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Posts posted by Cajun

  1. Can't understand why bigger clubs aren't interested in Caulker, he looks very good.


    This one I can understand, they'll offer him something like a billion a week then moan about it 6 months later. Isn't Barton on £57k? :lol:

  2. Hope he doesn't, but I reckon Forster will get found out at that level and end up back over here within 1-2 years.


    Good chance he would from the little I've seem tbh, he just looks so slow to react to anything!

  3. :lol: Rooney is outstanding but I'm always taking the p*ss on here about other things.


    My realistic prediction is 3rd. Chelsea and City are too strong as things stand, but I think with no European distraction, new manager and new signings we'll be stronger than Arsenal and Liverpool. Suarez out helps as well.


    Chiellini has come out and supported Suarez saying the ban is excessive and he feels for him and his family. So who knows, don't count your chickens yet...the appeal by Uruguay FA may prove successful in reducing the ban


    Just seen Maradona wearing a T-Shirt for Suarez' support on live TV. Well, that's all he needed. defense from the king of fair play and morality, Diego Armando Maradona. I swear Suarez is Walter White. Never seen someone so controversial and the ultimate hero/villain like that in my life-time.


    Every football player from any other country than England that have commented on Suarez has said it's excessive. It really is. 4months without being able to train? 4 months without being able to go into a football stadium? Are they getting interpol to put a tail on him? It's ridiculous. You want to ban him for 21matches, then do it, but don't be so ridiculous about it.


    Maybe he should, you know, stop biting people? :lol:


    I know we all do it work all the time but its probably not acceptable really is?


    As for Shaw, didn't they have some other outstanding prospect before he usurped him?

  4. Why? To save Mike some cash? Nee point. Would prefer it in my pocket than his.


    So not to be a cunt basically, I know where the money will go but it doesn't stop the fact I hate highly paid players whinging for a move but not directly asking for one.


    I mean, I get it, it seems like the honorable thing to do. But at the same time, with every decent player we've lost, Mike has spun it so that the fans are blaming the player. Not sure I'd want to give him more ammunition, nor am I sure whether it's worth all the fuss it'd cause.


    It'd be refreshing for someone to put a transfer request in, and tell the planet how we're ran by ambitionless twats, but it's just not worth it for the individual. They'll just get Ben Arfa'd and end up wasting away in the middle east.



  5. Why? To save Mike some cash? Nee point. Would prefer it in my pocket than his.


    So not to be a cunt basically, I know where the money will go but it doesn't stop the fact I hate highly paid players whinging for a move but not directly asking for one.

  6. Naturally it'll be the players fault for forcing the issue, standard procedure.


    If a player wants to leave I can't blame them in the current situation but if you want to go at least hand in a transfer request.

  7. I was actually pretty impressed with him when he played last season. There was a small run of games where he was starting and he looked like the only one with any drive to go forward, and was the only one looking to create, he gave us a different dynamic to our turgid set up. He then got injured when people were starting to take a liking to him. He also seemed to progress quite a bit from the season before.


    Same for me, but as his defensive contributions are nil and he takes risks a la Ben Arfa, then his pitch time when fit has been limited, and days are numbered.


    Unfortunate as he's the trickiest player we've produced in a while, and has a bit pace. Can't believe I just said that about an ameobi





  8. Really happy for the lad, never good enough but somehow got the chance we all dreamed of. Played through injuries just to get a chance and is now playing in the biggest tournament in the world. Also comes across as a really nice bloke (despite stopping a dressing room punch up and all that).


    Fair play to the lad .

  9. Owen?


    Singing one of the best strikers in the world for a club record fee is smile worthy. The stuff after...not so much.


    Yeah I suppose, I just wanted Anelka and Boa Morte* for almost half as much (including Luque).





    *Okay but he would have still been more useful than Luque!

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