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Posts posted by M4

  1. Get that Newcastle shirt off you dont deserve to wear the black and white, not even of Juventus!

    When I think how great I was in that shirt it makes me sick to watch you falling on your arse every 5 minutes.

    The new Desailly? HA!


    Comments left on JA Boumsong's myspace left by a certain Warren Barton.

  2. For more evenly-matched teams.  I'm sick of 4 teams being in with any slight chance of winning any silverware.


    So? Can you explain how it would be fair to the teams in question who have worked hard to create a long standing tradition of success? Just because others aren't good enough isn't a reason. Just sounds like a sore loser tbh.

  3. I can see this being a bit of a disaster. Not too keen on Marseille at all, and can only imagine Sven's style will not go down very well with the locals.

    They are a fiery bunch, and if some results go the wrong way, he'll just be sitting there on his bench doing nothing, or selecting certain players then never playing them... he'll be out of there before then end of the season :p

  4. its a shame that players just walk through him on the edge of the box, and the next time he goes down with an ankle injury :wullie:


    :lol: quite. I'm still undecided  blueyes.gif

  5. Shrewd move from Sourpuss in bringing Lee "The Traitor" Clark back.




    He signed for Sunderland when he claimed to be a Geordie through & through. Why anybody would want to do that is beyond me, Robbie Elliott can join him on the traitor list also. Clark could have signed for Barsnley and stayed in the Premiership but beggars belief why he opted for Sunderland.


    He obviously wanted to stay living in the area, so without playing for newcastle, sunderland's the answer. Grow up.


    Indeed, the way Clark talks about it makes perfect sense. Some people forget about the day to day logistics of things, and simply categorise people.

  6. If Villa can hold on i'd actually fancy them to sneak it at VP.


    (prays for no Manure goal soon to make me look a mong)

    It's almost a given that Larsson will score isn't it?


    :lol:  1-0 Larsson


    :lol: \o/

    I'm glad for him though, top guy.

  7. that penalty that got maccl.fields keeper sent off shouldnt have been - sheva clearly lost his footing before hitting him....


    really? another non penalty resulting from a SHeva tumble?!! shock horror... grrr

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