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Posts posted by M4

  1.           Owen  Ameobi

        Duff  Emre  Parker  Dyer

    Solano  Moore  Bramble  Carr



    Team phails. Edit, oh it's an injured eleven. Then team wins.

  2. Blackburn v Nancy (1-0)

    Fenerbahce v Eint Frankfurt (2-2)

    Espanyol v Austria Vienna (1-0)

    Palermo v Celta Vigo (1-1)

    Chelsea v Newcastle (1-0)

    Wigan Athletic v Arsenal (0-1)


    were to real scores then... got 2 results right.. still win the contest though by default, oh yeah  :cool:

  3. Had we been talking about a game like NUFC v Reading like last week (at home against beatable oposition) then I would have said wait for sure. If you like to do that sort of thing... I'd never do it personally, would rather follow it live, even if only text.


    Whereas in this case (Chelsea away) I wouldnt bother letting to pressure build for nearly a day when the chances of an anticlimax are so high, no way :lol:

  4. Voted for the appointment of Dalglish, but that's not what I actually think, although it is the closest option to it.


    The real tipping point, in my view, was when we took "no" for an answer from Bobby Robson the first time around.


    Imagine what he could have done had he taken over from Keegan and received the 2-3 years and £Xmillion that Dalglish and Gullit wasted!! I have absolutely no doubt at all that had Robson been given the job in 1997 we would have won something by now and probably been established as one of the biggest teams in Europe.


    Walking away from Barcelona without Robson's name on a bit of paper, that was the biggest single mistake - looking back in retrospect - I believe. Personally, I'd have done whatever it took to get him and I don't believe for a second that it was an impossible task, not at all.


    It could all have been so different... ...if only, eh?


    Although, I actually thought this at the time, I can't blame the board too much for it, but I still see it as a crucial point in the club's recent history and one where we headed off down the wrong path, a path that ultimately lead us to where we are now.

    That is the reason I personally never took to Robson ,if he was the supporter he told us he was over and over again,surely he would have told Barcelona.  'Look my home team are after me can I go'? but he never did and he knocked us back.That never rang true with me.Any real fan would give their right ball to play for their home team never mind manage them.I always thought he came to us when his options ran out in Spain,and as Indigo indicated(for different reasons )it was too late for us.




    Robson was under contract at Barca and stated that he would honour it as he felt he had not given the job a fair crack.


    It's a funny thing! I see that (him wanting to honour his contract at Barca) as even more of a credit to the man he is. Robson was quite simply a saviour for what he did at the club in the first 4years.

  5. For me what made Essiens goal so good was the fact that Lehmann seen the shot but couldnt save it where as Taylors goal althou a fantastic strike has to go down as a keeper error because Howard could of and should of just caught it.


    Not sure about that tbh, was off his line and caught completely unawares! Wasn't like Taylor hit a floater than just went it, he hit it with some power, a complete snap shot and the amount it dipped was amazing!


    It's called gravity....


    :lol: ... just nullified the rest of your opinion tbh ;)

  6. I don't know if Dalglish would have done well but he was hardly given any time in his second full season. Gullit has got to be the worst appointment ever


    At least he didn't take a large payoff though. Souness did a hell of a lot of damage and still fucked off with his pockets bulging!


    I'll always have "some" respect for Gullit for that reason.


    Exactly. I don't find myself hating Gullit... didn't when he left, don't now. He was given the job, he had a go and he failed. I remember what the situation was like this time last year and all the way to Feb2006 and it was ridiculous... Souness starting the give out hints like "the most important thing to me is my family..." cunt.

  7. For me what made Essiens goal so good was the fact that Lehmann seen the shot but couldnt save it where as Taylors goal althou a fantastic strike has to go down as a keeper error because Howard could of and should of just caught it.


    Can't believe someone would use Howard's positioning to discredit Taylor's goal. The reason why it was a goal was because the shot was just too perfect.



    could OF and should OF just caught it.



  8. Like most, I rate Shevchenko, but I think it's feckin' hilarious that Chelsea have gone and wasted all that money. :lol:


    like that's gonna make a difference to them!


    Yes and no... I mean sure they may have an almost unlimited pot of money, but paying over £30m for a player who turns out to be (relatively speaking) shite will not bode well with fans/people at the club.

  9. If anyone plays football they will know that the technique for that is harder than Taylors goal


    Quite the contrary in my opinion! An instinctive volley from 40yards(?) means quick feet placement/adjustement, and then hitting the ball with as much power as possible yet still being able to apply the dip. Had Taylor scored Essien's goal and Essien scored a volley like Taylor's there wouldnt even be a debate.

    Anyway this is evidently splitting opinions, so not much point arguing much more.

  10. The sad thing is i could just see him banging a hat-trick past us next week. Would be typical bluesigh.gif


    oh yeap, NUFC are a great side to put you back in your stride. We sure helped Kuyt get into the swing of things.

  11. Having lived in Pompey for almost 18 months, I can understand why people wouldnt be looking forward to the trip there. The home parts of the ground are okay I guess, but that away stand is simply a hole.

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