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Posts posted by Cajun

  1. Am really not happy with the loss on this guy.


    £500k? What a bunch of muppets we are.


    I know i'll get wrong for saying it, but should we not at least resign his deal for another season, boost the price of those wanting?


    Problem is he wont IMO attract any premiership clubs, so were never gonna get much for him, Signing him up for another year is a waste of 1m-2m(?) in wages that we will never recoupe in a transfer for him.




    Best thing is to get a high % of next sale in there.


    So if he does come good we get some back.


    £4m back for Boumsong & Bramble when we paid £13.5m is unreal.



    Maybe we can get some sort of clause that gives us say £50k for every goal his new club concededs due to a Bramble error!?


    I don't think Chelsea would be interested tbh

  2. you've proper lost everyone on Teessides respect after yesterday.


    As opposed to "fake" losing the respect of everyone?


    Shouldn't you be out sending letters of apology to the residents of Teeside?


    I should:


    Dear Mutants and Paedos...




    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  3. BUT DO NOT SELL HIM TO ANYONE, until we have his replacement in!


    Why not exactly? if we have an offer of anything of the likes of 1.5m + we should rip their arms off and now. He's proven to be a liability... What's the point of having a back up like that? he should have no more future here, get rid simple as.


    Because we will be even more open for an arse rapeing of we are another CB down before we buy one!

  4. He seems a good pro from his interviews, I will put it down to a settling in period and being in and out of the team at Chelsea. Bellamy hasnt quite hit the heights at pool yet so it shows some good players already in the league can still take a while to adapt.

  5. I've never deemed Shola a striker let alone a footballer. He's been crap from the very start, but when you get stupid managers saying they love shola you know what to expect.

    From the very start when I read that GR loves Shola I thought 'Oh no'....why, just what hold has the gormless, totally useless cretin got on this club????  a dicky hip-don't make me laugh! a dicky bloody brain more like.


    GR constantly playing Shola will be the death knell of this club.


    Ya bugger, they even let Chopra go without giving him any chances what so ever-and he's still scoring goals for fun!


    Yeah scoring goals in the championship where as Ameobi has been scoring consistantly under Roeder over a lot longer period at a higher level.


    I  have never claimed Shola to be top class or even good but some people need to get their head out of their arses and realise the grass isnt greener on every other side!


    Won't be long till we have "that John Stead scored today, better than Shola" oh no we had that last summer  :lol:

  6. Hey Geyjon - thanks for giving me a laff with your "not a cockney or a hom" sig

    God allmighty - we need a laff when our team is such shit at the minute, thanks to the Duncenamic Duo of Shepherd and Roeder....


    No worries although I didn't think it was that funny. Pleased to amuse though  bluebiggrin.gif

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