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Everything posted by Tom_NUFC

  1. I accept it. The run was going to end sometime. I didn't think we'd win it/get to the final. I'm used to being dissapointed, so I'll be angry and frustrated for a while, and at some point tomorrow it'll ease and I'll move on from it. There's no point in dwelling, because if you do you'll be like that for a lot of the time. Don't expect, don't get your hopes up too much, but always hope that things will improve and at sometime before you die, NUFC might just suprise you. I once heard someone say that Keegan is to blame, because he made us dream and get our hopes up! It's true! But I'd take another 'Keegan' style period all over again in a shot.
  2. Brilliant defence of Roeder there Tom. It's not his fault the players chose to ignore him. Fucks sake. Are you aquainted with the concept of sarcasm at all?
  3. Conceding that second goal last week was what cost us, but having said that, we were still in a good position. Over the last week, pretty much everyone I've talked to about the game has been saying its a good lead, but it's by no means over, its very possible they could win 2-0 and go through. Now presumably if we all knew this, then they did, so how the f*ck did they come up with that? We've known/been told how tough and how attacking they are when they're at home. So surely the most important thing was to make damned sure we got in an away goal. But no, very timid attacking wise until late on in the second half, when its a bit bloody late. You can't sit back against such an attacking team like AZ, even with a solid mistake. I've been of the opinion that Bramble, generally has been playing pretty well since he's been back in the team, but the old Titus came flooding back tonight. Taylor was more careless than complete sh!t, and I think you can say about him that he's a decent defender in the making, but still young and making the mistakes young players do - saying that, he was flailing his arms about at times, and that challenge he made in the first half - someone should have had a word with him, just to say cut it out/calm down. People are getting their knives out for Roeder - I haven't, but with displays like tonight, I can understand why, as I'm not sure what the plan was there at all. Or perhaps there was and the players just decided to ignore it.
  4. He'll still have an agent though
  5. That was to throw you off the scent. Obviously I was to busy gorging myself on Greggs products to change it.
  6. I remember some good ones at Arsenal away in 1997. There was a reworking of Don't Look Back In Anger, which was particularly good. And being 2 days after the election 'Johnny Major on the dole got a good airing' as well........ we didn't know then that Labour would let us down too.
  7. Confession time. Tom_NUFC is a pseudonym. I'm actually Freddy Shepherd - honest. Ask me questions, voice your opinions - I'm here so YOU can speak DIRECTLY to the club and to ME. I'll prove its really me, by coming on to the pitch at half time for the Geordie Jackpot draw, which I will do stark bollock naked. Can't say fairer than that eh?
  8. Yes. Thanks to the info gleamed by NSG and my precocious skills in MS paint, we are able to present an accurate illustration of next season's shirt. wait http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v298/supergeordie/nufcshirt2.jpg
  9. Is he doing the club catering then? Beat me to it
  10. I've seen those problems before. I used to go on a fans website for a band a few years back, and every now and then users would come on claiming to band members. There was always doubt about whether it really was them, although a lot of people just went along with it as they always seemed plausible. It did actually turn out to be them, because a few people (including me) used to blag interviews with them via their press officer before gigs. Of course there were wind up merchants as well, people pretending, so you can't really blame people for being sceptical.
  11. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v298/supergeordie/nufcshirt.jpg
  12. Tom_NUFC


    The whole everyone in Newcastle is mad on football gets overplayed by the national media, however I do think that there are perhaps more people here than in other parts of the country who, although not particularly interested still know what's going on, who the players are etc. My Dad's a good example of this - He's never been particularly interested in football (although he doesn't hate it). According to my Grandma, my Grandad used to think there was something wrong with him! Anyway, despite all that (and his attempt to try and 'cure' me when I was 6 by taking me to a match to put me off - which completely backfired) he still knows who the players are. He doesn't really know who we're playing next, but he knows the results and things, and does actually like to see NUFC doing well. I think that there could well be more people here in that catagory than in other areas, where people who aren't interested don't know anything at all.
  13. Be careful how you do it mind. The Mackems had their Irish theme day at the start of the season to mark Quinn's takeover and told them all to wear green......at a game against the only team in the division to wear green. Thick bastards.
  14. Anyone going? I thought I might if I'm up in time to get things done first. Only £3 in - 1pm kick off
  15. Gets the point across. Supposedly that would be in response to the likes of Everton fans singing "You've never won fuck all" The fact is though, they're correct, thanks to their semi literacy/poor grasp of the English language. Fuck all = Nothing, so if you've won fuck all, you've won nothing. However, they're telling us that we've never won fuck all, which in fact means that we have won things, which is absolutely true. Mind you, maybe that's being harsh on them. Perhaps they know this and are trying to cheer us up because it has been along time since we've won something. Perhaps they're merely trying to remind us that is the case.
  16. It was a good result, and we played very well - just a pity about their two goals which keeps the tie alive, because them winning 2-0 in the second leg and going through on away goals is entirely possible. But we've still got a good advantage.
  17. Nah, that's not always the case. When I was a younger, and my Mam was paying for all my tickets, I used to think along similar lines about people who don't go to all the games. But now I have to pay for my tickets, and I'm a student and money's tight. I've got a season ticket, and I was at the game last night, but I've missed some of the cup games because I have to be careful with the money I have. I suppose its been fortunate in that I've been able to watch the games I've missed on the telly, but I'd have missed them even if they weren't. You can't say that people would pay anything if they really cared about NUFC, because that's not the case. A lot of people do care but they simply can't afford every game. As I've said, I can't afford every cup game, it doesn't mean I don't care - I care a huge amount - I was their when the club was staring bankruptcy and extinction right in the face - so I care, but I can't afford every single game right now. If that wasn't a problem, then I'd be at every game - home and away, but it is. As for the TU - I still don't like the name like, but other than that I support what you lot are trying to do. Its a pity you lot aren't around for the league games (although I'm sure that means you still care deeply about NUFC) because its f*cking flat.
  18. I don't think we can progress under Roeder. Having said that I wouldn't get rid of him right now. With Roeder we're treading water, which of course isn't ideal, but its far better than going into reverse as we did with the likes of Souness, Gullit etc. I think there's a bit of stability. He likes the players, they like him, there's a bit of team spirit. I say rather than do something knee jerk which is how we ended up with Souness, lets stick with Roeder unless/until we can bring in someone better. He's a good man who cares about the club - no, ultimately he probably won't take us forward, (although if he did manage it, I'd be more than happy) but he does have a bit of stability, and that's better than sacking him without thinking about who to get in and we end up with some useless tosser like Souness because we can't find anyone decent. People are talking about the tedium, but at least with Roeder in, we're only tedious sometimes, as opposed to the vast majority of occassions when Souness was in charge. I tell you what. I don't mind going to the match now, under Souness I used to fucking dread it and it felt like a chore.
  19. Radio 5's Sportsweek had a short interview with Michael Owen this morning, and this time they actually asked him a few Newcastle related questions (of course they went on to ask him about England - now there's a suprise eh). Anyway, in summary. His rehabilitation is going well, he's running and jogging, though not at full pace and no twisting and turning yet, though these will be happening shortly. He's enjoying "getting the usual sort of aches and pains from running" and blisters. He said he feels like he's a footballer again. He has been working with a ball with passes and side footers, but not blasting the ball full pelt yet. Playing some games before the end of the season is the plan, and he says he's on course for this. The next stage will be to be training with the team and getting some tackles in for a few weeks before he's match ready though. He feels that Newcastle are doing as well as they can this season. He's watched most of our games this season and feels we've performed well (sometimes Michael, only sometimes - not yesterday though eh, or last week at Wigan, or...... etc etc etc). We've had 10-15 players out injured at times, so we've done well to be in the top half of the table (Top Half? - only just!) and if we hadn't had the injuries we've had, we'd be up around 4th, 5th or 6th (aye, we'd probably be doing better - but no club goes a season injury free).
  20. Tom_NUFC

    Mackems new kit

    oh I don't know, Adidas retro could be OK - as long as they don't hark back to those early 90s kits with the three diagonal stripes coming down from the shoulders or something.
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