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Posts posted by Cajun

  1. Currently it is.


    If the strikers were all fit and back to their former selves then it'd be alright.


    You honestly believe that, don't you?


    Owen, Martins and wait for it...Shola all fit and theirselves and we wouldnt be having threads like this.

  2. Struggling to get over an injury, I thought.


    Ah right, possibly because that Mwuwawarararwari wouldnt be first choice I would have thought but Kanu/Cole?


    Point is, where we SHOULD be then Lua Lua SHOULDN'T be better than 3rd/4th choice. Same as Shola.

  3. Ridgewell has never really impressed me in the past, maybe having a good season but I wouldnt swap.


    Who do you have upfront for you at the moment? Angel is decent enough but Baros is a headless chicken. Would rather have Martins, yes he hasn't completely settled yet but I would have more confidence in him improving than Baros. Always thought Barry was quite average aswell if im honest. Forgot about Petrov who I would take.


    Ridgewell hadnt impressed anyone until this season, but thus far has been nothing short of awesome. Him and McCann are the two best examples of MON improving players hugely. Barry has been consistently good for a long time now and has been excellent this season, too.


    We did have a three man attack, Agbonlahor and Luke Moore (these two are incredible prospects) and Angel in the middle which worked excellently. then Moore got injured and Baros was brought in. He's still struggling for fitness to be honest.


    I wouldn't swap Agbonlahor and Moore for anyone, to be honest, they're both so promising and pacey, but I'd glady see Baros go, and Angel replaced too (more reluctantly). This will happen in Jan if the right people are available. I wouldn't want to replace them with Martins, though (assuming the price was as it was).


    That's not to say he isn't an exciting prospect, he is. Just that the kind of striker we need is the kind who will start scoring goals straight away. Much like you.


    Forgot about Moore too  :lol: As you said he is out for a while though so i will let myself off  bluewink.gif


    Not saying this will happen to Ridgewell but when Souness took over one of the pluses that came during the start of his reign was Bramble finally looking the player he could be, was putting in some good games and people were putting this down to Souness, didnt last!


    I know what you mean about Martins, I still have faith he will come through and I do want someone who will do the business straight away but as Bellamy showed in his early Liverpool days even proven players in this league can struggle to adapt to a new team.


    End of the day you have the manager who will get the best out of players, give us Martin O'Neill and maybe the likes of Bramble, Taylor, Ramage et all would be putting in improved performances.

  4. Also spied some chat in the papers today about Crewe's Luke Varney being a target for us - I don't keep up with the Championship, anyone know anything about this player? Any good?


    24 years old, only seen him in that cup game, seemed to win every header, had quick feet and scored a decent goal but im always a bit cautious about a player who has gotten to that age and is still player in the 3rd tier of English football.


    Didn't Lua Lua come from the 3rd tier?


    Colchester, was quite lucky to get the money back. Decent enough at the level he went to but I think he is 3rd or 4th choice now?

  5. Also spied some chat in the papers today about Crewe's Luke Varney being a target for us - I don't keep up with the Championship, anyone know anything about this player? Any good?


    24 years old, only seen him in that cup game, seemed to win every header, had quick feet and scored a decent goal but im always a bit cautious about a player who has gotten to that age and is still player in the 3rd tier of English football.

  6. I do think we have a better squad, im not one that has slated out Midfield, infact i probably stick up for them more than most. Our attackers arent that bad but we could do with a natural finisher but then so could Villa. They probably have 2 defenders I would like but other than that I would prefer ours.


    I think that's debatable. O'Dreary made a half decent squad look rubbish last year. The only Newcastle players I'd put into the Villa side would be N'Zogbia, Parker, Given and Milner. And obv a fit Owen, but such a thing doesn't exist. I certainly wouldn't take any of your defenders. The last time we did that, it was Hughes, and you're more than welcome to have him back.


    Overall, I'd say the Newcastle and Villa squads are both average to decent, but really nothing to write home about. The difference is, Roeder doesn't seem to have the first idea how to get the best out of them.


    Watching him motionless on the touchline yesterday was spookily reminiscent of watching O'Leary last year.



    Each to their own, I reckon I would probably take Mellberg, Bouma (possibly), Laursen (if he stayed fit, doubt it) and that young striker of yours. As you have pointed out Hughes isnt much very good, would take Taylor over Ridgewell.


    You wouldnt take Duff, Martins and Emre?


    Wouldnt take Ridgewell? He's been the best of the defenders so far this season  by far, and was top defender in the country in those Actim stat things, at least until this week. Bouma has hardly played. And what about Gareth Barry?


    Where does Taylor play? If it is at right back, I'd take him to replace Hughes, who is utterly dire.


    I wouldn't take Emre, no. Certainly not if the choice were between him an Petrov. Assuming there is some cost element involved, I would certainly not take Martins - 10m for a bit of promise? Duff I would have taken prior to this season. Believe it or not, probably our best player this season has been McCann, who has been absolutely awesome (his injury has coincided with our loss of form).


    But obv, he's a former mackem so I wouldn't expect you to take him ;-)




    Ridgewell has never really impressed me in the past, maybe having a good season but I wouldnt swap.


    Who do you have upfront for you at the moment? Angel is decent enough but Baros is a headless chicken. Would rather have Martins, yes he hasn't completely settled yet but I would have more confidence in him improving than Baros.


    Always thought Barry was quite average aswell if im honest. Forgot about Petrov who I would take.

  7. I do think we have a better squad, im not one that has slated out Midfield, infact i probably stick up for them more than most. Our attackers arent that bad but we could do with a natural finisher but then so could Villa. They probably have 2 defenders I would like but other than that I would prefer ours.


    I think that's debatable. O'Dreary made a half decent squad look rubbish last year. The only Newcastle players I'd put into the Villa side would be N'Zogbia, Parker, Given and Milner. And obv a fit Owen, but such a thing doesn't exist. I certainly wouldn't take any of your defenders. The last time we did that, it was Hughes, and you're more than welcome to have him back.


    Overall, I'd say the Newcastle and Villa squads are both average to decent, but really nothing to write home about. The difference is, Roeder doesn't seem to have the first idea how to get the best out of them.


    Watching him motionless on the touchline yesterday was spookily reminiscent of watching O'Leary last year.



    Each to their own, I reckon I would probably take Mellberg, Bouma (possibly), Laursen (if he stayed fit, doubt it) and that young striker of yours. As you have pointed out Hughes isnt much very good, would take Taylor over Ridgewell.


    You wouldnt take Duff, Martins and Emre?

  8. bluelaugh.gif


    You are really setting yourself up here, Invicta - if you think Roeder would have achieved the unbeaten run with Villa that MON has, esp after very little transfer activity and just arriving at the club a few weeks prior to the season, you've got to be dreaming.


    You are entitled to your opinion, but I am willing to bet that you will have to eat your words within 2 years....


    O'Neill - gained relative success with ALL his clubs ; Roeder - relegated most of his..


    It a No-brainer.




    just have a look at the results and tell me if that is an 'amazing unbeaten run', or a few wins against shite teams and a bunch of draws.


    first test and he failed. Woefully.


    And I say again, at the start of the season, none of you would have said Roeder wasn't capable of the same kind of run.


    Wasn't Arsenal a test then?


    From most sources Liverpool played the best football they have in a long while!



    The Arse have dropped points at home against Everton, Boro as well as Villa already this season, so that suggests no tbh.


    As for Liverpool - is that OK then?, as long as the opposition play you off the park it's OK to lose a match? That's no potential 'world class manager' for me tbh


    As said before look where they are and where we are, then look at our squads. O'Neill is doing a very good job and because they faced Liverpool in probably their best form of the season and losts all of a sudden WE can laugh at Villa?




    don't get me wrong, I'm not supporting Roeder here, I'm just pointing out what MON is all about, to the people who would hold him up as the saviour


    Hate to agree with Victor, but O'Neill is over-rated, not useless like some try to portray as my point of view.


    Anyway gejon, what's all this about comparing the squads, the obvious inference here being that you think ours is good. It's not good, it's shite in fact. If was good why is everyone slating the fullbacks, slating the centre backs, complaining about the midfield apart from the hero Parker, and the forwards.  Wot forwards?


    If you think our squad is good and that Roeder isn't getting enough from it then fine, we'll never agree because I think Roeder was left a load of shite by Souness.


    I do think we have a better squad, im not one that has slated out Midfield, infact i probably stick up for them more than most. Our attackers arent that bad but we could do with a natural finisher but then so could Villa. They probably have 2 defenders I would like but other than that I would prefer ours.

  9. bluelaugh.gif


    You are really setting yourself up here, Invicta - if you think Roeder would have achieved the unbeaten run with Villa that MON has, esp after very little transfer activity and just arriving at the club a few weeks prior to the season, you've got to be dreaming.


    You are entitled to your opinion, but I am willing to bet that you will have to eat your words within 2 years....


    O'Neill - gained relative success with ALL his clubs ; Roeder - relegated most of his..


    It a No-brainer.




    just have a look at the results and tell me if that is an 'amazing unbeaten run', or a few wins against shite teams and a bunch of draws.


    first test and he failed. Woefully.


    And I say again, at the start of the season, none of you would have said Roeder wasn't capable of the same kind of run.


    Wasn't Arsenal a test then?


    From most sources Liverpool played the best football they have in a long while!



    The Arse have dropped points at home against Everton, Boro as well as Villa already this season, so that suggests no tbh.


    As for Liverpool - is that OK then?, as long as the opposition play you off the park it's OK to lose a match? That's no potential 'world class manager' for me tbh


    As said before look where they are and where we are, then look at our squads. O'Neill is doing a very good job and because they faced Liverpool in probably their best form of the season and losts all of a sudden WE can laugh at Villa?




    don't get me wrong, I'm not supporting Roeder here, I'm just pointing out what MON is all about, to the people who would hold him up as the saviour


    Peronally I have thought he is a very good manager who knows how to build a team, has a very good coaching team behind him and knows something about tactics.


    So far nothing has changed that opinion, yes they lost to Liverpool but that was down to Liverpool playing amazing football more than Villa playing shite! That happens in football and when a club like Liverpool click then its no shame to lose!

  10. bluelaugh.gif


    You are really setting yourself up here, Invicta - if you think Roeder would have achieved the unbeaten run with Villa that MON has, esp after very little transfer activity and just arriving at the club a few weeks prior to the season, you've got to be dreaming.


    You are entitled to your opinion, but I am willing to bet that you will have to eat your words within 2 years....


    O'Neill - gained relative success with ALL his clubs ; Roeder - relegated most of his..


    It a No-brainer.




    just have a look at the results and tell me if that is an 'amazing unbeaten run', or a few wins against shite teams and a bunch of draws.


    first test and he failed. Woefully.


    And I say again, at the start of the season, none of you would have said Roeder wasn't capable of the same kind of run.


    Wasn't Arsenal a test then?


    From most sources Liverpool played the best football they have in a long while!



    The Arse have dropped points at home against Everton, Boro as well as Villa already this season, so that suggests no tbh.


    As for Liverpool - is that OK then?, as long as the opposition play you off the park it's OK to lose a match? That's no potential 'world class manager' for me tbh


    As said before look where they are and where we are, then look at our squads. O'Neill is doing a very good job and because they faced Liverpool in probably their best form of the season and losts all of a sudden WE can laugh at Villa?



  11. Maybe a swap loan deal with Luque?


    At least we might get 10 minutes a game from Robert coming off the bench.


    Hald on, we'd get him on a free transfer, unattached from Levante. Why should we give them Luque for nowt ;)


    the Luque leaving aspect of the deal does it for me tbh.


    Aye, terrible signing by Fat Boy Fred.



  12. bluelaugh.gif


    You are really setting yourself up here, Invicta - if you think Roeder would have achieved the unbeaten run with Villa that MON has, esp after very little transfer activity and just arriving at the club a few weeks prior to the season, you've got to be dreaming.


    You are entitled to your opinion, but I am willing to bet that you will have to eat your words within 2 years....


    O'Neill - gained relative success with ALL his clubs ; Roeder - relegated most of his..


    It a No-brainer.




    just have a look at the results and tell me if that is an 'amazing unbeaten run', or a few wins against shite teams and a bunch of draws.


    first test and he failed. Woefully.


    And I say again, at the start of the season, none of you would have said Roeder wasn't capable of the same kind of run.


    Wasn't Arsenal a test then?


    From most sources Liverpool played the best football they have in a long while!

  13. 1. Dalglish appeared to be the right choice at the time.

    2. If you dont choose based on track record then you use whatever criteria Shepherd used to select the last two cos neither could be on track record.

    3. Dalglish wasnt a shite appointment


    Thanks for that, mate.


    BTW Souness had a decent track record, better than O'Neills in fact.


    At the point of signing him he was one of the very few managers below us in the league. That in itself, should have told Shepherd to stay clear. 


    You're being influenced by gejon, here. Not sure why you're posting this like. I hope you don't think I was pleased when Souness was given the job, like. Or that I think he was a good appointment. Just pointing out to the head in the sand crew who think it's easy that he had a better track record than O'Neill, and there are more than a few who would spurt all over the place had Fred gone for O'Neill.


    I credit peasepud with a lot more up top than to be influenced by me!

  14. Yeah, the apathy that kicked in during the Souness era is rearing its head again  bluesigh.gif


    Yeah, thats exactly were its coming from.


    But worse, as i still had anger then, anger at Souness, i feel for some reason that i cant get angry with Glenn, not in the way i should do.


    Same here, Souness did make it easy to hate him though. Just feel sorry for Roeder tbh!

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