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He continued: “The debt was certainly higher than we thought. The club’s finances were not in as strong a position as we first thought when we arrived, but that’s something we will work with over a period of time. It obviously wasn’t a positive thing to find out that the business isn’t in as good a financial health as we believed. It’s not a criticism of the previous regime, their heart was in the right place to do what they could to bring success to the club, but we’ll look at the debt and get it to a level which is suitable for the size of the club and its revenue.



“It has not been a hindrance to what we are doing in the transfer market and for me the two are separate. We are doing lots of things on the financial side and buying players is just one of those, the debt is another. The debt has not stopped us from trying to buy the players we want to improve the squad.”


Interesting stuff.

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Guest Gemmill
Those expecting a rollercoaster ride of fast spending, showbiz signings and delicious soundbites might be disappointed with Newcastle’s new chairman, but those who want to see their football club finally have clear direction and a long-term plan should be thrilled by his presence in the boardroom.


This quote pretty much sums things up for me.  I'm in the second camp, but far too many remain in the first imo.

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Those expecting a rollercoaster ride of fast spending, showbiz signings and delicious soundbites might be disappointed with Newcastle’s new chairman, but those who want to see their football club finally have clear direction and a long-term plan should be thrilled by his presence in the boardroom.


This quote pretty much sums things up for me.  I'm in the second camp, but far too many remain in the first imo.


In the second camp??!!!??!!!!?? Alan Smith??!!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Has he forgotten we need DEFENDERS?!?!???!!!??!? [/stereotypical Newcastle Online member]

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Guest DazzaNufc1892

some people on here piss me right off. For months, sorry, years, you have all whinged, as indeed have i, that our ex-chairman, wouldnt keep himself out of the press. We now have somebody that when he took over, came out and spoke, then allowed himself to slip into the shadows, and run the club like a normal CEO. However, now people are whinging because our chairman doesntcome out each week and say we are going to sign a huge star and that "geordies have a special way". Make your mind up boys

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I always thought he was mute. Learn something new every day.


:lol: :lol:


To be fair, if I was a Newcastle fan, Mort is saying some of the things I'd be wanting to hear.  I think I'd be wanting to hear that the depth of the squad was being attended to as well as the quality.  The two aspects do have to go hand in hand.

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some people on here piss me right off. For months, sorry, years, you have all whinged, as indeed have i, that our ex-chairman, wouldnt keep himself out of the press. We now have somebody that when he took over, came out and spoke, then allowed himself to slip into the shadows, and run the club like a normal CEO. However, now people are whinging because our chairman doesntcome out each week and say we are going to sign a huge star and that "geordies have a special way". Make your mind up boys


Spot on.

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Guest Gemmill

some people on here piss me right off. For months, sorry, years, you have all whinged, as indeed have i, that our ex-chairman, wouldnt keep himself out of the press. We now have somebody that when he took over, came out and spoke, then allowed himself to slip into the shadows, and run the club like a normal CEO. However, now people are whinging because our chairman doesntcome out each week and say we are going to sign a huge star and that "geordies have a special way". Make your mind up boys


Aye.  Weird isn't it?  I love the fact that we barely hear from this bloke, but that when we do it's worth listening to.  Honestly the more this goes on the more I think the press/other fans are spot on in their assessment of a sizeable minority of our fans.  They want razzmatazz and soundbites more than they want a club that's run correctly.

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Those expecting a rollercoaster ride of fast spending, showbiz signings and delicious soundbites might be disappointed with Newcastle’s new chairman, but those who want to see their football club finally have clear direction and a long-term plan should be thrilled by his presence in the boardroom.


This quote pretty much sums things up for me.  I'm in the second camp, but far too many remain in the first imo.


A lot of people were took in by the rumoured £50 million the papers were banding about, they see other clubs splashing the cash and feel as if we're missing out.


Personally I'd be happy if we only signed a left back and a centre back this window, they could be more free transfers for all I care as long as they're good enough, not getting them would be a bollock dropped though and after last summer I won't be taking anything for granted until I see them with the shirt on.

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some people on here piss me right off. For months, sorry, years, you have all whinged, as indeed have i, that our ex-chairman, wouldnt keep himself out of the press. We now have somebody that when he took over, came out and spoke, then allowed himself to slip into the shadows, and run the club like a normal CEO. However, now people are whinging because our chairman doesntcome out each week and say we are going to sign a huge star and that "geordies have a special way". Make your mind up boys


Aye.  Weird isn't it?  I love the fact that we barely hear from this bloke, but that when we do it's worth listening to.  Honestly the more this goes on the more I think the press/other fans are spot on in their assessment of a sizeable minority of our fans.  They want razzmatazz and soundbites more than they want a club that's run correctly.


Agree totally with both the above.


I think this interview is excellent and actually addresses/answers all the non-quote filled shite stories in the press the last few days/weeks.


Silence and a plan - it's the future

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Guest Gemmill

Those expecting a rollercoaster ride of fast spending, showbiz signings and delicious soundbites might be disappointed with Newcastles new chairman, but those who want to see their football club finally have clear direction and a long-term plan should be thrilled by his presence in the boardroom.


This quote pretty much sums things up for me.  I'm in the second camp, but far too many remain in the first imo.


A lot of people were took in by the rumoured £50 million the papers were banding about, they see other clubs splashing the cash and feel as if we're missing out.


Personally I'd be happy if we only signed a left back and a centre back this window, they could be more free transfers for all I care as long as they're good enough, not getting them would be a bollock dropped though and after last summer I won't be taking anything for granted until I see them with the shirt on.


Aye I agree.  Like you, I think just getting a left back and a centre half in could make all the difference.  If we got a decent right back in too, all the better.  I think medium term, significant investment will be required and will be made, but I would sooner it was done in a slow and steady manner as long as I can see things going in the right direction.  We've done the quick-fix spending for years and it's got us nowhere.


I'm not taking the piss here btw, but have you been on a wind up for the last month or something, cos your outlook seems to have changed dramatically in the space of a few days.

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Guest Invicta_Toon

can we now retrospectively ban all the fuckwits linking debt/reviews to spending, and anyone uttering the phrase 'would be a good squad player'

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Guest Invicta_Toon

can we now retrospectively ban all the fuckwits


Another spell on the sidelines awaits, Vic.


you won't have found me spouting absolute shite about reviews and debts stopping transfers or that Sam had no money


did you?

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