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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. i would rather have Elton fucking John's boyfriend, old man.. debate this I'm the same age as Allardyce, silly boy. And if you prefer Ken Bates to Shepherd, you want your brain testing. You clearly don't know much about Bates, or the mess he left Chelsea in . Didn't they get more European football than Newcastle in his time there? And buy England internationals? Is that right? No doubt some will get upset that you want to derail the thread like this, but perhaps you'd care to provide a list of players who were CURRENT regular England internationals who were signed by Chelsea while Bates was Chairman? I can't think of many but then I don't really give a shite about Chelsea and don't follow them that closely. For example, even though Lampard had played for England once in 1999, he wasn't an established International until a long time later, proven by the fact he wasn't selected for Euro 2000 or the WC in 2002, he didn't become a recognised and regular full England International until after he'd joined Chelsea. Off the top of my head I can't think of many but perhaps you can since you've brought it up? Thanks in advance.
  2. If Fred takes over at Leeds it won't be long before they're knocking on the door of the PL and then back in it. I'm surprised at the response, I hadn't realised some Newcastle fans liked Leeds that much to want this to happen.
  3. Why on earth would a Leeds fan give a shit about Shepered when he was the Chairman of Newcastle? Oh, I know. Leeds spent so much money that they had to qualify for the Champions League to stay afloat. The "pie-eating, worst Chairman in the World" Fred unfortunately backed Bobby Robson so well that we pipped them for that last CL spot, kicking off the decline of Leeds. Think abou tit.
  4. Ahh, brings back memories. I think I've just got it wrong about OM looking like the biggest idiot the forum has ever seen. Apologises to OM, he takes second place. I forgot about the half a dozen pages of a thread where you ranted at about a dozen different people, accusing them all of being me because they didn't agree with whatever nonsense you'd just posted. Now that one was the best, I'm sure those who remember the thread will agree. What a shame it's disappeared. That one was gold. So you're responding to me now? :giggle: No
  5. Ahh, brings back memories. I think I've just got it wrong about OM looking like the biggest idiot the forum has ever seen. Apologises to OM, he takes second place. I forgot about the half a dozen pages of a thread where you ranted at about a dozen different people, accusing them all of being me because they didn't agree with whatever nonsense you'd just posted. Now that one was the best, I'm sure those who remember the thread will agree. What a shame it's disappeared. That one was gold.
  6. Why would I try to wind you up? You're funny enough as it is without you getting a rag on, you may go back to your famous nob obsession and nobody would want to read that kind of stuff again. I hadn't previously looked at this thread because it was from you, but then I switched "view signatures" back on to make sure my updated signature was ok and I saw NE5's. I thought I'd take a look to see what he was on about and I couldn't believe it. Even from you, this is stunning stuff. I half admire you for sticking around despite making yourself look an idiot of a level this forum has never seen before by believing that shite story and starting a thread about it. Priceless.
  7. Jesus wept! Haven't laughed as much as this in ages. I wish I'd seen this pile of shite when it was posted. It tells a story, in more ways than one, like. mackems.gif Should be made a sticky, or whatever they're called.
  8. Aah. I see. Here's a tip. Next time you ask a question make sure you ask what you really want to ask.
  9. Your Bender To me it seem obvious: Bruce: Fred thought a Geordie would do the job. Souness:He was brought in to sort dressing room out that had spiralled out of control. Roeder: Caretaker done well. They are the reasons I think Fred did what the did I agree and it's obvious. So why do people ask?
  10. Would you partner Owen with Martins then?
  11. It's an opinion about Viduka and Smith. I think Smith has the edge. I saw Smith play up front for Leeds and he looked good. In any case, I see attributes in him that make me believe his best position is as a striker. I think Viduka is a decent player as well in case your imagination is running riot and you think I don't. Your point about Viduka being better than Smith at Leeds means what exactly? Given that Smith was a young player aged between 20-24, being moved about through various positions the whole while and Viduka was a seasoned professional 5 years older than Smith consistently playing in his best position I think your point has to be taken as a fairly shallow one, tbh. It can't even be counted as daft "point scoring" which often happens on this forum. BTW I don't give a toss what Bowyer has done at West Ham and before you say it I don't give a toss that he didn't perform consistently as well for us as he did for Leeds. He was decent for us when he was used in the centre, the TEAM needed this type of player and suffered when he wasn't there and it is the team that interests me, not individuals. Bowyer also did better on the right than people watching on TV gave him credit for, as they couldn't see his work off the ball, which is as important as what you do on the ball. He was a player definitely not rated by some as a footballer due to something he'd done aged 18 in his private life.
  12. How many of our team would get in the starting 11 of those clubs mentioned? Not many. Owen, Given, N'Zogbia, Martins are on par with the same position players in the top 4 teams...The rest of our players are not top 4 material including Milner...So these players are good for us right now because we are NOT a top 4 team...If we want to then we need to improve these positions... I'll give you Owen and given, but N'Zogbia is still very raw, and Martins is a poor man's Yakubu. FACT. i agree Martins would struggle to get into a top 4 team but he is better than Yakubu. Is he not better than Saha ? I think so... Aside from the fact that you obviously don't realise how good Saha is, I can't see what the point is in comparing Martins with Saha and Yakubu. Who the hell gives a s***? Aside from the fact that YOU obviously don't realise how good Martins IS, I don't see how YOU DON'T see the point in seeing that some of our players are NOT good enough to get into the champions league (i.e. top 4 spots)... What are you on? Your method of judging the quality of a footballer as part of team building is as flawed as they come. Edit: By the way, Martins isn't fit to tie Saha's bootlaces.
  13. What extreme is this you're on about? Where have I said Smith is anything other than a striker? What is so extreme about believing a player currently being used in midfield is really a striker? As for Bowyer, when he was used in the middle of midfield he was regarded very well by those who watched him play, his unpopularity on this forum hardly being representative of the reaction of those at the game. Which I'm sure you know.
  14. But Fred did appoint him, he never claimed otherwise. Fred also appointed Roeder after claiming it was the 'fans choice'. He also wanted Steve "The Cabbage" Bruce to be Newcastle boss to take charge on account of being a geordie. The best thing Shepherd could have done for Newcastle was to pay someone with better judgement than himself to appoint the manager. He should have done what Ashley has done and brought in a Chris Mort rather than hogging the headlines himself as Mr Newcastle. I knew straight away who the people were that would pick out the bits of that post that suited them and nothing else You were one of them To be honest the whole post was full of contradictions but I can't be arsed to go through everything with a fine tooth comb. I can if you want though. That crap about it being the players fault...now there's cop-out if I ever saw it. mackems.gif You obviously failed to spot that although we finished 3rd in 02-03 the performances generally were below the level of 01-02 when we finished 4th. There is a reason for that. And as for the latter part of 2002-2003 it was as plain as the difference between night and day there was a problem with some of the players. There is a reason for that too. There will always be players who aren't able to maintain their standards, this happens at Man U and Chelsea as well, and they get shipped out, (Whiteside, Kanchelski, Staam etc). That's the manager's job, so what is the point of complaining that it is the player's fault, when they start taking the piss? So it's right to lay the blame for lack of discipline at Robson's door, but that also has to be balanced to what he brought to the club such as prestige, dignity and relative success (see we're not all glory hunters). I don't have any issue with Robson being sacked assuming those in the know could see that the decline was irreversible and not just a blip, because even Ferguson has those. My problem is, and always has been, what criteria has been used to select a new manager? Souness was a rotten choice and most on here were dubious right from the start, although like all good supporters they will give a new man support until he proves a complete disaster. Steve Bruce was a rotten choice, and even the fact he was considered should have set the alarm bells ringing. His main quality being that he was a geordie - talk about professional decision making! Roeder was a rotten choice, and if Souness was appointed to instill discipline, on what basis was Roeder then hired? To uninstall it? To fetch Alan Oliver a biscuit very time he summoned him to Thompson House? Absolute bollocks. What are you on about gloryhunters for? I know exactly what Robson brought to the club, I don't have to be told. Fact is he lost the players as they went off the rails. Such a situation is bound to have an effect on the relationship between the Board and the manager. Maybe it's a chicken and egg thing. Did the attitude of the Board change toward Robson because he lost the plot which sent the players off the rails, or did some of the players become out of control twáts anyway, which undermined Robson in the eyes of the Board and then Robson lost the plot? I think it's the latter, going by the way some of the players were known to be carrying on. As I said originally and you seem to have missed, I'm not going to knock Robson that much, he did a fine job and was let down by some of the players. As for the rest of it, most of us know Souness and Roeder were shit appointments. I didn't even want Roeder as caretaker but the posts are gone. His role was only ever going to be one of recovering from Souness to some extent while the money was replenished before appointing a better man.
  15. Did SA actually say that? I thought he said Smith wasnt Dyers replacement and after we bought Smith and still had Dyer SA said if Dyer is sold he will look for a replacement. I dont understand the s*** Smith is getting on here TBH. This aint aimed at you Baggio but the general tone of a few people, Smith may not be the most gifted player but that doesnt make him a s*** player. So far i wouldnt say he's been s*** or that he's been outstanding. I thought he had a good game against Bolton but average games for the rest. I'd agree Smiths best position is up front and ideally i'd prefer him to be rotated with the other strikers and not used in the midfield unless we have too. How come Smith is getting a lot of s*** yet Viduka aint? I havent been impressed with Viduka but that doesnt mean im gonna write him off. When we agreed a deal with West Ham the first time around Allardyce came out and said that his replacement would be revealed tomorrow, the next day we signed Smith, from what I remember Allardyce said the money we got from Dyer when he did finally leave would be reinvested in the team. Smith is offering nothing, he gets stuck in in midfield but so will Faye when he plays at a fraction of the price, he's been a passenger in our last few games and he hasn't really offered us anything when we attack, as a team we have been struggling to create much and when you've spent £6 million on a player to play in midfield even though he's got few qualities to offer us then the fans are going to knock him. He's also only managed 3 goals in his last 79 games which is f****** attrocius. Get the blinkers off man. He's not being played to his strengths, nor was he at manure most of the time from what I saw of them. People who have said he's a victim of his versatility have got it spot on. I think some people just don't like him, hence stuff I've read in the past making out he's a bad lad, assuming his aggressive attitude on the field spills over into his general lifestyle when in fact off the field he's a model professional. There's a negative bias against him from a lot of people, not saying you in particular, but it's pretty obvious in a number of threads and more than a bit sad. I've got no blinkers on, I've seen from his time both here and at Man Utd that he's a s**** midfielder who offers f*** all in attack apart from plenty of graft, I'm well aware that he started out as a striker and that's his best position but that isn't much good to us while he's jumping into tackles like some sort of f****** madman in midfield is it? Btw he isn't that good as a striker either, certainly not as good as either Owen, Martins or Viduka, so what have we got? £6 million spent on a player that isn't good enough to start in attack or midfield, at the same time we've sacrificed signing a creative player with pace to accommodate him, you're right people don't like him but that's because he's an average plodder rather than them disliking him as an individual. I find it funny how you were happy to knock Parker all the time yet jump to the defence of Alan Smith, even though he's like an identical clone of him in midfield. What a laugh, mate. There is no comparison between Parker and Smith. None at all. Why are you comparing a player being used out of position with a player who was consistently used in his strongest position? His best position is up front, he's better than Viduka and should start alongside Owen. The fact the manager selects him out of position is a problem but there's nowt I can do about that. If Allardyce never comes to his senses about Smith I'll see it as an asset wasted. As for people disliking him because he's an average plodder...what a load of rubbish. i think smith is only being used wide right because with no proper left back match fit (enrique) we need to put n'zogbia there meaning the best available person to play left is milner,leaving a space on the right hence smith. playing smith up front in a 3 is something worth a try,however if he plays 4-4-2 id play him as the attacking midfielder madras, I can't see even the slightest reason why you think Smith is suitable for an attacking midfield role. Obviously I see different attributes in the player. Not directed at me but i'm joining in anyway. As i said, not thrilled about his signing but i am wondering if SA thinks he could do a similar job to Kevin Nolan, i.e. midfielder with a good engine and gets stuck in and arrives late in the box to score a few goals and is decent in the air. As he is a striker (originally) i guess his finishing will be better than say, Emre, Butt, Geremi and i've never seen him shirk an aerial challenge. If SA thinks he might be applicable to a Nolan type role, don't you think he's got the necessary attributes? I realise that this all based on a massive supposition from me that SA doesn't see him as a DM! I don't really. I've only ever been impressed with him when he's played as a striker, which seems to be few and far between at both Leeds and manure but it's enough for me. As a midfielder I wouldn't have signed him.
  16. But Fred did appoint him, he never claimed otherwise. Fred also appointed Roeder after claiming it was the 'fans choice'. He also wanted Steve "The Cabbage" Bruce to be Newcastle boss to take charge on account of being a geordie. The best thing Shepherd could have done for Newcastle was to pay someone with better judgement than himself to appoint the manager. He should have done what Ashley has done and brought in a Chris Mort rather than hogging the headlines himself as Mr Newcastle. I knew straight away who the people were that would pick out the bits of that post that suited them and nothing else You were one of them To be honest the whole post was full of contradictions but I can't be arsed to go through everything with a fine tooth comb. I can if you want though. That crap about it being the players fault...now there's cop-out if I ever saw it. mackems.gif You obviously failed to spot that although we finished 3rd in 02-03 the performances generally were below the level of 01-02 when we finished 4th. There is a reason for that. And as for the latter part of 2002-2003 it was as plain as the difference between night and day there was a problem with some of the players. There is a reason for that too. BTW I couldn't give a toss whether you go through the post or not, as NE5 said, there were some people I also knew would be capable of only picking out a sentence or two that suited them and you were definitely one of them.
  17. How many of our team would get in the starting 11 of those clubs mentioned? Not many. Owen, Given, N'Zogbia, Martins are on par with the same position players in the top 4 teams...The rest of our players are not top 4 material including Milner...So these players are good for us right now because we are NOT a top 4 team...If we want to then we need to improve these positions... I'll give you Owen and given, but N'Zogbia is still very raw, and Martins is a poor man's Yakubu. FACT. i agree Martins would struggle to get into a top 4 team but he is better than Yakubu. Is he not better than Saha ? I think so... Aside from the fact that you obviously don't realise how good Saha is, I can't see what the point is in comparing Martins with Saha and Yakubu. Who the hell gives a shit?
  18. Did SA actually say that? I thought he said Smith wasnt Dyers replacement and after we bought Smith and still had Dyer SA said if Dyer is sold he will look for a replacement. I dont understand the s*** Smith is getting on here TBH. This aint aimed at you Baggio but the general tone of a few people, Smith may not be the most gifted player but that doesnt make him a s*** player. So far i wouldnt say he's been s*** or that he's been outstanding. I thought he had a good game against Bolton but average games for the rest. I'd agree Smiths best position is up front and ideally i'd prefer him to be rotated with the other strikers and not used in the midfield unless we have too. How come Smith is getting a lot of s*** yet Viduka aint? I havent been impressed with Viduka but that doesnt mean im gonna write him off. When we agreed a deal with West Ham the first time around Allardyce came out and said that his replacement would be revealed tomorrow, the next day we signed Smith, from what I remember Allardyce said the money we got from Dyer when he did finally leave would be reinvested in the team. Smith is offering nothing, he gets stuck in in midfield but so will Faye when he plays at a fraction of the price, he's been a passenger in our last few games and he hasn't really offered us anything when we attack, as a team we have been struggling to create much and when you've spent £6 million on a player to play in midfield even though he's got few qualities to offer us then the fans are going to knock him. He's also only managed 3 goals in his last 79 games which is f****** attrocius. Get the blinkers off man. He's not being played to his strengths, nor was he at manure most of the time from what I saw of them. People who have said he's a victim of his versatility have got it spot on. I think some people just don't like him, hence stuff I've read in the past making out he's a bad lad, assuming his aggressive attitude on the field spills over into his general lifestyle when in fact off the field he's a model professional. There's a negative bias against him from a lot of people, not saying you in particular, but it's pretty obvious in a number of threads and more than a bit sad. I've got no blinkers on, I've seen from his time both here and at Man Utd that he's a s**** midfielder who offers f*** all in attack apart from plenty of graft, I'm well aware that he started out as a striker and that's his best position but that isn't much good to us while he's jumping into tackles like some sort of f****** madman in midfield is it? Btw he isn't that good as a striker either, certainly not as good as either Owen, Martins or Viduka, so what have we got? £6 million spent on a player that isn't good enough to start in attack or midfield, at the same time we've sacrificed signing a creative player with pace to accommodate him, you're right people don't like him but that's because he's an average plodder rather than them disliking him as an individual. I find it funny how you were happy to knock Parker all the time yet jump to the defence of Alan Smith, even though he's like an identical clone of him in midfield. What a laugh, mate. There is no comparison between Parker and Smith. None at all. Why are you comparing a player being used out of position with a player who was consistently used in his strongest position? His best position is up front, he's better than Viduka and should start alongside Owen. The fact the manager selects him out of position is a problem but there's nowt I can do about that. If Allardyce never comes to his senses about Smith I'll see it as an asset wasted. As for people disliking him because he's an average plodder...what a load of rubbish. i think smith is only being used wide right because with no proper left back match fit (enrique) we need to put n'zogbia there meaning the best available person to play left is milner,leaving a space on the right hence smith. playing smith up front in a 3 is something worth a try,however if he plays 4-4-2 id play him as the attacking midfielder madras, I can't see even the slightest reason why you think Smith is suitable for an attacking midfield role. Obviously I see different attributes in the player.
  19. aye and for derby i'd play smith through the middle to get in behind the forwards with invention coming from wide. I wouldn't, 'cos in 4-4-2 I'd use Smith up front.
  20. Did SA actually say that? I thought he said Smith wasnt Dyers replacement and after we bought Smith and still had Dyer SA said if Dyer is sold he will look for a replacement. I dont understand the shit Smith is getting on here TBH. This aint aimed at you Baggio but the general tone of a few people, Smith may not be the most gifted player but that doesnt make him a shit player. So far i wouldnt say he's been shit or that he's been outstanding. I thought he had a good game against Bolton but average games for the rest. I'd agree Smiths best position is up front and ideally i'd prefer him to be rotated with the other strikers and not used in the midfield unless we have too. How come Smith is getting a lot of shit yet Viduka aint? I havent been impressed with Viduka but that doesnt mean im gonna write him off. When we agreed a deal with West Ham the first time around Allardyce came out and said that his replacement would be revealed tomorrow, the next day we signed Smith, from what I remember Allardyce said the money we got from Dyer when he did finally leave would be reinvested in the team. Smith is offering nothing, he gets stuck in in midfield but so will Faye when he plays at a fraction of the price, he's been a passenger in our last few games and he hasn't really offered us anything when we attack, as a team we have been struggling to create much and when you've spent £6 million on a player to play in midfield even though he's got few qualities to offer us then the fans are going to knock him. He's also only managed 3 goals in his last 79 games which is fucking attrocius. Get the blinkers off man. He's not being played to his strengths, nor was he at manure most of the time from what I saw of them. People who have said he's a victim of his versatility have got it spot on. I think some people just don't like him, hence stuff I've read in the past making out he's a bad lad, assuming his aggressive attitude on the field spills over into his general lifestyle when in fact off the field he's a model professional. There's a negative bias against him from a lot of people, not saying you in particular, but it's pretty obvious in a number of threads and more than a bit sad. I've got no blinkers on, I've seen from his time both here and at Man Utd that he's a shite midfielder who offers fuck all in attack apart from plenty of graft, I'm well aware that he started out as a striker and that's his best position but that isn't much good to us while he's jumping into tackles like some sort of fucking madman in midfield is it? Btw he isn't that good as a striker either, certainly not as good as either Owen, Martins or Viduka, so what have we got? £6 million spent on a player that isn't good enough to start in attack or midfield, at the same time we've sacrificed signing a creative player with pace to accommodate him, you're right people don't like him but that's because he's an average plodder rather than them disliking him as an individual. I find it funny how you were happy to knock Parker all the time yet jump to the defence of Alan Smith, even though he's like an identical clone of him in midfield. What a laugh, mate. There is no comparison between Parker and Smith. None at all. Why are you comparing a player being used out of position with a player who was consistently used in his strongest position? His best position is up front, he's better than Viduka and should start alongside Owen. He's not a midfielder trying to offer something in attack as you put it, so he wouldn't do that well. The fact the manager selects him out of position is a problem but there's nowt I can do about that. If Allardyce never comes to his senses about Smith I'll see it as an asset wasted. As for people disliking him because he's an average plodder...what a load of rubbish.
  21. Should play Zog on the left side midfield in a 4-4-2 right now.
  22. Don't ask me, I don't give a shit. I'm just responding to those obsessed by it.
  23. The net spend for Sir Bobby was less than £6 million per year. Dalglish has a net spend of almost £16m per year, Gullit was £7.6m per year, Souness was £30.9m and Roeder was £7.64m, all figures are per year, obviously Bobby spent more than the others but he had the job longer. Is all you really had to say, because that bit is the important bit. It doesn't matter how much per year because different amounts of transfer funds will be available at different moments in time due to various and quite normal circumstances. I could break this down into half yearly and it could look entirely different but there would be no point even if it supports my point of view. It's called "spinning" these days and I don't know why you do it. Fact is, Robson was backed well enough to have done better but he didn't do it. No manager gets every signing spot on so I would never condemn the man, but he made a lot of dross signings that were a bloody waste of money, that's for sure. He was backed otherwise he would never have lifted us from shite to top 5 for 3 seasons.
  24. I posted the net spend for Robson and Gullit yesterday, so it's somewhere around. Robson spent a bloody shedload of cash. Allardyce doesn't have a completed net spend for this comparison because believe it or not, he's the current manager of the club and you can only say "Allardyce spent 'x' during his time as manager" when he is no longer the manager.
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