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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. From the current crop I'd give it to Solano, not that I think it matters much anyway.
  2. 1. Yes they have. 2. I acknowledged it ages ago, I've never thought Roeder was a good appointment. I recall being slated for suggesting he shouldn't even be given the job as caretaker........
  3. Interesting post and it makes me recall something from ages ago. I was worried about the appointment of Souness when I heard it announced on the car radio, but I could see the reasoning behind it. The players were supposed to be off the rails and needed some discipline. I believe the Board appointed Souness on that sole reason. This prompted a post from me all that time ago explaining my belief that the main limitation of this Board is how they appoint a manager generally based on a single character trait only. You can trace it through right back to when Keegan left with Dalglish, Gullit, Robson and then Souness. Appointing someone based on such a narrow criteria doesn't work and this is where they've gone badly wrong imo. Of course, I can't accept criticism of the Board and I am a massive supporter of Fred because I don't harp on about him being a pie eating, fat bastard......I post lies, misrepresentation and waffle anarl.
  4. Oh goody, I thought you were going to dispense with the hyperbole and the bollocks 1) Shepherd sacked Robson. In a move that many consider too late rather than too early - a move caused by fans expectations and poor attitude from the players 2) The board of NUFC appointed Souness. Shepherd is the chairman and a minority shareholder of that board. Nevertheless, a fair point 3) Shepherd gave Souness wads of dosh. But what would you have him do? Hire him then give him no money? To borrow a line from those posters you condemn - damned if you do, damned if you don't 4) See point two. 5) Ummm... Roeder? Actually, Roeder said he would try to sign suitable players who would improve our club. Would you prefer it was us who signed Upson for 8m and then get 40 odd minutes out of him? 6) Lying to the fans is a growth industry - Roeder lied to the fans for his whole tenure, Dyer lied to the fans when he said he was sorry about his limp captain's effort, Anal Oliver lies to the fans daily. And yes, Shepherd has lied to the fans too... And I also feel that none of your deep and searching questions go close to describing our current predicament. Is Shepherd to blame for signing players with no bottle? Is Shepherd to blame for the "worst injury crisis in our clubs history"? Is Shepherd to blame for Charles N'Zogbia's baffling drop in form? The list of things wrong with our club is quite a long one - and while Shepherd is ultimately responsible for the wellbeing of the club as it's public figurehead he cannot be held directly for every contributing factor. As I say Shepherd is not the sole cause of our current predicament Top post. People should read it a couple of times.
  5. They've said nothing of the sort! What they do is consistently tell less knowledgable fans that once upon a time things were truly horrible, on a level that we as newer fans simply can't relate to. They are happy to admit that the board has made significant mistakes especially the appointment of Souness. And similarly, what they both do is remind people that Shepherd is not the embodiement of Satan himself, that despite all his media gaffes and poor appointments, he has still managed to do some good. And as HTL says - they acknowledge he can do better. Now, I don't particularly wish to defend NE5 and HTL, but you are talking shite - they do not say Shepherd is doing a superb job. That's it in a nutshell. Cheers for highlighting that because that is exactly what I've been saying for a long time. The Board has made quite a number of mistakes but they are vastly superior to previous Boards and could just as easily be replaced by people worse than they are as by people better than they are. I'm not at all sure why so many people appear to be unable to understand that this is what I'm saying, or accept that this is what I'm saying without the misrepresentation.
  6. Any reason in particular why you're making stuff up, Dave? If you've understood just a small percentage of the posts I've made over months about the state of the team you'll know that I would not be saying anything even close to, "it'll do for me". Just carry on making stuff up but that puts you into the ranks of various other people on this forum who do nowt but waffle, lie and misrepresent posts simply because I don't childishly name-call and/or slag Fred or the Board. I thought you were better than that but you live and learn. Talk about pot and kettle! Care to expand with some examples of waffle, lies and misrepresentation by me? Try to make these examples more than just being something you disagree with, there is a difference between disagreeing with someone's point of view and lies. If you can't find any I'll accept your apology.
  7. Any reason in particular why you're making stuff up, Dave? If you've understood just a small percentage of the posts I've made over months about the state of the team you'll know that I would not be saying anything even close to, "it'll do for me". Just carry on making stuff up but that puts you into the ranks of various other people on this forum who do nowt but waffle, lie and misrepresent posts simply because I don't childishly name-call and/or slag Fred or the Board. I thought you were better than that but you live and learn. I've not made anything up, I said I can't believe you would think that. As in I think you've both kind of backed yourself into a corner with the defence of the current board and despite your inner misgivings still appear to find it difficult in accepting critisism of them (silly name-calling or otherwise) without bringing up the same old things about 5th best, Souness, Bellamy, worse boards etc. I am putting you both in this same bracket by the way. PS - don't know what you're getting at with the bit about me being 'better than that' tbh. Don't lie. "I've not made anything up, I said I can't believe you would think that." Well why say it then? BTW I haven't defended the Board at all, ever, so I've no reason to feel as though I'm backed into a corner. I'm well aware of the mistakes they've made and I've posted at length on that in the not too distant past, it seems you've missed those posts though by suggesting I have some kind of difficulty accepting criticism of the Board. The other reason I don't feel to be backed into a corner is that everything I've posted about the Board has been based on fact, not some kind of made up shite that floods this forum. The bit about "being better than that" is fairly obvious too. I think you've tried (and are stiill trying) to score some kind of daft point here by lying, which is more than a bit sad and not what I expected from you. From others, yes. On the other hand, perhaps you're like gejon and just don't understand a single thing I've been posting on this forum.
  8. Spot on. Doubt that this point will sink in. And HTL - I don't remember much before 1992. I couldn't give a shit. I live in the now, not the past. So you're one of the older types but you can't remember much before 1992. I see. I don't give a shit what you think.
  9. Yes. Happy? Yes you do think he should now review his own position or yes Roeder resigning has saved his bacon? Have a guess if it's not obvious to you, mate. Although I think it ought to be. You know what I said, why should I change my mind?
  10. Any reason in particular why you're making stuff up, Dave? If you've understood just a small percentage of the posts I've made over months about the state of the team you'll know that I would not be saying anything even close to, "it'll do for me". Just carry on making stuff up but that puts you into the ranks of various other people on this forum who do nowt but waffle, lie and misrepresent posts simply because I don't childishly name-call and/or slag Fred or the Board. I thought you were better than that but you live and learn.
  11. you are absolutely right. When we have a s*** board and only 15,000 fans, he will be forced out. However, while we have 30-40,000 fans happy to pay the money for what they are seeing, it won't happen. Think about it. I realise it may be difficult. In the meantime, what do you think of the "timing" of Roeders removal ? And what do you/people think of giving the next manager the whole summer to settle into the job, or are you going to say "they should have given Roeder a chance to see if he started next season better" Nowt surprises me. Oh, and Ameobi is back and so he may have succeeded mackems.gif Errr I have thought about it. Thats why I wrote the post in the first place. You know the post you choose to reply to As for the bit below the part I have highlighted A I didn't mention Roeder at all. B Why have you projected my 2 possible answers? Is it because you want to put words in my mouth then argue against what you think I'd say? Anyway I hereby declare by NE5 and his leg humping mate HTL wtf are you on about sunshine? I'd say you've just hijacked the thread with that pile of shite.
  12. Aye, you certainly are. Why don't you post your nonsense on Skunkers and see what other match going supporters make of your daft views. Nobody thinks the Board haven't made mistakes but the typical copy and paste slating of the Board on this forum no matter what they do is the real boring stuff. Was that your point in the other thread re Skunkers then? I couldn't give a fuck what people on there think of what I've got to say. My only experience of the people on Skunkers are the ones who turn up on here from time to time and give it the "I've been going forever and it's not what it used to be. You're all young and crap." bit, like you do on here. Nobody gives a shite. You're like a bunch of old queens. Here you go again, making stuff up as you go along. There is only one type of "supporter" I don't like and it's nowt to do with age, but don't let the truth get in the way eh. Link to where I've ever said this please.....
  13. Do you have any opinions on football in general or on Newcastle United in particular, or do you just post spam? oh, i have some.. i just think it's pointless debating with spambots on Shepherd's payroll, so i keep it short and simple Easy way out there, then. Methinks you don't have the ability to construct any kind of reasonable argument worthy of debate. Doesn't bother me, tbh. As I said, nobody is claiming the Board has made no mistakes, all that is being highlighted is the reality rather than the "head in the sand" and frankly rather childish approach of only being able to see the mistakes since the appointment of Souness. It's ironic that the people slating the Board nowadays, and also slating both myself and NE5 for pointing out the reality are the very same people who at the time supported the Souness destruction of the team.
  14. Do you have any opinions on football in general or on Newcastle United in particular, or do you just post spam? That's rich coming from you, Tough guy. Who rattled your cage?
  15. Aye, you certainly are. Why don't you post your nonsense on Skunkers and see what other match going supporters make of your daft views. Nobody thinks the Board haven't made mistakes but the typical copy and paste slating of the Board on this forum no matter what they do is the real boring stuff. The typical copy and paste defending of the Board on this forum no matter what they do rocks my world though. As usual you have no grasp of what people are really saying.
  16. Aye, you certainly are. Why don't you post your nonsense on Skunkers and see what other match going supporters make of your daft views. Nobody thinks the Board haven't made mistakes but the typical copy and paste slating of the Board on this forum no matter what they do is the real boring stuff.
  17. Do you have any opinions on football in general or on Newcastle United in particular, or do you just post spam?
  18. you are absolutely right. When we have a shit board and only 15,000 fans, he will be forced out. However, while we have 30-40,000 fans happy to pay the money for what they are seeing, it won't happen. Think about it. I realise it may be difficult. In the meantime, what do you think of the "timing" of Roeders removal ? And what do you/people think of giving the next manager the whole summer to settle into the job, or are you going to say "they should have given Roeder a chance to see if he started next season better" Nowt surprises me. Oh, and Ameobi is back and so he may have succeeded mackems.gif You sound like we should be thanking Shepherd that he sacked Roeder Fuck the fat pig and the people who supports him. Its his own fault because if he appointed the right man last summer we shouldnt be in that position right now. Also its his fault that the club has gone massively backwards after the sacking of SBR The only way i will forgive him is if he appoints the right man now,supports him 100% and gives him enough money in the summer for transfers. Thats the only way Shepherd will remove the black clouds that are under him. And one more thing NE5: Can you tell me where are these people who will say:"they should have given Roeder a chance to see if he started next season better"?? I support the club, not a person, from a seat in the stand since 1992, and for nearly 30 years before that, from the terraces. Nobody is denying that the last 2 managers have turned out to be bad appointments, but Roeder may have worked, however there is nothing wrong with NUFC that the next manager won't cure quickly if he is a good manager. And the reason for that is that it is a good club geared for success, unlike the club that the current board found that it replaced back in 1992. This is not difficult to grasp. The proof is in the history books, and the league positions and the performance since. I realise you haven't got much of a clue about this, and it isn't your fault so I'm not having a go at you for it, but a half decent idea would be for you to go and study them before thinking what you say is correct. Good of you to explain this but it's unlikely he'll pay any attention.
  19. why would you be cheerful about taylor? hes an over-rated prick And you dont understand anything about football mackems.gif
  20. Sorry? Sigh Which part don't you understand? I'm happy to help, as always.
  21. Don't you think this is the wrong forum for your message? Try Skunkers if you're not bothered about them taking the piss out of you.
  22. I fail to see the joke. That's because like many others on here you have no idea of what a s**** Chairman really is. I thought you were one of the aulder members? Surely you remember further back than 1992? And by the way, he won't resign no matter how much the kids on here clamour for him to do so.
  23. typical of Baggio and his ilk to think that the current board have ruined all the decades of trophies and success we had before they took control. Those were the days when we always appointed trophy winning managers, kept all our best players, bought all the top players at the right price at the right time and never made a bad signing, ever. What exactly is the point you're making here? I can't see it. Can you explain how your reply to Baggio's post challenges anything in his post (which I thought was a lucidly descriptive and incisively critical post, by the way)? It's not hard to understand, tbh. I'm sightly surprised as you're not as stupid as the other toonspastic wankers. I think you've made a judgement here before actually reading and understanding all of the post. So why don't you spell it out for me? Can't be arsed, mate. Just read baggio's post from start to finish and I'm sure you'll see.
  24. Aye,he is always giving 100% Bring some decent manager and his form will renew as his best. Right now all of our team is s*** so naming separate players from this s*** squad and telling this player is s*** is just stupid IMO at the moment all of our players are at their weakest form they have been in ages As for the captain issue i agree that he is not the perfect choice for captain. I think Given should be our captain next season. At the current squad he is the player with most experience,he is great person and on/off the field and he has the respect from the players(i think).So i think he has the biggest influence in the dressing room. Also it seems that Parker is too quiet to be a captain. And ultimately at the current situation our club is standing i think the captainsproblem is the least problem we have... mackems.gif
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