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Everything posted by Tom_NUFC

  1. Several. The Geordie Pope giving his sermon on Wembley Way before the 1999 Cup Final, until Plod came along and stopped it, miserable bunch of cunts. The Harry Potter song at Cardiff before the semi final, because there was some kid who looked the spitting double of him. The food fight in the away end at Tranmere in February 93, people nicking squirty mustard and ketchup bottles. Taunting furious Leicester fans at Filbert Street, May 92, and making them even angrier. Things got mental but it was still funny even if a bit frightening at times. Leicester at home, May 93 - fantastic day all round. Shearer winding up Keane at home to Man U, September 2001. Keane goes to punch Shearer, misses, Shearer smirks, Keane gets sent off. Passing smug looking, smirking Man U fans outside SJP in October 1996, and then watching the cunts streaming out the ground at 3-0 down. 4-0 down, cue mass exodus. 5-0 down, hardly any left. Watching the Everton fans' reaction to 'Liverpool slums', 'Calm Down', 'You stole my stereo' etc on any visit to Goodison Park. They can't help themselves can they. They're all oldies but they keep on reacting to it and it always makes me laugh, watching them flicking the Vs, shouting at us, going purple in the face. Of course the angrier they get, the more the 'Calm Down' comes out.
  2. Totally agree with you actually i put newcastle before england at the minute its because we're really not a good team to watch and the future looks bleak really I always put Newcastle before England. We could be bottom of League 2 and England could be World and European champions with no other team to touch them, and I'd still put NUFC first.
  3. Have you heard McClaren today. "The England team is the most important team in the country". Err, no it isn't, because most people put club before country.
  4. Yeah. Nail on head. In most other places, football stadiums are hidden away in the suburbs or stuck next to retail parks or industrial estates on the outskirts of town. In Newcastle, St James Park is built on a big hill looming over the city centre. You can driving into Newcastle from all directions. Its a bit of an overused cliche that Newcastle is football mad, but I always go along with the view that cliches like that are cliches because they are true. The link between NUFC and civic pride is incredibly strong here, and SJP being where it is screams, this is what we're about. If I've been away and we're driving back up the A1 and you come through Gateshead, and see it there out across the river, it honestly does give me a buzz to see it. Even if I haven't been away, and I'm heading towards Newcastle on the Coast Road, and you can see it there in the distance, it's brilliant. My aunt and uncle came up in the summer, and they hadn't been up to Newcastle for quite a few years. Last time they were up was the promotion season (92/93). They're Tranmere fans and came up when we played them, and also when they played Sunderland. St James' has been transformed since then, and obviously they'd seen it on TV and things, but they were saying how fantastic it looked when they were driving in. They're not even Newcastle fans, so it shows how well placed and impressive it is.
  5. I've been going to Merseyside many times ever since I was born, as I have relatives who live over on the Wirral. To get there you come off the M62 and have to drive through Liverpool to the Mersey tunnels. Everytime since I was quite small, I've been struck by how run down the place actually is (the other side of the river where my relations live is generally better though). Abandoned buildings, wastelands where buildings have been knocked down and nothing to replace it. I know Newcastle has a few 60s and 70s concrete eyesores, but generally we're OK and are pulling some of them down, or at least trying to make them look a bit more presentable. Central Liverpool on the other hand is full of them. They have some fantastic buildings down on the waterfront, by the river, it looks really impressive, the Albert Dock looks good, and St George's Hall opposite Lime Street Station is a nice building as well. The rest of it though....... And as for the areas around Goodison Park and Anfield, it really does shock me the conditions of houses - there's almost a full street right next to Anfield which is boarded up. I've children who look absolutely filthy once when I went. The same time, I bought some chips from a chippy beside the ground and we were standing on the corner, and a big f*ck off rat came around the corner from the back lane behind the chippy..... I didn't finish the chips. One of my uncles calls Liverpool East Berlin, it does sort of have that behind the iron curtain depressing bleakness about it. As for the people. I know what you mean about the Liverpool fans, they can be annoying buggers. Everton fans are funny because they're so easy to wind up - at least Liverpool fans seem to be able to take all the calm down, thieving, Liverpool slums etc. Everton fans can't, which is why its funny. I have met a lot of scousers who are OK. Generally, I think they are, but when it comes to football a lot of them can become a pack of wankers at times.
  6. Its good like, but it's been here several times before and its about 6-7 years old. It was first in Newcastle Stuff magazine I think.
  7. Tom_NUFC


    The times I've heard it has left me thinking that it should be renamed 'Talkshite'. It annoys me. Five Live is a million times better.
  8. Toon/Brum v Reading/Burnley
  9. Newcastle doesn't have any more issues with Americans than anywhere else in the UK. A lot of people are critical of US Foreign Policy, but thats the US Government, not the people. Americans will be and have been treated fine in Newcastle. As long as you don't come across all arrogant, loud-mouthed and big-headed. If you are, you'll likely be put in your place, but that's true of anyone from anywhere. Otherwise, people will, on the whole be friendly towards you.
  10. Gallowgate: 11,000 East Stand: 8 Leazes: 644,314.5 Milburn: 23,000,006 In other words, dunno. Why not try the club website or Wikipedia.
  11. You really don't need to be worried about the racism thing. I'm not naive to think that racism does not exist, but in general Newcastle is not a racist city, and there aren't really racist attacks or anything. I can't see it being a problem for you at all. Despite being a predominantly white city, there are people of all races who live here, and as has already been said, there are a lot of Asian students studying at the two universities. Racist comments inside the ground, well, you might be unfortunate enough to sit near some idiot who makes racist remarks. Sadly there are still a few knobheads at every club who will come out with this sh!t, but they are few in number these days, and people do often tell them to shut up. As far as friendliness goes, in general people will help you if you ask for directions etc, I can only think that the Canadian fan was unfortunate and encountered some of the more grumpier buggers. The biggest threat to spoiling your visit is likely to be the performance of the team themselves.
  12. Tommy Wright Terry McDermott Mark McGhee
  13. nice one lads. I'll take any pics, but has anyone got any that aren't generic St Georges crosses with NUFC in? And any more with NE places on them?
  14. Does anyone have some good photos of any? I've got a few but not an awful lot. I'm trying to find some examples for FIFA 07
  15. To be honest, I think there's a lot of you being very harsh. I don't think it is 'wallowing'. We're talking about people who lost their lives by going to a game to watch their team. It wasn't because of Scousers turning up pissed, it was down to Police incompetance, and the whole thing has never really come to a decent finding. There's people who should have gone down for their incompetance, but it hasn't happened, and family and friends of the people who died haven't seen anyone punished for the deaths of the people they've lost. Its a disgrace, and I think they have every right to keep on fighting for that. That is not 'wallowing'. Football supporters of all clubs should be backing them because it could have happened to any team. In fact, there was an incident two years before Hillsborough, which could have turned out similarly, and it involved us. It was an FA Cup Quarter Final between Spurs and Newcastle at White Hart Lane in 1987. Like the Liverpool fans at Hillsborough, Newcastle fans were channeled into the central sections of the away terracing. However, the police realised, and opened up the side sections in time. If they hadn't, it would have been 'our Hillsborough' (in fact Hillsborough itself probably wouldn't have happened), and if there'd been a similar verdict, wouldn't we be calling for justice for our relatives, friends and fellow Newcastle supporters? Of course we fucking would! Kelvin Mackenzie is absolute fucking scum for suggesting that Liverpool fans were drunk, and stealing from and pissing on the dead, and the fact that although The Sun has since offered an apology (albeit a luke-warm one in the hope of recovering some sales on Merseyside), Mackenzie continues with his disgusting view is appalling, but entirely characteristic of the heartless Thatcherite fucking worm that he is. I've got no particular love of Liverpool, wasn't at Hillsborough etc, but I remember that day VERY CLEARLY. We were away to Arsenal (lost 1-0), but my aunt and uncle were going to watch their team Tranmere play Hartlepool, and then come and stay with us, so me, my brother and my Mam went down to Hartlepool on the train, to meet them and go along to the game. We heard vague reports of something going on at Half Time, but didn't realise the severity of it. We only found out listening to the radio afterwards, driving back up to Newcastle. We had Radio 2 on (which covered the sport back then - it was pre-Radio 5), and the news reports and the reports of the commentators (Peter Jones and Alan Green - I think) sounded horrific. Then coming home and seeing the pictures on the news is one of the most harrowing things that I have ever seen. I think only September 11 compares. My aunt and uncle, living on Merseyside (my Uncle follows Liverpool as well as Tranmere) were upset by it, and had friends and colleagues who were going to the game. They were phoning people up for news, it was just horrible. If some of you want to do a Boris Johnson and accuse the Scousers of 'wallowing', well fair enough, but you can't include Hillsborough in that, by any means, because its not. Its unresolved stuff, which causes a lot of people pain. They want closure on it, so they don't have to keep on going on, but while they don't have that, its fair enough, don't you think? For all that I'm defending them, I clicked the link on TT to the Liverpool forum where they're slagging us off. Absolute fucking bunch of pricks for slagging all NUFC fans off just for a few.
  16. Don't want him. He's playing shite and he's a big headed little shite an all.
  17. yeah, I got it not long after it came out. It's a good read, and gets things pretty much spot on.
  18. I'd take Nugent. Preston have said he's not for sale, but who knows if a decent (But not an OTT - Please FFS) offer came in.
  19. St James' Park is located near St James' Terrace and St James' Street. The area in which the ground is located was at one time known as 'St James'. At the time (and we're talking about 300 years ago) the area was just outside the City Walls (and therefore outside the City). As the City grew outside the walls, the area of St James' became redundant as the area became part of the City Centre itself, and remained in the names of St James' Street and St James' Terrace, and the nearby field which was the city gallows and hangman's site, and part of the Town Moor, known as St James' Park. The last hanging at SJP took place in 1844 and by the 1870s was staging Football matches. By 1880, it was the home of Newcastle Rangers and following their demise Newcastle West End based themselves at St James' in 1886. West End ran into financial difficulties in 1892 and invited Newcastle East End to take over the rent to St James', which East End did as it was regarded as a better ground in a more central location. West End folded with several board members and players joining East End, who then changed their name to Newcastle United as they were no longer in the East End and were the City's only professional side. And NUFC have played there ever since.
  20. Tom_NUFC


    It annoys me, because we ARE United. In fact Manchester United is incorrect and Newcastle United is correct. Manchester United is a lie. Manchester is NOT United, it's Manchester Divided because they are split between two teams. But we're a one team city and Newcastle IS United behind it. I don't mind Man U being refered to as 'UNITED' by their fans or in a Manchester context, amongst Mancunians, and when being referred to along with Man City. But when its done on a national basis and applied regardless of who they're playing by the media et al, then no, it isn't on whatsoever. It would be wrong if they did that with us or Leeds, or Sheffield United or West Ham, or any United. If I hear people refer to Man U as 'United' then I start referering to us as United. I do sometimes anyway, along with 'Newcastle', or 'The Toon'. I refuse to let them have the term to themselves.
  21. I was expecting us to be absolutely battered. Lets face it, we've been battered by them with many more first teamers available than last night. It wasn't that Man U were bad either. They wanted the game, but f*cking hell we had some heart and some fight and for so many young, inexperienced players to be able to match them. I'm proud of them.
  22. we've played them all this season they're all English they all have more than one letter in their names they all have Football Club in their names their fans are c*nts no German chancellor has ever played for any single one of them none of them were founded by farmyard animals
  23. Tom_NUFC

    Peter Damage

    OK ,he's not the best player in the world, but he's been doing alright, and I'm not about to slag the lad off for his slip up today, it's a bit knee-jerk.
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