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Everything posted by Tom_NUFC

  1. I'll make it clear that I don't support any other club - only NUFC. But I do have clubs I like. SPAIN: Barcelona. Yeah, they play good football, but I also like the way the club is run, and I wish so much we were run in a similar way. Also, during the Franco regime, Barcelona became the focal point of Catalan defiance. Catalonia had been a bastian of Republican forces and support in the Spanish Civil War and held out right until the end. Following the war, Republicans and their sympathisers were brutally suppressed, particularly the Catalans and the Basques whose distinctive cultures and languages were seen as Anti-Spain by the Francoists. Their customs, identities and languages were banned. Therefore, FC Barcelona became the means by which they could display their identity, vent their anger. SCOTLAND: Celtic. Went to a pre-season tournament NUFC were in at Ibrox and was sickened by all the sectarian bullsh!t I saw and heard. For someone who's ancestors came from Ireland, hearing songs about wanting to kill and murder Irish people was disgusting. I never paid much attention to the auld firm before that, I didn't care much, but the experience warmed me to Celtic, although I know they have c*nts who do the same sort of sh!t back. That's about it, although I would like to mention that I do have a soft spot for another English club. Tranmere. I have a lot of family down that way, and they were the first team my Mam followed when she was a kid (obviously she moved up here, started taking me to watch NUFC and got sucked in to NUFC herself). I have aunts, uncles and cousins who are big Tranmere fans and I've watched them a number of times down the years. I like it when we've met them. I remember the first time we did (not counting that Mercantile credit tournament) and my mam being worried over her divided loyalties, but once the match was underway she found she was automatically going for NUFC.
  2. Fair play to him, it was a good thing to do. I know its the Mackems like, but that's what clubs should be doing, thinking about the fans.
  3. Half the songs were covers anyway
  4. We were the better side and should have taken the three points. Having said that, I was expecting a defeat this afternoon and would have taken a 0-0 draw before the game, so I'm quite content. We seemed to have carried on from Saturday by playing much better than of late. There was a bit of determination and some nice football. Not a bad game at all. I wouldn't disagree with Butt getting MOM, but he was one of several who could've been awarded it without too many disagreements. Taylor and Solano were among the other contenders.
  5. I think you could say that Kilcline was one of the most important CBs we've ever had (don't know about best though). He came in at a very important time and added much needed leadership and experience.
  6. hard to say before my lifetime, the likes of Frank Brennan and Bob Moncur would be obvious contenders. During my time, probably Woodgate, although we didn't see that much of him. My favourite would have to be Philippe Albert. Hopefully in years to come, we can say Steven Taylor. I think he's looking promising and although he still makes mistakes he is still a young lad.
  7. Oh great, well done on letting ITV have more football. They're 'Football vandals'. ITV + Football = Disasterous coverage.
  8. I still love NUFC, and I've supported them long enough to know what we're like and I accept it. I do get pissed off with NUFC fans - myself included for accepting that though. Perhaps we should really be kicking off but everyone is so used to the general mediocrity on the pitch for decades (execptions being the Keegan era and a fair part of Robson's reign) and right from the off, NUFC has had self-important pricks running the club.
  9. The sleeves are slight;y wrong in that TF pic, but I think in general its very plausible. It looks like black will be the main colour and I for one welcome that. Recent shirts have had too much white in. They have been white and black stripes rather than black and white stripes, and the latter has the effect of looking powerful and dominating. I feel its right because we are supposed to be black and white, as opposed to white and black.
  10. Nah, there's a twist to come on the other sleeve. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v298/supergeordie/nufcshirt3.jpg
  11. oh well, everyone's already got their versions out, so here's mine version 1 http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v298/supergeordie/newnufcv1.jpg version 2 http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v298/supergeordie/newnufcv2.jpg
  12. The apologies don't mean a thing. We've had them time after time, year after year, and nothing changes.
  13. He's succumbed to it. After he took over from Souness, and through a large part of this season, "injuries are no excuse" has been his mantra. And now that the season is over for us, out it comes. What's changed Glenn? Or am I just being cynical? Of course its hard when you're missing top players through injury, but injuries don't excuse bad performances from the players who are out there. If you've got top players injured, and the players playing work hard, do everything that they can, but you still lose - then yes, perhaps there is a case for citing injuries. But that hasn't been the case, not under Souness, not under Roeder. The fact is we've seen players underperform. We haven't had all our best players injured and they've underperformed. I'm sorry Glenn, but it doesn't wash, and I'm disappointed that you've resorted to using that line after so much previous insistance that its no excuse.
  14. Hitzfeld, but he's gone and committed to Bayern for at least another year. But we're talking in an ideal world aren't we?
  15. Tom_NUFC

    ITV - shite

    I don't mind him. At least he has a bit of humour about him. Have you heard him on Fighting Talk on Radio 5 - canny good on that. Mind its always been a good show.
  16. Tom_NUFC

    ITV - shite

    ITV is just sh!te non stop. The vast majority of it is full of sh!te programmes. I hate their sports coverage. I hate Steve Ryder with his stupid hair and sports blazers, who's obviously more interested in F1, Tennis, Rugby, Tiddlywinks than Football, his knowledge of the game is minimal at best. I hated that pronounciation - "Marteens", I hate Andy Townsend. I hate their F1 coverage with ad breaks during the races - either leave it alone or give the coverage back to the BBC, who were infinitely better. I hate ITV dramas which are utterly predictable. I hate ITV's sunday night 'feel-good' dramas (Heartbeat, Where the Heart Is, Wild at Heart - Notice how the word 'heart' features in them all). I hate ITV's news coverage, I hate Tonight with Trevor McDonald. I don't hate Ant and Dec, but I hate the way that they're on every ITV show going. I hate the fact that Tyne Tees has all but vanished. The only positive thing I can say about ITV is that I prefer Coronation Street to East Enders, but I don't particularly like Coronation Street either. ITV is the sh!ttiest, shoddiest channel to have ever graced television screens anywhere on this planet. And I include L!ve TV (remember that? and that was cheap and shoddy)
  17. Dunno, but right now: Damien's Duff
  18. Tom_NUFC

    ITV - shite

    you see! I've just said that in the other thread!
  19. I blame ITV. Stupid b@astards nicking the TV coverage from Channel 5. Do the maths. UEFA Cup on Channel 5 = Newcastle play well UEFA Cup on ITV = Newcastle are sh!te. Dont blame Roeder. Don't blame the players. Blame ITV.
  20. Then again, you could say, if he follows on from a manager who wins us things/something - he has the pressure of having that to live up to.
  21. I'm not sure about Shearer as manager - yet. Its a very big risk. Sometimes it works, but sometimes it doesn't. Great players don't always make great managers. Jackie Milburn, Bobby Charlton, Ruud Gullit and Graeme Souness are all good examples of that.
  22. That's something that has annoyed me for years. They'll put in a sh!te performance and then apologise meekly on TV afterwards or in the next day's Chronicle or Journal. We've heard it all before, but it doesn't stop it from happening all over again though does it?
  23. Keep Roeder...for now at least. As KaKa says, he's stablised the club. The last thing we want is a kneejerk reaction and we end up with someone far far worse, and for all that a lot of people are criticising Roeder, I think he's a much better option than Souness was. Unless we have a clear idea of who we want in place, leave Roeder where he is, but I think treading water/stabilising is about all he can do. We won't push on under him.
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