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Sheff U to sue West Ham for £50,000,000


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Guest Taylor

To be fair though the amount of money they have lost out of the whole afair is a good reason not to get over it. West Ham would be doing the same if it happened the other way round.

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Guest Geordiesned

I suppose this can't get them reinstated in the Premier League and could take a fair wedge off the slaphead biscuit man so it's not all bad.

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Guest DazzaNufc1892

they deserve it because they initially breached the rules, which if you get away with it, im all for, anything to win. But then they was stupid enough to say they owned the player later on in the season, when joorabchin had a document saying they didnt, it smacks of sheer stupidity that they thought they could get away with this 1. You can try and pull the wool over peoples eyes once, maybe even twice, but attempting it for a third time is taking the piss slightly tbh

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Guest lebowski

Westham blatantly cheated and the Premiership didn't have the kahunas to dock Westham the points that everybody knew they should. WHU are still up to shitty tricks this season with more than 1 club accusing them of tapping up players.


It was always on the cards that this would happen as it was the only recourse left to Sheffield United. Hope the courts have the courage to do what the Premiership didn't. Small consolation to the fans though.

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Guest firetotheworks

It is starting to get a bit annoying now but I dont blame Sheff Utd in the slightest. Hope they succeed.

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