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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. What if I cant get over it? What do I do then? And suicide isnt an option. Wouldnt you agree though, that when hes been up front, hes been shiite, but when hes been played as a left winger, hes been moderately decent. Put in some top crosses from that flank. mackems.gif He's been shit since he joined. If the new manager gives him a chance then all well and good, if he can make this waster play to an acceptable level then even better, but don't for a moment try to make out he's been at all decent here so far because he's been rubbish since day one.
  2. You miss the obvious. Just include them with the ticket price and hand them out as you enter the ground.
  3. Cheeky little shit! 'Doesn't want to be messed about'.... Try defending properly rather than shouting your mouth off in the press. Very average player who gets away with murder because he's local. Personally, I'd fine him 2 weeks wages for coming out with that heap of shite. If he did come out with it. The media print lies all the time and people believe whatever suits them at any given moment in time. I assumed the article was kosher. It's a canny rule of thumb when a player is actually quoted rather than a 'source close to the player' or some such shit. Not sure myself. Journalists are definitely the biggest scum going and will lie, spin and twist what is a total nothing into something else completely. They'll do anything to sell their crappy rags.
  4. Parker to west ham, clap clap clap clap clap, Parker to west ham....to fade Couldn't care where he goes tbh, just as long as he doesn't pull on a black and white shirt again.
  5. Cheeky little shit! 'Doesn't want to be messed about'.... Try defending properly rather than shouting your mouth off in the press. Very average player who gets away with murder because he's local. Personally, I'd fine him 2 weeks wages for coming out with that heap of shite. If he did come out with it. The media print lies all the time and people believe whatever suits them at any given moment in time.
  6. I know you're answering the question and a lineup like this could unfortunately be close to the reality. Would you be happy with it?
  7. best squad I´m seen so far. That team looks pretty naff to me. We won't get near the top 4 with that lot.
  8. Nobody is slagging him off much that I can see. He makes mistakes but he's a young player. By the way some go on you'd think he was a world beater, he isn't and that's all that some people are saying. Some people on here need to pay more attention in their English lesson.
  9. Hold on - you saying the reason people were on Brambles back was because he was Black and/or a southerner? Nowt to do with the 5 error strewn years he spent here, and failure to improve? As for the southern thing, yeah - we do struggle to get behind/back non-geordie players, don't we?? - tell that to the likes of Rob Lee or Les Ferdinand! He is not saying that people were on Bramble's back because he was black and/or a southerner. People were on Bramble's back because he was s****. What he is saying is that people find it a lot harder to criticise someone who is equally s**** but happens to look like themselves and who is a local. Thank you for explaining, as what you say is correct. Oh, so you were inferring some kind of racism then, rather than a justified criticism??? Get off your paranoid soapbox, ffs.
  10. Steven Taylor is a outstanding prospect and has the qualities at such a young age to go on and be a Newcastle United Captain. Certainly important this Summer for Big Sam and Shepherd to give him a contract he deserves. In fact Taylor does make as many mistakes as Bramble, the thing on his side is that he's younger and could/should improve. This being the exact thing that was said about Bramble at the same stage. Not sure about the concept of giving better contracts after 'x' games. Due to the injuries last season some players turned out who might not have done for ages. On this basis the club could end up giving a better contract to Ramage for playing more than 78 shit games. For example.
  11. Mega gay. Mega gay... What sort of criminal abuse of the English language is that supposed to be? If you think it's s***, just say you think it's s***. Mega gay....f***'s sake, man. How about MEGA Shit? How about cakky? Or even MEGA kakka?
  12. Howaythelads


    Well, BIG SAM has been here a couple of days now and I know for a FACT from what I've heard that he hasn't got a single player lined up. I'm losing patience with this, it's not good enough. In fact I've lost patience with it. Fred doesn't know what he's doing. I want to see evidence of PLANNING but I don't see it. Every other club PLANS ahead, we never do and never have done. EVER. And that's a FACT. FRED OUT. BIG SAM should have been thinking of this back in January at least, but he wasn't. So, BIG SAM OUT anarl. FMB.
  13. Back to make a fool of yourself I never left. And what's wrong with being gay (not that I am)? mackems.gif You really are 13 as your profile states, aren't you? Dear me. Looking at my profile eh? Sounds like you're interested in me, pet.
  14. mackems.gif So you go to matches when the team is good but disappear when the team is "bad". I think you need to be ignored. Your type are worthy only of contempt. You're not a supporter. The club doesn't need people like you, they need loyalty. That coming from someone who has a pop at others for picking up on selective parts of posts and/or not reading posts. You seem to have done both at the same time there. OMG. Mate, I don't give a toss what you think, you're one of the most hypocritical people on this forum so you may as well save it . So are you, tbh. Probably the most. oh dear, here comes the Frank Spencer of Newcastle Online Alright Stevie boy?! Still posting to yourself on Howaythetoon? nah, thats Fraser. mackems.gif I'm Fraser ye knaa.
  15. correct. I'd go further. As he only has 2 years of his contract and will be a free agent in 18 months time, I'd ask him to extend for another 12 months, and if he won't do that, look for a buyer before we lose him for nothing. Keeping your best players is paramount to being successful, but things have changed since the Bosman rule, we have to accept that having been here for 2 years and not exactly becoming a NUFC player through being injured all the time, he may want to move on or go home to Liverpool if the chance arises. Its not much to ask in return for what we have showed and paid him, if he can't return that loyalty then we are better off bring in players who want to play for the club. Yup
  16. Back to make a fool of yourself I never left. And what's wrong with being gay (not that I am)? mackems.gif
  17. mackems.gif So you go to matches when the team is good but disappear when the team is "bad". I think you need to be ignored. Your type are worthy only of contempt. You're not a supporter. The club doesn't need people like you, they need loyalty. That coming from someone who has a pop at others for picking up on selective parts of posts and/or not reading posts. You seem to have done both at the same time there. OMG. Mate, I don't give a toss what you think, you're one of the most hypocritical people on this forum so you may as well save it .
  18. mackems.gif So you go to matches when the team is good but disappear when the team is "bad". I think you need to be ignored. Your type are worthy only of contempt. You're not a supporter. The club doesn't need people like you, they need loyalty.
  19. Lots of people supported the appointment of Souness. They will say it was because as the manager he should be backed 100%, which could be a fair comment only they carried on supporting him even when it was obvious to most match goers and many non-match goers that Souness was going to destroy the team. There were lots of these fools, especially on toontastic, where the level of understanding of Newcastle in particular and football in general is pretty low if it exists at all. The main culprit for offering constant support to Souness despite the evidence of how poor he was doing was gemmill, who supported souness and what he was doing right through to the day he was sacked.
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