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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. How would you know? You don't even know who played for Newcastle in 1997. Are you an arse follower? Is that how you know this?
  2. We look to have been moving in the right direction since FS came here. It's true he wouldn't have been my choice as manager, as I think he's a bit of tit evidenced by his eating people's shit to try to get the England job. Ignoring that and I've had to give credit where it's due since he arrived, I think we've been moving forward. No knee-jerk from me after a poor display against Derby, but I hope if things don't look good over the coming months that we don't see the same ignorant and blind support from some that was evident during the time souness was here. I'm seeing some very similar "put down" type posts from certain people that remind me of the shite I was reading while souness was tearing the team apart.
  3. Great planning from Chelsea's Board and Director of Football, letting your manager go in September. They obviously don't have a clue what they're doing. Wankers. The lot of them...OUT!!!
  4. Haven't read any of the post match comments, been too busy and must go to work. All I can say is that FS made a shit and very scary team selection that reminds of the shite Souness put out sometimes. This is the type of "can't tsee he wood for the trees" type of team selection that has never seen me in favour of Allardyce. Ameobi shouldn't be anywhere near the first team. Taylor at right back...don't make me laugh. Smith is not a midfield player, as I've always said about him. Square pegs in round holes again. When I saw the selection my confidence just disappeared to be replaced by hope that he knew what he was doing. He didn't Once again, I hope that over the long term he proves me wrong. He's hasn't been doing badly until yesterday.
  5. As I said in a different thread, 1 from Owen/Martins paired with 1 from Smith/Viduka. My first choice would be Owen and Smith. This clamour for Owen/Martins reminds me of the refusal of many to see the obvious with Parker/Emre even after loads of games together. One could be out, we'd play well, make loads of chances yet people still clamoured for them to be paired in CM. Fair enough, a partnership of Owen/Martins hasn't been given a good chance but I don't want to see points risked doing that over a prolonged period, the manager should assess this in training. If they do get a run together and form a consistently good partnership for the benefit of the team I'll be happy to have been wrong this time.
  6. And picked up just 2 points from those 4 games, not fantastic by any stretch. I'm not saying they won't have a decent season, but their other 4 points from a win at home to Bolton and a point away to Derby are nowt spectacular really. I'd like to think we'll pick up more than 6 points from those equivalent 6 matches when the dust has settled on the season.
  7. Proof if ever it was needed that these journalists are mainly lying tossers who will do anything to sell a rag.
  8. Yes, damn them for helping raise a massive amount of money for charity! Curse their oily hides for using their high traffic, high profile website to help raise more money than would have been raised otherwise! They are, in fact, clearly worse than every war criminal to have passed through the Hague and I will attempt to stop myself being forced to read their site in future. Even as sarcasm the post you quoted is a load of bull. I'm surprised you applaud such nonsense, which looks to me to have been written in reply to a different post to that which was quoted.
  9. Taylor should be paid what he is worth irrespective of where he was born (or raised). He should be paid according to his ability. To suggest the club is doing anything else is laughable.
  10. If FS has ideas of pairing Owen with Martins I'd sooner he did it in training or in practice matches rather than when there are 3 points at stake. Should just go with whatever is thought to be your best team, really. For me that is still one from Owen/Martins plus one from Smith/Viduka. Would you agree that, at the moment, the two best performing strikers are Owen and Martins? They haven't been paired together so we don't know whether they'll be good/shit/whatever, but it's worth finding out given how well they're playing and given the opposition's defense. It just brings me back to the team game thing. You can't always pick the players reckoned to be your best players. It's like Gerrard and Lampard being *supposedly* England's best two midfielders yet the team looks crap when they're together. Not that I ever rated Parker, but it was clear for ages that the Parker/Emre partnership was holding us back, the manager stuck with it and we went backwards. Getting the right blend is very important. There was a time when I thought maybe Martins could partner Owen but I'm not sure now to the point I lean toward the thought that they won't be that effective together. Now that we have alternatives in pairing either with Smith or Viduka that's the way I'd go whenever there is a choice.
  11. I don't agree with this Shak for a few reasons. First of all Michael Owen has scored goals with whoever he's been partnered with, he got something like 7 goals in 10 games while being partnered with Shearer, he also had the best goals to minutes played ratio while playing in Madrid next to Ronaldo so it's fair to say he can score playing with any type of partner, he's also scored goals in the past while being partnered with Fowler and Anelka. What he does need however is to have pace in the side to make space for him, whether that's coming from the wings or midfield or wherever, having players that can stretch play and pull defenders out of position will give Owen the chance to find space in the box and be a bigger threat for us. Heskey has been a good partner for Owen, mainly because of the amount of time they've played together rather than them being ideally suited for each other, I don't think it's as simple as saying Smith is similar to Heskey so he'll be a good partner too though, especially as their record of playing together for England is hardly glowing. How many times has Owen played up front with Smith for England? That is what you mean, isn't it?
  12. If FS has ideas of pairing Owen with Martins I'd sooner he did it in training or in practice matches rather than when there are 3 points at stake. Should just go with whatever is thought to be your best team, really. For me that is still one from Owen/Martins plus one from Smith/Viduka.
  13. Good post, mate. Couldn't agree more, tbh.
  14. Harper, Duff, Butt, Faye, Martins Not a bad bench when all are fit. Probably missed someone obvious aswell. That would also have left Smith, Taylor, Ameobi and Emre completely out of the 16. Was thinking along similar lines myself, putting on one side differing opinions on the best starting XI. When they're all fit, FS is putting together a tidy looking squad, there will be some who think they should be in the team who won't even get on the bench. We're moving forward.
  15. So did I. Good player, just unlucky with a really bad injury.
  16. wait! didnt quite read that.. 3rd??! When we last finished 3rd I don't think anybody really thought we would, and we'd been 4th the previous season. Sorry if that's condescending in any way......but as jon has been reading this thread, probably while at work, I thought I'd better mention it. No you didnt accuse of him of raping puppies or eating from bins so I will wait until he says something that doesn't go along with your train of thought and hear your latest made up bollocks. Have you been drinking, or something?
  17. I think "expensive flop" needs to be in the context of the club you're talking about, so I just did a google. This thread gives me the opportunity to post this list of footballlers (?) signed by the shite just down the road by Peytar Reid. Bernt Haas £2.5m Medina £3.5m Laslandes £3.5m Fredgaard £2.5m Oster £2.5m Flo £6m There are bound to be others but I can't find them listed right now. One he let get away apparently was Ruud Van Nistelrooy, offered to the mackems for £4m but monkey heed thought he wasn't worth it.
  18. Jon Except YOU ARE looking quite far back, so a post of contradictions, it seems. When did I last mention you and work? Oh, I know. It was ages ago when you were giving me shit at every turn. It seems you can dish it out but you can't take it in return. Well tough luck, mate. It's mildly interesting that until you just mentioned it I'd forgotten all about the weeks you were giving me shit, that's because it's in the past and this is just an internet forum. And to think I get accused of taking myself too seriously! I honestly couldn't give a shite about things that were posted last year sometime, but you obviously can't say the same. That's a shame for you. Regarding the reference to toonlass, I think you sometimes don't understand what is being written, tbh. I suggest you take some comprehension lessons, jon. Pay particular attention to the meaning of the question mark. Ok so you making up complete shite about another poster (wow thats a first for you isnt it) to try and re-inforce your argument is just me having comprehension lessons. Ok HTL You don't know what you're talking about. Again. To save the thread turning into complete shite with your nonsense send me a PM with this stuff you reckon I've made up. For the record. I don't believe I've EVER made up anything on this forum. You and others may disagree with me most of the time, but I don't make stuff up. EG I disagree with most of what Mick posts but I know he didn't like Souness and I wouldn't "make up" anything different, even though it would be easy to do so. By the way, read your post again. I think you do need to do some studying. I'm not making that up.
  19. wait! didnt quite read that.. 3rd??! When we last finished 3rd I don't think anybody really thought we would, and we'd been 4th the previous season. Sorry if that's condescending in any way......but as jon has been reading this thread, probably while at work, I thought I'd better mention it.
  20. Jon Except YOU ARE looking quite far back, so a post of contradictions, it seems. When did I last mention you and work? Oh, I know. It was ages ago when you were giving me shit at every turn. It seems you can dish it out but you can't take it in return. Well tough luck, mate. It's mildly interesting that until you just mentioned it I'd forgotten all about the weeks you were giving me shit, that's because it's in the past and this is just an internet forum. And to think I get accused of taking myself too seriously! I honestly couldn't give a shite about things that were posted last year sometime, but you obviously can't say the same. That's a shame for you. Regarding the reference to toonlass, I think you sometimes don't understand what is being written, tbh. I suggest you take some comprehension lessons, jon. Pay particular attention to the meaning of the question mark.
  21. In fact I don't have digs at people when my opinion is different. I just had a dig at you because of the 'tone' of your previous post to me. Obviously.
  22. Which shows how desperate we were because going back just a few years to Shearer/Bellamy people laughed at the idea of signing Keane. Perhpas it's because he's improved as a player since then. Given what I said in my post you should assume I don't believe he has improved. Obviously. Well then you would be wrong because he's clearly matured as a player since his Leeds and early Spurs days. I realise that in recent times your posting style has changed, baggio. Is the acne getting you down, or something? It makes no difference that he's older now, he's no better. He's like Imre Varadi was for us. He misses too many easy chances and in the end that costs you.
  23. Which shows how desperate we were because going back just a few years to Shearer/Bellamy people laughed at the idea of signing Keane. Perhpas it's because he's improved as a player since then. Given what I said in my post you should assume I don't believe he has improved. Obviously.
  24. Which shows how desperate we were because going back just a few years to Shearer/Bellamy people laughed at the idea of signing Keane.
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