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Posts posted by Cajun

  1. He could have changed things by bringing Milner on sooner and he could have got a message on to Parker and Butt to get up and support the front two.  Every time we went forward it was pretty much Duff or Rossi in the middle and no fucker else making any effort.  He could have played Steven Taylor at right back instead of Stephen Cannonballhead Carr who is shit.

    I'll sgree with you on the Mlner piont should have been brought on earlier. However I'll say with the midfield it's pretty obvious Parker slightly damaged his knee early in the game and because of the lack of depth on the bench Roeder was forced to make Parker the holding midfield player and make Butt attempt to play Parker's role.


    As for Taylor/Carr I didn't think Carr played that bad today and Taylor looked slighly uncertain at RB on Wednesday.


    He could have brought on Milner for Parker if needed.




    Given up on using words again? Don't blame you at your age typing must be a bit of a struggle!


    There are no words to describe the stupidity of your suggestion, tbh.




    Obviously you've realised....


    A long time ago....

  2. He could have changed things by bringing Milner on sooner and he could have got a message on to Parker and Butt to get up and support the front two.  Every time we went forward it was pretty much Duff or Rossi in the middle and no fucker else making any effort.  He could have played Steven Taylor at right back instead of Stephen Cannonballhead Carr who is shit.

    I'll sgree with you on the Mlner piont should have been brought on earlier. However I'll say with the midfield it's pretty obvious Parker slightly damaged his knee early in the game and because of the lack of depth on the bench Roeder was forced to make Parker the holding midfield player and make Butt attempt to play Parker's role.


    As for Taylor/Carr I didn't think Carr played that bad today and Taylor looked slighly uncertain at RB on Wednesday.


    He could have brought on Milner for Parker if needed.




    Given up on using words again? Don't blame you at your age typing must be a bit of a struggle!


    There are no words to describe the stupidity of your suggestion, tbh.



  3. He could have changed things by bringing Milner on sooner and he could have got a message on to Parker and Butt to get up and support the front two.  Every time we went forward it was pretty much Duff or Rossi in the middle and no fucker else making any effort.  He could have played Steven Taylor at right back instead of Stephen Cannonballhead Carr who is shit.

    I'll sgree with you on the Mlner piont should have been brought on earlier. However I'll say with the midfield it's pretty obvious Parker slightly damaged his knee early in the game and because of the lack of depth on the bench Roeder was forced to make Parker the holding midfield player and make Butt attempt to play Parker's role.


    As for Taylor/Carr I didn't think Carr played that bad today and Taylor looked slighly uncertain at RB on Wednesday.


    He could have brought on Milner for Parker if needed.




    Given up on using words again? Don't blame you at your age typing must be a bit of a struggle!

  4. He could have changed things by bringing Milner on sooner and he could have got a message on to Parker and Butt to get up and support the front two.  Every time we went forward it was pretty much Duff or Rossi in the middle and no fucker else making any effort.  He could have played Steven Taylor at right back instead of Stephen Cannonballhead Carr who is shit.

    I'll sgree with you on the Mlner piont should have been brought on earlier. However I'll say with the midfield it's pretty obvious Parker slightly damaged his knee early in the game and because of the lack of depth on the bench Roeder was forced to make Parker the holding midfield player and make Butt attempt to play Parker's role.


    As for Taylor/Carr I didn't think Carr played that bad today and Taylor looked slighly uncertain at RB on Wednesday.


    He could have brought on Milner for Parker if needed.

    Can you remember a game when Milner has SUCCESSFULLY been deployed at a central midfielder? He is a winger not a central midfielder.


    He has played many good games at CM for England. He is an attacking midfielder, he could play well anywhere across the midfield IMO and it is another option if Parker was struggling too much to have any influence on the game.

  5. He could have changed things by bringing Milner on sooner and he could have got a message on to Parker and Butt to get up and support the front two.  Every time we went forward it was pretty much Duff or Rossi in the middle and no fucker else making any effort.  He could have played Steven Taylor at right back instead of Stephen Cannonballhead Carr who is shit.

    I'll sgree with you on the Mlner piont should have been brought on earlier. However I'll say with the midfield it's pretty obvious Parker slightly damaged his knee early in the game and because of the lack of depth on the bench Roeder was forced to make Parker the holding midfield player and make Butt attempt to play Parker's role.


    As for Taylor/Carr I didn't think Carr played that bad today and Taylor looked slighly uncertain at RB on Wednesday.


    He could have brought on Milner for Parker if needed.

  6. He sacked him because despite his outstanding track record of success, he didn't do well enough for my club.


    Now perhaps you can answer the perfectly valid questions in NE5's last post. To save you scrolling here it is again, slightly edited to help you and some others understand.............


    1. Why would you not have appointed Dalglish given the strength of his track record ?

    2. If you don't appoint managers on the basis of their track record, how would you choose them ?

    3. On the basis of track record and Dalglish being a shite appointment, do you agree that would rule out Wenger, Ferguson, Capello, Lippi etc who are all similar to what Dalglish was at the time ?



    Bumped for the benefit of omarse and the rest, who criticise but include no substance to their posts.........


    At least someone has had a go at point number 1, it would be good if omarse had a go at all 3.


    There's no point in the moaning bastard having a go at point 1, he knew in advance that Dalglish would fail so that's why he wouldn't have appointed him.  bluelaugh.gif


    1. Dalglish appeared to be the right choice at the time.

    2. If you dont choose based on track record then you use whatever criteria Shepherd used to select the last two cos neither could be on track record.

    3. Dalglish wasnt a shite appointment


    Thanks for that, mate.


    BTW Souness had a decent track record, better than O'Neills in fact.


    When we signed Souness he was on the verge of getting the boot from his current employer as he was taking them down!




    Is that meant to be a revelation like?


    No just sums up Shepherd, anyone who knew anything about football knew it was a terrible idea except seemingly one person! Unfortunately that person runs this club!

  7. i guess we'll be seeing dis next week


    "i'm pleased with our performance today.we r in control of the game for most of the time n created a whole lots more




    chances , 2 bad we didnt score a goal , we're just merely unluck 2 lose 4-0 to shef utd today. "


    "I told the players they couldn't have given themselves, or the staff, or the football club any more effort at all.


    "I was really pleased with them."Roeder told PremPlus







    Hang on I'll get the translator out....



    I guess we'll be seeing this next week


    "I'm pleased with our performance today. We were in control of the game for the most parts and created alot more chances than them.


    "It was dissapointing that we didnt score a goal , we were just merely unlucky to lose 4-0 to Sheffield today.


    "I told the players that they couldn't have given themselves, or the staff, or the football club any more effort than what they did.


    "I was really pleased with them." Roeder told PremPlus




    thx tongue.gif








  8. He sacked him because despite his outstanding track record of success, he didn't do well enough for my club.


    Now perhaps you can answer the perfectly valid questions in NE5's last post. To save you scrolling here it is again, slightly edited to help you and some others understand.............


    1. Why would you not have appointed Dalglish given the strength of his track record ?

    2. If you don't appoint managers on the basis of their track record, how would you choose them ?

    3. On the basis of track record and Dalglish being a shite appointment, do you agree that would rule out Wenger, Ferguson, Capello, Lippi etc who are all similar to what Dalglish was at the time ?



    Bumped for the benefit of omarse and the rest, who criticise but include no substance to their posts.........


    At least someone has had a go at point number 1, it would be good if omarse had a go at all 3.


    There's no point in the moaning bastard having a go at point 1, he knew in advance that Dalglish would fail so that's why he wouldn't have appointed him.  bluelaugh.gif


    1. Dalglish appeared to be the right choice at the time.

    2. If you dont choose based on track record then you use whatever criteria Shepherd used to select the last two cos neither could be on track record.

    3. Dalglish wasnt a shite appointment


    Thanks for that, mate.


    BTW Souness had a decent track record, better than O'Neills in fact.


    When we signed Souness he was on the verge of getting the boot from his current employer as he was taking them down!



  9. i guess we'll be seeing dis next week


    "i'm pleased with our performance today.we r in control of the game for most of the time n created a whole lots more


    chances , 2 bad we didnt score a goal , we're just merely unluck 2 lose 4-0 to shef utd today. "


    "I told the players they couldn't have given themselves, or the staff, or the football club any more effort at all.


    "I was really pleased with them."Roeder told PremPlus







    Hang on I'll get the translator out....



    I guess we'll be seeing this next week


    "I'm pleased with our performance today. We were in control of the game for the most parts and created alot more chances than them.


    "It was dissapointing that we didnt score a goal , we were just merely unlucky to lose 4-0 to Sheffield today.


    "I told the players that they couldn't have given themselves, or the staff, or the football club any more effort than what they did.


    "I was really pleased with them." Roeder told PremPlus




    Thanks Jonny, I only speak English, a bit of French and the odd word of German and Spanish, so I didn't have a scooby what that geezer was on about. What language was it?


    The language of the charvonians I believe, may be mistaken.


    Aha, I've heard of them, but I didn't think they'd developed language yet?


    They are working on something which can loosely be described as a "language"

  10. i guess we'll be seeing dis next week


    "i'm pleased with our performance today.we r in control of the game for most of the time n created a whole lots more


    chances , 2 bad we didnt score a goal , we're just merely unluck 2 lose 4-0 to shef utd today. "


    "I told the players they couldn't have given themselves, or the staff, or the football club any more effort at all.


    "I was really pleased with them."Roeder told PremPlus







    Hang on I'll get the translator out....



    I guess we'll be seeing this next week


    "I'm pleased with our performance today. We were in control of the game for the most parts and created alot more chances than them.


    "It was dissapointing that we didnt score a goal , we were just merely unlucky to lose 4-0 to Sheffield today.


    "I told the players that they couldn't have given themselves, or the staff, or the football club any more effort than what they did.


    "I was really pleased with them." Roeder told PremPlus




    Thanks Jonny, I only speak English, a bit of French and the odd word of German and Spanish, so I didn't have a scooby what that geezer was on about. What language was it?


    The language of the charvonians I believe, may be mistaken.

  11. No because


    a) we have a manager

    b) FAT **** would still be at newcastle

    c) Houillier was a sack of shit in England.


    Aye, poor Liverpool having to build those ****ing trophy cabinets! What a **** that Houllier was!


    tbh, shite cup competitions dont interest me a great deal.


    Two League Cups, the FA Cup, the UEFA Cup and the European Super Cup don't interest you? What does


    the FA Cup is ok. the rest are piss. Especially if you beat Alaves in the final to win.


    Aye fuck the UEFA cup, we are too good for that! :roll:

  12. No because


    a) we have a manager

    b) FAT **** would still be at newcastle

    c) Houillier was a sack of shit in England.


    Aye, poor Liverpool having to build those ****ing trophy cabinets! What a **** that Houllier was!


    tbh, shite cup competitions dont interest me a great deal.


    i would saw my arm off for a shite cup tbh!

  13. I completely agree.


    The constant attitude of "kick the ball into the oponent and then wildly appeal for handball/penalty" is very annoying... from players and the whole ground. TOtaly Embarrassing.


    No surprise really seeing as we rely 100% on the other team making mistakes to get our goals...


    To be fair we do it for them so they should return the favour!

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