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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. Its clear you really don't know what you are talking about and you have just fabricated the 'I know only one manager... nonsense up yourself... oh I can assure you it is true. But I don't give a flying fcuk if you don't believe me Go on then, assure us. How can you assure us? You must be even thicker than I thought Its appears you think lots of people on this forum are a bit thick, but heres the problem.... You have been asked several questions and you have failed to address any of them. Your response so far has been... eekout.gif Common occurence on this forum, attack the chairman, and HTL and NE5 will round up on you and cause a constant cycle of endlessly repeated and regurgitated arguments, not listening to anything that contradicts what they are saying, and subsequently talking about the chairman when nothing new happens is usually a waste of time I'm afraid. Pretty much. gay.gif What's the point, really? Not much, probably the same as there was little point to your post. If you seriously don't understand why I posted in reply I suggest you read again the post you agreed with. Then you may understand.
  2. So if he said that Uriah Rennie was a shite referee because he was black, would you still feel the same. Perhaps there are some that would, but the majority would see why that is stupid, so why should it be different? Well even if he thought it he wouldn't be allowed to say that in public but he obviously feels he can say whatever he likes about women and get away with it. It's not considered the same by the PC brigade.
  3. Its clear you really don't know what you are talking about and you have just fabricated the 'I know only one manager... nonsense up yourself... oh I can assure you it is true. But I don't give a flying fcuk if you don't believe me Go on then, assure us. How can you assure us? You must be even thicker than I thought Its appears you think lots of people on this forum are a bit thick, but heres the problem.... You have been asked several questions and you have failed to address any of them. Your response so far has been... eekout.gif Common occurence on this forum, attack the chairman, and HTL and NE5 will round up on you and cause a constant cycle of endlessly repeated and regurgitated arguments, not listening to anything that contradicts what they are saying, and subsequently talking about the chairman when nothing new happens is usually a waste of time I'm afraid. Pretty much. gay.gif
  4. Wasn't a goal given years ago in a match at Chelsea ( i think ) where the ball didn't go in but hit the stanchion on the outside? What about the arsehole who allowed the handballed 'goal' by Maradona in the Argie/England match? This thread could go on forever if people start posting about shite decisions by refereee's.
  5. Hmm interesting this. You really don't see how dumb this attitude makes you appear, do you? There are 2 differeng views on this subject, yes. The fact you agree with one view and not with the other does not mean the one you disagree with is the only regurgitated argument. That you think it does is a pointer toward your IQ being rather low. I'm heartened that you at least got the sequence correct when you started with, "attack the Board...." etc, etc. It seems anything that is endlessly regurgitated is fine by you so long as you agree with it. A rather empty headed position to take, but something I'm used to from you and many others around here.
  6. But it's nothing to do with Roeder, Phil. He doesn't sign players or let them go, that's all done by FAT FRED!!!!!
  7. Hey HTL, you are such a strong supporter of the Fat Controller, it could be you next ! You would have to move from Leeds though....... :winking: You either haven't bothered reading the link in my sig', you don't understand it, or you just want to deliberately misrepresent my view. Which is it? tongue.gif BTW I've NEVER lived in Leeds and have NEVER said I did. Another load of tripe.
  8. Why would that make you a KK bandwagon jumper?
  9. Souness was our second choice? That's pretty damning. Who was our first choice? Think availability...... which is hardly rocket science..... unless of course you think the club should tap managers on motorways and hand them brown envelopes who are already in a job ie I didn't say they hadn't approached managers through the correct channels ..... the dimwittedness of some people is amazing We all know Souness was a disastrous appointment, I am just correcting cyberbats for making up something which is simply not true. But he isn't the only person who does this. As HTL has already noted. I'm an idiot. laugh.gif Who was our number one choice? I know who it should have been. Me!
  10. Isn't Parker supposed to be the box to box midfielder this season? He's certainly not playing like he's the holding man. I personally think Emre is a far superior player than Parker, apart from getting 'stuck in' I'm not sure what else he's supposed to offer us, Emre on the other hand is a very intelligent player who noticeably picked up when Dyer was introduced, we've seen in the past with Solano how someone with a footballing brain are at their best when they have pace and movement in front of them. Hopefully the hype surrounding Parker will end up with someone like Man Utd putting in a big bid for him. Agree with all of that.
  11. Bloody strange then that on matchday the majority on here name them as a pair in their favoured XI. I still dont see it. Absolutely nothing has changed since the initial comments of their partnership being shiite were put forward many months ago. We're still a poor team managed by a poor coach, with shiite movement and linkup play. A Parker-Emre midfield is not suited for that type of team, but it can be a top partnership in the right circumstances. When Dyer came on, we dominated the game, particularly in central midfield, where we passed the ball around them, and towards the end we were cutting through them like a knife through butter. No end product? No creativity? It was all there in the latter stages of yesterday's game. Why did it take a substitution and the belief that we could nick a win for there to be such a big difference? IMO thats clearly an indication that we have the wrong players around Parker-Emre for that partnership to work, as well as a lack of good coaching/tactics/drilling, rather than the partnership itself being unable to work. That partnership will excel if it has the players around it to carry the attacking burden (which Dyer is able to do), its what many of the top teams have (although we're missing a destroy/powerhouse option to add to the central midfield pool). Question is, do we want to change the central midfield to get the best out of a shiite team, or show some patience, improve the team/setup and get the best out of a potentially very good midfield? Fair point. Time will tell. I guess it's just that in addition to the partnership looking shite I think Parker as an individual is average at best. Easily one of the most over-rated players I've seen for Newcastle unless he improves hugely.
  12. It must really anoy you HTL that everything I predicted for Newcastle back when you were one of the head yokels in the Bobby Robson out campaign, has actually come to pass. It does appear to be a conceit, but yes, I told you so. The difference between you and me is that I can see that there is going to be a train wreck before its going to happen, but you just make childish swipes at anyone with an opinion different to yours, and then moan moan moan after the wreck has happened. I told you that you would not get a quality manager at Newcastle if you got rid of SBR because people of quality will just not work for our chairman. You have stated your disdain for David O'Leary many times in the past, yet even he turned down the Newcastle job, prefering to work for the enlightned Doug Ellis ! If someone would rather work for Ellis than Shepherd, what does that tell you ? I told you Shepherds ego would lead him down a path of throwing money at Souness in a vane attempt to re-coup some credibility, and it would lead to financial instability at the club. Did you see the last set of accounts ? Go ahead, slag me off, keep your criticisms personal as usual because the truth is, you have never been able to restrict your posts to the matter in question. Enlighten me, tell me why FS has been a good Chairman, he needs all the support he can get. Why don't you put your neck on the block and start a thread supporting Shephers reign at the club. List all his glorious achievement.... Try and do better than... he's not Mkeag...... Robson had to go. Simple as that. The errors were 1. The replacement 2. He should have gone about 16 months earlier. BTW I advocated giving Souness zero funds in that first transfer window. You didn't tell me anything.
  13. How do you know who is meant to be doing what? I don't know. For me they both play too deep, they're almost joined at the hip, which is one reason why their pairing doesn't work and will never work. Attacking comes naturally to neither of them. Emre is a player who likes to sit deep and play the ball around, Parker is a player who likes to sit deep, dive into challenges and run around in circles. Neither is good enough in realiity but Emre has the ability to do more going forward if he can be made to do so.
  14. I'm waiting for you to be slated by the usual suspects for this patronising, "I told you so" tripe, tbh. It's just as irritating even when it's someone whose sentiment I agree with. bluebiggrin.gif
  15. I'm waiting for you to be slated by the usual suspects for this patronising, "I told you so" tripe, tbh.
  16. It's been mentioned before, but here it is again to clear up any misinterpretation of what I mean when I talk about KK bandwagon jumpers. A KK bandwagon jumper is someone who COULD have gone before Keegan arrived but didn't go by choice because we were shit. This type took the piss out of the 20,000 hard core support who did go. My son started going to matches in the late 90's, he was only 7 so you have to start sometime. If they are old enough they also queued for tickets for the FA Cup final in 74, taking the ticket that should have gone to real supporters. This is why the club have brought in various methods of ticket allocation, in an attempt to ensure these tickets go to genuine supporters and not bandwagon jumpers. This has been said before, I'm not surprised some still don't get it although it's really not hard to understand.
  17. I went back 32 months before the summer of 2003 because that's the period you mentioned in the thread I replied to. Here's a link to post #135 http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php/topic,31684.msg610984.html#msg610984 where you mentioned the figure I responed to, you didn't mention 2004 anywhere. If you meant another time then I would have expected that you mentioned it, it's not difficuilt, at least it doesn't seem to be from where I am. If you meant another time then I can only apologise for not being able to read minds, it's always been a flaw of mine, a flaw I stopped trying to correct years ago. A typo basically, caused by how many times I've posted the figures and the continual reference to summer 2003...... you should have seen the posts before with all of the detail that shows the dates. The dates are relevant and encompass summer 2003. Do you or do you not understand the point I'm making about the availability of transfer funds during the summer of 2003? How low will you go to avoid addressing a legitimate point?
  18. Mick http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php/topic,31684.msg612492.html#msg612492 Cheers
  19. I'd agree with the sentiment behind that reply, but to use Goma (£3.5m) and Cort (£2m) as examples of 'not even fringe players' but then include Ambrose in the list of players bought is not really fair. What I replied to was 32 months prior to the summer of 2003, 2004 was after that. Using .com for the 32 months prior to the summer of 2003 shows we spent a net figure of £41.5 million, a lot of money by anybodies standards but almost 20% below the quoted figure of "nearly £50m quid net." The dates are based around the sales of Cort and Goma, sales that brought in significant sums of money while during the intervening period hardly anything came in from the sale of players. These dates could be anything, but they happen to be the dates I posted because that's when those players were sold. Why do you want to go back 32 months from summer 2003? Why not 1 month, why not 60 months? Whatever it is, what is your basis for selection of the time span. Mine is as stated, the date boundaries set by the sales of Cort and Goma, during which time the club brought in a lot of players for a lot of money but is being criticised for not bringing in more. I'm trying to show that during a long period of time not much came in but a lot went out. What is it you don't understand about that concept? You are typically evading the main point. By the way, the figure I posted earlier in this thread was rushed, view it as people talking over a pint or something and someine just throwing a rough figure in. The real figure is on this forum and I'm not trying to pull the wool over anyone's eyes here by saying "nearly £50m". I'm not surprised you've used that as your escape from trying to answer the point though. The figure is £43.7m by the way, as I quoted later showing there was no intent to mislead in the earlier comment. Thanks for **** all because as usual you've proven you can't debate. PS Have you ever bought something for £90 and said to someone it cost "nearly £100".
  20. They is, is they? Whereas running around trying to put words into other people's mouths, cackling at your own "jokes", setting up straw man after straw man and spouting the same old irrelevant shite over and over and over again is what makes it so wonderful, right? If you're referring to "points" such as your remark about my Uncle Jim's parrot, it couldn't back Souness because it was dead. Like your brain. Tedious. I agree. When are you going to reply to my earlier question? To get a proper debate going.....
  21. Why don't you ask the people who go on and on about summer 2003 why they keep bringing it up? I don't post my response until they babble on about it first. Hadn't you noticed? I mean, wtf would I put up a post showing the stuff I've just done totally out of the blue? I said "people" not HTL, why do you always assume every post is directed solely at you? FFS, just because I replied doesn't mean I think a post is directed SOLELY at me. Are you mental, or something? You said 'people' and I'm a person. Doh! Your reply was very much a "why are you having a go at ME!? He started it" Get a life, man. It was nothing like that at all. Talk about making shit up as you go along.......
  22. Why don't you ask the people who go on and on about summer 2003 why they keep bringing it up? I don't post my response until they babble on about it first. Hadn't you noticed? I mean, wtf would I put up a post showing the stuff I've just done totally out of the blue? I said "people" not HTL, why do you always assume every post is directed solely at you? FFS, just because I replied doesn't mean I think a post is directed SOLELY at me. Are you mental, or something? You said 'people' and I'm a person. Doh!
  23. I'd agree with the sentiment behind that reply, but to use Goma (£3.5m) and Cort (£2m) as examples of 'not even fringe players' but then include Ambrose in the list of players bought is not really fair. Read it again mate. I'm not using Cort and Goma as 'fringe' players. Apologies if taken out of context, I've highlighted where I took it from, reading it again I still took it the same way! As I said though, agree with the sentiment of the post I edited my reply to try to clear it up. I'm wondering how to rewrite it so that it's not ambiguous. Anyway, thanks for agreeing.
  24. Why don't you ask the people who go on and on about summer 2003 why they keep bringing it up? I don't post my response until they babble on about it first. Hadn't you noticed? I mean, wtf would I put up a post showing the stuff I've just done totally out of the blue?
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