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  1. Disco

    Copa America

    Brazil being a bunch of catastrophic failures on penalties is something you always love to see.
  2. Disco

    Copa America

    I wouldn’t mind if it was consistent tbf and I absolutely hate ham accents n all so I’m just being a whinging cunt tbf.
  3. Disco

    Copa America

    From all the games I’ve seen the pitches have been absolutely shite. This is delightfully bad tempered.
  4. Disco

    Copa America

    Should 1-0 Uruguay (and then again Brazil)
  5. Disco

    Copa America

    I think that’s what I might have had. Best thing is the pronunciations were completely at odds with the game against the States.
  6. Disco

    Copa America

    Please learn how to pronounce Uruguay before 2026. I don’t ask much but it’s sickening.
  7. You’re all off your tits it’s been solidly good. Groups stages was quality as have plenty of the knockouts plus: Unfancied teams doing well and living their best lives for a long time Better fancied teams being shit Players announcing themselves Last minute goals aplenty Atmosphere being consistently absolutely amazing Tense knockout games all over the show Worse than WC2010 FFS, that was borderline unwatchable. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
  8. So often wrong too. Was on the other week that Chelsea should pull out of Europe as they might lose money on home games. What the actual fuck are you on about you daft cunt?
  9. Assumed he was still there tbh. What a coup.
  10. Isn’t he barred from the US or is that just a popular myth?
  11. Absolutely despise Deschamps as a player but my lord he’s eclipsed that something rotten.
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