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Posts posted by Cajun

  1. More chance of us going for Martin Taylor the Ashington lad.


    Was thinking about the hype "Big" Martin Taylor got when he first came on the scene for Blackburn.


    What happened to the other two Souness brought through there? (McEverley & Gallagher).


    I think McEverley gets a game every now and then (was supposed to be the next big thing) and Gallagher MAY be out on loan although I think he may have played a game or 2 back  :lol:


    Basically not lived up to the hype  bluebiggrin.gif

  2. I prefer Milner, Ambrose can run fast and score a good goal but as said there is a reason why "less end product than Dyer" Rommedhal is getting a game ahead of him!


    Milner was class for Villa last season, its no real surpise he hasnt put in those sort of performances for us with the way he has been dropped after good games etc... and the way he was treated the last game of the season!

  3. I couldn't give a **** whether Ameobi's Geordie or not, fact is he's scored lots of goals under Roeder. Luque, on the other hand has looked total shit, and completely uninterested. I'm not sure where you get this idea from that he'll burst into life and start banging them in.


    I don't particularly agree with the way Roeder has treated Luque, but to use that as a way of justifying being happy our current top goalscorer is crocked is mental.


    The fact that he's our top goalscorer tells it's own story when you consider how ****ing toothless we are with him up front ffs. He's part of the ****ing reason that we don't score anymore!


    This whole "Luque has looked disinterested" shit is something I'm not buying either. Everytime I've seen him play he's looked like he's trying. But let's pretend he's not trying cos he doesn't fly into tackles like ****ing Scott Parker.


    Ameobi has scored 'lots' of goals under Roeder is ****ing bullshit. He's scored a few, mainly goals that any other striker would have scored had he been playing, as well as more probably.


    The idea that Luque 'will burst to life' isn't a certainty. But he's certainly PROVED before that he's capable, unlike Shola, and where the **** is the logic in dropping him because he didn't make an instant impact?


    I'm pleased that Shola is injured, because it's (hopefully) giving a more able player a deserved chance, afterall, Shola had plenty of undeserved ones.


    He has scored a goal every over game under Roeder and got a few assists aswell, what more do you want? Thats pretty good for someone who "wouldnt get into a pub team!"


    Its like being excited that your old Fiesta has broken down because now you can bike the 27 mile round trip to work!

  4. Good, as a couple of others have said VERY average!


    Yes he is better than what we have but then if we want to actually progress we need to go for a lot better than we have and Upson isnt that player! Plus he isnt the leader we need!

  5. Deserved 1-0 Win.


    Luque played an hour and looked about as interested as Freddy Shepherd is in Slim Fast.


    We must be thinking of a different Luque, the one I was reading about in the Shola thread deserves a chance and will work his knackers off for this team!


    Shola out!

  6. Boumsong is a French international defender, lets sign him up.


    You are right Gemmill, usual patter "no ability at all, would struggle in a pub team blah blah blah".


    Of course 3 managers just let him stay in the side because he was a geordie, thats why that Geordie Bramble is getting games ahead of Taylor.

  7. For those who are probably just finishing themselves off over the news, please tell me who exactly in our squad has looked more likely to get us goals since Roeder took over?


    How do we know, when they haven't been given the appropriate chances?


    Nope you have won me over, we defo should have dropped Shola when he was scoring an average of a goal every other game for that lazy spaniards who has never looked arsed!




    Cos Shola is the SPRINTING KING. Never ****ing stops that lad. Luque is PURE lazy and shola's work ethic is 10/10!


    You win I lose, off to watch the soaps! Ciao!


    He works harder than Luque and plays through blisters and injuries that Luque probably wouldnt even leave the home for so gets my vote!

  8. For those who are probably just finishing themselves off over the news, please tell me who exactly in our squad has looked more likely to get us goals since Roeder took over?


    How do we know, when they haven't been given the appropriate chances?


    Nope you have won me over, we defo should have dropped Shola when he was scoring an average of a goal every other game for that lazy spaniards who has never looked arsed!



  9. Seriously though, can you remember Shola crafting himself out a goal? A goal scored because of Shola? I can't.


    All I seem to recollect about the goals he scores is that a schoolboy could have scored in the same situation.


    And in other areas of his game... :lol:


    I remember shola scoring goals and i also remember a very good assist for Parker this season.




    Shola is the only one since Roeder took over who has looked like putting them away on a regular basis so how some are happy he is injured is beyond me!




    Yes, youre quite right. Now that you've put it in block capitals it all slots into place. What were we all thinking about questioning such reasoned debate.






    how these people even swith the computer on is something im still trying to work out!

  10. Seriously though, can you remember Shola crafting himself out a goal? A goal scored because of Shola? I can't.


    All I seem to recollect about the goals he scores is that a schoolboy could have scored in the same situation.


    And in other areas of his game... :lol:


    I remember shola scoring goals and i also remember a very good assist for Parker this season.




    Shola is the only one since Roeder took over who has looked like putting them away on a regular basis so how some are happy he is injured is beyond me!

  11. Can I be the first to say.


    ****ING GET THE **** IN.


    Aye great that, no strikers.




    Shola injured or fit, we have no strikers.


    Play Harper up front, be more effective.


    Bascially some up how far some peoples head goes up their arse when they have it in for a player. Im sure Shola got lucky every goal he has scored since Roeder took over  :thup:

  12. Maybe these are the sort of players we should be going after nowadays. We've blown millions of pounds on foreigners and alledgedly-brilliants who just haven't worked out. Your Fergusons, your Vianas, your Luques, your Marcelinos, your Guivarchs, your Martins (some might say) - and they just don't work. You look at the squad Keegan built and the budgets he had. Andy Cole, prime example, cost £1.75m and look what he did for us!


    Maybe these are the sort of players we should be going after? People such as Davies and Nugent and Upson, who have experience and quality yet still have a lot of fire in their belly. You look at the likes of Wigan and Portsmouth and Bolton and Reading who have built good teams on these sort of budgets, and have got very far and done well.


    Nugent's got class in my eyes anyway - a key figure in a very good Preston side this year. I think that there's every chance that we've got another Andy Johnson or Darren Bent here, as apposed to a Gzegorsz Rasiak for instance. He's young and i bet he'll turn into a damned good player.


    I rate Matthew Upson aswell, as i've said before. When he was in the Premiership he was always one of those just on the brink of the England squad. Plenty of decent attributes, just well down the pecking order.


    Those guys could improve our squad no end. Unfortunately, we ain't quite got the manager to turn them into brilliant players... a la Keegan-Cole.


    Don't rate Upson and when is the last time he was around the England set up? Brum only got relegated last season and I dont remember Upson being around it recently! Better than what we have but not what we need, always looked as though he needs someone to comand him which we have enough of already!

  13. Currently it is.


    If the strikers were all fit and back to their former selves then it'd be alright.


    You honestly believe that, don't you?


    Owen, Martins and wait for it...Shola all fit and theirselves and we wouldnt be having threads like this.


    Owen and Martins would be a shit partnership, and if Shola being 'himself' is exactly what we don't want.


    I can't see into the future but I will take your word for it.


    Owen + Martins, more muscles in the dead sea.


    Where as Henry and Van Persie are muscle men (not comparing their ability before you jump on it)


    IF we played football they could work well, Owen is very clever positionally and with his instincts and Martins is a lot about beating a man with pure pace and believe it or not he does have strength in his small frame, also has a great leap. No reason why they couldn't work but i suppose if football is like:


    Small + Small = doesnt work


    then i agree with you  :roll:


    Don't think I've seen that attribute from him yet.


    If the team played to it we would! Its either a ball straight to him which he has to battle a defender 3ft taller than him to get or a ball 30 yards in front of him travelling about 70mph!


    I was speaking to someone yesterday and ironically the only times we have been playing the sort of football Martins would benefit from are the times he hasnt been in the f*cking pitch!  blueupset.gif

  14. Normally as a player gets older, they can compensate for losing a bit of pace and stamina by an increase in their ability to use their football brain. Which is the problem with Beckham.


    Beckhams footballing brain along with his mamouth energy are his biggest pluses!

  15. Currently it is.


    If the strikers were all fit and back to their former selves then it'd be alright.


    You honestly believe that, don't you?


    Owen, Martins and wait for it...Shola all fit and theirselves and we wouldnt be having threads like this.


    Owen and Martins would be a shit partnership, and if Shola being 'himself' is exactly what we don't want.


    I can't see into the future but I will take your word for it.


    Owen + Martins, more muscles in the dead sea.


    Where as Henry and Van Persie are muscle men (not comparing their ability before you jump on it)


    IF we played football they could work well, Owen is very clever positionally and with his instincts and Martins is a lot about beating a man with pure pace and believe it or not he does have strength in his small frame, also has a great leap. No reason why they couldn't work but i suppose if football is like:


    Small + Small = doesnt work


    then i agree with you  :roll:

  16. Currently it is.


    If the strikers were all fit and back to their former selves then it'd be alright.


    You honestly believe that, don't you?


    Owen, Martins and wait for it...Shola all fit and theirselves and we wouldnt be having threads like this.


    Owen and Martins would be a shit partnership, and if Shola being 'himself' is exactly what we don't want.


    I can't see into the future but I will take your word for it.

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