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Everything posted by Menace

  1. Imagine the uproar from the Saudis if the Prem rejected it though.
  2. Lascelles is more than decent tbh. Our centre backs all have Rafa to thank as they all improved rapidly under him.
  3. Wouldn't even surprise me if that is Ashley tbh
  4. Full article: https://theathletic.com/1777474/2020/05/09/newcastle-training-ground/
  5. Menace


    So essentially bought them with their parachute payment, hope to get them up and then sell them and make a quick profit. Worked well.
  6. Didn’t Barclays pay for joelinton? Staveley can sue them for that one as well. Class.
  7. Imagine a few months ago someone would've told you we'd be talking about Poch/Nagelsmann/Allegri/Rafa. I would've told you you're on spice.
  8. Who was the chap here that genuinely had ties to Ashley? Was it Golfmag? I can't remember off the top of my head.
  9. Aye, some of our fans were booing him too ffs. I just have images of him sitting on a tin bucket with his head in his hands.
  10. My first ever game I attended was Villa away. We lost 4-2 and Shearer was benched for Kluivert. Bobby (RIP) looked stressed, it was his last ever game.
  11. I will definitely move back or visit far more if this happens. Newcastle as a city when the football is going well is buzzing - its a very live place.
  12. And they got this information how exactly? Amanda's husband told him on Zoom.
  13. It was the Financial Times who first leaked the story. WSJ wasnt it?
  14. Being friends with people in media must be delightful. Imagine being a subpar piece of shit and they still defend you no matter what.
  15. Its not happening today like, would be glad to be proved wrong though.
  16. Bale is what that Greg Geordie Shore bloke said a few weeks back, probably nonsense but we'll see.
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