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Rob W

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Posts posted by Rob W

  1. Last year they did (accidently) for Cech at the start of the season


    This year they've already done for Rooney (accidently of course)



    And they have Chelski (maybe Drogba - accidently) this week  ................................    :knuppel2: :knuppel2: :knuppel2: :knuppel2:

  2. lets be really revolutionary and go back to NO subs


    that would help level the playing field bewteen clubs with loads of cash and dozens of good players and the less well off,


    it would cut the amount of cash we spend on replica shirts


    it would go back to the original idea of ELEVEN players a side not 18 , or 22 or 38 or 54


    if you want to see subs F*** off and watch American Football




  3. brings teasr to the eyes


    Mad Sir Alex claimign they couldn't win as they "didn't have anyone to play central striker"


    and this from a man who spent £ 50 million this year......................

  4. I am a fund manager and have invested in equities in Asia and have to say, under Thaksin, Thailand was in better economical state and the country was far more investment friendly than the current dire state.  Many investors have concurred with me and hope that it can get itself together to return as one of the darling markets alongside China, Vietnam, India and Singapore. Yes I think he is corrupted but he made the country far more prosperous than it can be in its history...now it is just a shambles market to invest.






    There are claims that Singapore's laundered money from Indonesia right after Suharto was overthrown. It's prosperous all right, but does that make everything that's wrong, right?

    So what if Thaksin - or anyone, as a matter of fact - is corrupt, so long as he brings in the money, no?


    I'm sorry, but if that's the prevailing attitude of the Premiership and its fans these days, then good luck, cos this is no longer a "beautiful game".


    Singapore is many things but corruption is not one of them - they will sue you shitless for suggesting it AND make you turn up in court to show your  "evidence".  One of the reasons it IS sucessful is because its the only place in Asia that isn't corrupt


    Thailand is something else ...... . and Indonesia is beyond hope

  5. You click on teh tab User Predictions for date range, selct a set of dates and stick in your guesswork


    when you save it go to  the User table and see what it looks like


    During the season up date the results with Enter results or Enter results for date range when you  clicky on the various tables they all update..........................

  6. Nor should it. Free movement of people and labour is one of the main principles of the EU.


    Like I said before - this is a football site, so I won't debate the EU with you here.

    Suffice be it to say, I think it was the worst thing the UK ever did to join it - Britain is an outward-looking nation(or was), with links throughout the world.

    There is not ONE thing that has been of major benefit to the country, and it costs the country billions evert year.

    You have your view - I've got mine & thank goodness  I don't live there anymore..


    if its so bad why did every political party and business want to join?


    and why have they kept us in???


    we still have the world-wide links (Afghanistan, Iraq, Falklands, Cyprus....) and are one of teh world's biggest exporters


    what you mean is you don't want any change


  7. we went wrong soemwhere - a few years ago we had a load of talent (Dyer, Jenas, Chopra, teh Portuguese kid)


    and yet none of them have really come through


    aa blame Souness me'sel like

  8. never liked him myself - grossly overrrated IMHO -  but I agree you can't fault him for effort


    the other thing that  surprised me is that he's only 26 - he's been around so long I thought he was about 31


    IF he works out there could be 6- 8 years of top flight football still ahead of him

  9. There is a basic problem here tho'


    as supporters we want ALL the cash spent on the club but we also expect rich guys to put up money  - and then take nothing out


    if I had £ 100 million in the club as an investment I'd want it to make at least 5% (and that is being very very generous)




    the previous owners made ~500%, not counting the money they made on subsequently selling shares. So if Ashley is the same he'll be looking to take out £500m  :rolleyes:


    more! he's a better businessman than fat Fred

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