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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. He's a fullback. Wtf is this shit about end product? Is this some kind of Sky "buzz phrase" or something?
  2. should've said intelligently uninclined.. pardon me for my political incorrectness was it sarcastic though?.. sounded pretty malicious in my view, but its a free country he can scream his slurs from his rooftop. for all i care Malicious? Really..... As usual, the sensitivity and intolerance of some people toward certain subjects often leads to massive exaggeration. not an exaggeration.. if i was a muslim woman i'd be pretty offended. wouldn't say i was overly sensitive i just saw it in a different way to you that's all. i'm defending free speech but at the same time recognising that what rodrigo said could be considered by the muslim community as insulting- and i'm the intolerant one? Not saying someone may not be offended, people can be offended by anything and we're all different. What I'm saying is that it's not racist. The word is once again being over used. In my opinion.
  3. should've said intelligently uninclined.. pardon me for my political incorrectness was it sarcastic though?.. sounded pretty malicious in my view, but its a free country he can scream his slurs from his rooftop. for all i care Malicious? Really..... As usual, the sensitivity and intolerance of some people toward certain subjects often leads to massive exaggeration.
  4. Good job I'm not sensitive enough to take offence at your reference to "stupid." Anyway, making what is a sarcastic comment about a person's religion isn't racism either, unless someone is overly sensitive, of course. BTW I know you aren't the idiot who called for someone to be banned.
  5. Very respectful . yeah Rodrigo is the epitome of tolerance Ban Rodrigo please. We can not and should not tolerate racism. Sigh...funny how islam always brings about the banning of freedom of speech if anyone dares speak against them, isnt it ? You should be bloody ashamed of yourself to suggest something as despicable. What I will suggest is locking the subject as tempers are rising (and pomposity from some going into overdrive) and there is NO chance of agreeing with each other. I'm not commenting any more on the subject today, as whats the point ? You have every right to say what your saying.. misinformed as it is. but racism shouldn't really be tolerated whether to muslims or black people etc.., you're ok though since you show reasoning whereas rodrigo just came out with a big ol' racist humdinger. no reason 4 a ban though, let's just keep it friendly Look up the definition of racism. Commenting on the clothes people wear is not a big deal. I think jocks look stupid in their kilts. Since I'd guess the majority who wear kilts are white men, if I'm a black man does that statement constitute racism in your opinion?
  6. yeah Rodrigo is the epitome of tolerance Ban Rodrigo please. We can not and should not tolerate racism. I suggest you get a sense of perspective and stop attempting to curb an individual's freedom of speech.
  7. Was that for my benefit? Don't know who he was aiming it toward, tbh.
  8. Aye. He hasn't the foggiest idea that's he posted a pile of shite. Tells a story.....
  9. Who the hell eats their breakfast, dinner and tea at work in a single day? I scoff a bowl of porridge at home at about 6am each day. I have a salad at about midday at work and have my tea at home in the evening. Nobody at work sees me eat 3 times.
  10. They only have to 'fast' from sunrise to sunset. As soon as the sun disappears their head will be straight in the trough. They basically don't 'fast' at all. They just drop a nosh on top of the booze when it gets dark.
  11. You would seriously select Martins ahead of Owen to partner Viduka? I'm aware that it's the blend that matters more than whether one player is better than another player, but Owen is simply a class apart compared to Martins and will work well with either Viduka or Smith in a 4-4-2.
  12. Not to sound defensive... but in what way is it a stupid question? (albeit not as interesting as HTL's ) owen has done nothing to deserve a place yet he is constantly making the teamm whereas the backbone (goal-wise) of last seasons team is left out. he's a class player and in a team that look like they're running in a thick goop of snot ( tried to forge a link there) his blistering pace should make him a regular first-teamer Owen is a far superior team player than Martins, who is a bit of a loose cannon and one-man band. I like Martins, but he needs to improve his general team play imo. I'm hopeful if he is patient and doesn't spit his dummy out that he will learn from Owen and become a much better player than he is now. How then does he learn when he's not playing alongside owen, or getting limited game time? He's a great prospect- yes he has to learn- and a great player, it just pains me to see his confidence wane away when he doesn't start.... He learns by general day to day work. I don't believe Owen and Martins can form an effective partnership, so he can't learn from Owen on match day. After saying that, I'd partner Owen with Martins ahead of partnering Owen with Ameobi. That's one of the reasons I mentioned the other day about FS not being able to see the wood for the trees. He automatically went for the "big man," "short arse" irrespective of the fact that Ameobi should be on the beach. He should have started with Owen and Smith up front, there's no doubt about that at all imo, but if FS wants to continue with the stupidity of using Smith in midfield, then he should have started with Owen and Martins. In fact, I'd sooner Given had started and FS had gone with Owen and Harper up front, than Ameobi. And I'm not joking.
  13. Not to sound defensive... but in what way is it a stupid question? (albeit not as interesting as HTL's ) owen has done nothing to deserve a place yet he is constantly making the teamm whereas the backbone (goal-wise) of last seasons team is left out. he's a class player and in a team that look like they're running in a thick goop of snot ( tried to forge a link there) his blistering pace should make him a regular first-teamer Owen is a far superior team player than Martins, who is a bit of a loose cannon and one-man band. I like Martins, but he needs to improve his general team play imo. I'm hopeful if he is patient and doesn't spit his dummy out that he will learn from Owen and become a much better player than he is now.
  14. He was signed as a versatile player who Allardyce see's as being able to play in midfield, as Dyer's replacement. Is that really a reply to my comment? I know FS thinks he can play in midfield because surprise surprise, he's selecting him there. What a tit. My reply was to you because for some unknown reason you seem to defend Smith at every chance even though he's shite, I couldn't care less if he's not a midfielder originally as the fact is he's played the majority of his football there over the past 3 years and was brought here to fill that position. I'm not defending anyone. I don't give a toss where he's played for the last 3 years. If FS brought him in to play in midfield then he's wasted the club's money because he's bought a centre forward and is using him incorrectly. If you want to believe that is defending Smith then you're missing the point as usual. What I said in my post is that he's not a midfield player and that it's a mistake to select him for that kind of role. Why I have to repeat this I can't even begin to understand.
  15. I remember Parker having a few decent games against the top teams, Arsenal and Liverpool spring to mind, I also remember people trying to use that as an example of him being a top player which he clearly wasn't. Milner, similar to Parker, doesn't offer nowhere near enough for a player playing in his position, it's not just about goals and assists either, it's about what they give to the team over the course of 90 minutes and apart from his lofted crosses Milner offers very little compared with other wingers that our rivals for a European place have. Agreed. Good example as well. Before Parka there was Jenas. Young player of the Year and all that so he has to be the dogs bollocks. Parka and Jenas both shite, Milner not as bad but definitely over-rated.
  16. He was signed as a versatile player who Allardyce see's as being able to play in midfield, as Dyer's replacement. Is that really a reply to my comment? I know FS thinks he can play in midfield because surprise surprise, he's selecting him there. What a tit.
  17. Hmm, I was thinking a more interesting question would be : When driving I regularly pick my nose and flick the snots on the floor. Where do they all go and why don't they form a bogie mountain, stopping me getting behind the wheel in the first place?
  18. On Monday he could have played N'ZOGBIA - BUTT - GEREMI - MILNER TAYLOR - ROZEHNAL - CACAPA - BEYE which would have been a lot more creative than what we had on Monday. The team I proposed before the match on Monday would definitely have been better than the one put out by FS.
  19. How about : Geremi Barton Emre Zog (or Duff, when fit) Or Duff Barton Geremi Zog Both look a lot better to me, with flair, creativity and a bit of steel. You know I wouldn't drop Milner although seriously I don't think Geremi would offer any more on the right than Milner would. That said both line ups look far more creative than what we have had to offer so far this season. People seem to be completely missing this point though. Geremi just a better all round footballer than Milner though, Jon. But in any case, you're right in that the midfield 4 you put forward looks better than the dross put out by FS.
  20. Smith isn't a midfield player. FS is making a mistake by selecting him to play in that area. Same as Taylor is not a RB and Ameobi is not a footballer.
  21. How about : Geremi Barton Emre Zog (or Duff, when fit) Or Duff Barton Geremi Zog Both look a lot better to me, with flair, creativity and a bit of steel.
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