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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. That must be something like 3 or 4 times now.
  2. typical of Baggio and his ilk to think that the current board have ruined all the decades of trophies and success we had before they took control. Those were the days when we always appointed trophy winning managers, kept all our best players, bought all the top players at the right price at the right time and never made a bad signing, ever. What exactly is the point you're making here? I can't see it. Can you explain how your reply to Baggio's post challenges anything in his post (which I thought was a lucidly descriptive and incisively critical post, by the way)? It's not hard to understand, tbh. I'm sightly surprised as you're not as stupid as the other toonspastic wankers. I think you've made a judgement here before actually reading and understanding all of the post.
  3. I actually laughed out loud. Cheers for that it has been shown to you that posts can be edited without providing a date and time. I actually laughed out loud because I knew you wouldn't acknowledge it. I didn't say they couldn't but still haven't been shown any proof either so why should I acknowledge anything? No respect these kids! You have the IQ of a goldfish. At best. You aren't even funny, man. The stuff you post that you think is a wind up is transparent as f***. Like this. Why don't you send me an another abusive PM? I may reply this time.
  4. As Chez said, If not, what do you really know about the overall balance and structure of this football team and where the main problems are?
  5. Anyone who thinks Carrick is a better attacking midfielder than Scholes needs a brain transplant.
  6. Couldn't give a fuck, tbh. I know you don't have the maturity to do the right thing. No respect.
  7. And there was me thinking the whole team contributed to goals and it wasn't the strikers who did all the work. We had Owen and Martins playing yesterday, won't find many better strike forces than that in the PL. Would like to see how many assists the full backs for the top 4 have. And there was me thinking and saying ages ago that the whole team contributes to defending and it's not just the defenders who have to do all the defensive work. Hmmm, wonder why the principle doesn't seem to work that way around.....
  8. The replacement is more important than the timing of any sacking. Equally as important, as well as the right backing from the board. All these issues need to be spot on in this day and age to give a manager the best leg up. Usually a manager will get time to settle so its not so important when they come in and you'd be right, but with the EPL so fast paced, so demanding, a string of poor results can see a safe manager knocked off his perch without warning, and now managers get less time to get it right, especially at Newcastle. I think we'd all breath a sigh of relief if GR goes in May, the board give the new manager £20m+ whatever he brings in. I know you don't want him, but i think its nailed on Sam is coming here, if not do you really trust FS to bring in someone better? Can't agree mate. If you get the right man you'll do ok. Robson was appointed at roughly the same stage of the season as Souness, for example. Obviously it would be great to get the timing spot on too but sacking Roeder today and appointing another plank like Souness wouldn't do anything positive. The manager is the most important person at the club, getting the right man in no matter what the timing is of paramount importance imo. Depends on which club. This club, it needs quick fixes and long term goals from the off, or you don't stand a chance. SBR had that, i'm also sure he didn't have transfer windows to work around and was able to sign players (Gallagher) as soon as he got in the seat. If we sack GR in September after spending £20m, then bringing in a new manager, were just putting ourselves further in trouble long term, and for the short term who knows what would happen that season. Your right i suppose getting the right man is crucial, but if we do our usual 5 games in trick, were fuked. That's a good point about the transfer window system, things are different now. Personally, I wouldn't entertain giving Roeder another £20m to spend, which is getting back to what I said during the first transfer window under Souness. I'd already seen enough to tell me he wasn't going to be the right man so giving him money wasn't the right thing to do. The same now applies to Roeder. He has to go, tbh.
  9. How do you know that exactly?
  10. I got there in the end, mate. I edited the previous reply to your post further up the page.
  11. The replacement is more important than the timing of any sacking. Equally as important, as well as the right backing from the board. All these issues need to be spot on in this day and age to give a manager the best leg up. Usually a manager will get time to settle so its not so important when they come in and you'd be right, but with the EPL so fast paced, so demanding, a string of poor results can see a safe manager knocked off his perch without warning, and now managers get less time to get it right, especially at Newcastle. I think we'd all breath a sigh of relief if GR goes in May, the board give the new manager £20m+ whatever he brings in. I know you don't want him, but i think its nailed on Sam is coming here, if not do you really trust FS to bring in someone better? Can't agree mate. If you get the right man you'll do ok. Robson was appointed at roughly the same stage of the season as Souness, for example. Obviously it would be great to get the timing spot on too but sacking Roeder today and appointing another plank like Souness wouldn't do anything positive. The manager is the most important person at the club, getting the right man in no matter what the timing is of paramount importance imo.
  12. I'm not at all sure I understand what you're trying to say there, like. Edit. Ok, I got it. I don't agree. Keeping the wrong man isn't the right way to go even if a replacement isn't lined up. Of course, the haters of Fat "pie eater" Fred will slate him for not having someone lined up as an immediate replacement, even though the same people will clamour for Roeder to be sacked today whether there is a replacement lined up or not.
  13. You haven't got a clue about recent times let alone an understanding of the history of the club. It would be a very good thing if you would stop posting such utter tripe.
  14. The replacement is more important than the timing of any sacking.
  15. no, it is not aimed at you. It is aimed at the clueless, and very sad wullie, who appears to have been the one that had nothing else to do, and to a lesser extent baggio for supporting him, because although he talks bollocks when he spouts his DOF stuff he can back it up with some facts. It is just that I disagree. And I can also back it up with examples. I am aware you didn't claim to be saying that I was banned, so apologies for that, but I am making the point that I actually was banned - for comments made on another message board - and somebody knows that it is true, that person being the one who banned me. I would guess it may be the same person who edited the post, who knows, and actually, who cares. Such daft things are just the actions of tossers mate. I'm not sure whether to take that as a complement or not. you aren't Wullie's girlfriend are you ? Because he sure as hell needs one mackems.gif More likely to be his boyfriend, tbh.
  16. no, it is not aimed at you. It is aimed at the clueless, and very sad wullie, who appears to have been the one that had nothing else to do, and to a lesser extent baggio for supporting him, because although he talks bollocks when he spouts his DOF stuff he can back it up with some facts. It is just that I disagree. And I can also back it up with examples. I am aware you didn't claim to be saying that I was banned, so apologies for that, but I am making the point that I actually was banned - for comments made on another message board - and somebody knows that it is true, that person being the one who banned me. I would guess it may be the same person who edited the post, who knows, and actually, who cares. Such daft things are just the actions of tossers mate. Out of interest how long ago was this banning? Also if the post was edited then surely someone would have noticed it before, maybe even at the time or did someone wait a few months, edit it then hope someone would check randomly some time in the next year or so and bring it back up again? All seems a bit too much like grasping at straws to me. Surprisingly - possibly - for you, close to the mark. I can't see the poster leaving it if he had been aware of it can you ? This point has been made previously btw HTL, swindonmag and stevieh84 - at least - will confirm that someone on toontastic has a history of this sort of thing. Whatever. Close to the mark? I kind of remember editing going on but wasn't that quoting and editing the text not actually editing the original post? Not sure how it works on that board but any other forum I have used it comes up with a notice stating the time and date something was edited? shouldn't pass opinion if you don't keep up with whats going on http://z3.invisionfree.com/NUFCforum/index.php?showtopic=46&st=0 Well your "story" seems a bit too strung out to me and you never admit when you are wrong but hey ho carry on Jackanory. OMG Gemmill you edited my post!!!!11111oneone!!!111 Even when faced with cast iron proof you're still unable to admit you were wrong. No surprise there. Mind you, you're so slow on the uptake it is entirely possible that you don't even realise you've been shown to be spouting shite yet again. It's sad that there is no chance of a short post from you just saying, "Oh well, sorry mate. Obviously posts can be edited without a date/time appearing". Being realistic about it there is always a high chance that you don't realise you've been shown this proof. Your constant struggle to keep up with posts and understand what's going on doesn't need to be highlighted and is a source of great amusement on this forum. I think that by now not many people expect to see much that is sensible in anything you post, mate. Moving on. The fact is, toontastic is a forum that has as it's main contributors a bunch of soft shite wankers. Unfortunately some of them post on this forum as well.
  17. My gut feeling on this is that Roeder won't be manager at the start of next season.
  18. What a waste of a post that was, eh.
  19. Agree that he's not great, but I'd take him here ahead of Parka, that's for sure.
  20. It should be fairly obvious by now, even to Luque's rent-boys, that he must be showing an extremely poor attitude on a day by day basis toward training, building up to match day and probably even toward being a part of the 'group' of players. In short, he has an attitude problem that is down to him and nobody else. Wonder no more.
  21. Yeah, none of it is due to him not being very good at football. You're clueless if you think Luque's performances in a black and white shirt are an accurate reflection of his ability. And you're pretty clueless if you think it matters how much talent he has if his attitude stinks so much the heap of cack isn't professional enough to do his job at Newcastle United. For whatever reason. If he does well at PSV it's yet another sign (as if any was needed) that he's a spineless tosser.
  22. It says nowt at all about the club, other than this spineless heap of cack saw a big pay day coming his way and the club fell for it because the manager at the time was an idiot, wanting to replace good players with crap. What this really shows is everything that is wrong with the player. A total waster. Since the day he joined the club he's been taking the piss out of his employers, his team-mates and the supporters. He's a disgrace, tbh. Yeah, I'm sure he goes up to Roeder week after week and begs him not to pick him in the squad. He just wants to sit at home and smoke the finest cubans, which he of course lights up with £50 notes. Then he phones up Owen, who obviously gets injured on purpose so he can just get paid and never play for us, and they have a good laugh together. What it shows is how much of a clueeless, incompetent prick of a manager we've got. Even when we had no fit forwards he didn't pick him, and the Carling Cup game against Watford was the icing on the cake, finishing the game with 2 midfielders up front just so Luque doesn't get a game. Has he even played 5 games in a row since he joined the club? He never got a fair crack of the whip, and that is a fact. Hopefully he stays put and Allardyce becomes manager. At least then we'd have someone with an ounce of man management skills and would at least TRY to get the best out of him. We shouldn't even have signed him in the first place, but after you blow 9.5 million, you might as well give him a game.. Your username says it all. I DID hear that was the reason he's not getting in the squad and going to PSV, but I thought it was just hear say.. ..and to think I stood up for him. :'( I thought it was daft post, like. A real sob story in favour of a bloke who has been taking the piss for nearly 2 years. Nowt personal.
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