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Posts posted by M4

  1. I didn't see the match, what happened?


    Well the ball went out for a goal kick... that's when Given came off and Pavel came. So it was great reception etc etc... And Pav's first task was to take the goal kick. Placed the ball, whole crowd doing that "ooooohhhhhhhhh" as he prepares himself, runs up.... and slightly miskicks it driving it rather low only as far as Ramage :lol: who managed to hook it up the field :lol: ...


    Cut out a cross with a good catch amongst the crowd minutes later though.

  2. Didn't even bother to show him on MOTD.  :thdn:


    yeap was a great shame. Some good coverage of him on Football first though... glad that first goal kick he took didnt cost us :lol:

  3. On top of that, its a signing that has had a damaging influence on one of our best players last season, and one of our brightest prospects, Nzogbia.



    Their is no way you can blame Duff for Zog's drop in form. Zog has been rubbish this year but that has nothing to do with Duff.


    No... but it does have to do with the club being lured into making another trophy signing when it wasn't needed, and has proved to be a negative move so far.

  4. I thought Carvalho wasn't active as he was off the pitch, making Heskey offside.


    But if you want to say that, then he shouldntve been allowed back on to the pitch, which he was.

    West ham/fulham wasnt red but was foul/yellow

    Think barton's was harsh


    That was the way I saw it too... seeing as Carvalho came outside the "playing area" because of his own momentum he should still count as an active player, therefore covering and making Heskey onside.


    This, what seems to be popular interpretation of the rule where the instant you step outside of the white line, you don't count anymore should be bollocks, and was proved to be for this goal.

  5. Yes it was a free kick... but yet again Robben spends more time trying to get people sent off than playing any football.


    At one point he was caught on the back of the head by Solano's flailing arm, as Nobby was facing the other way. Robben drops to the deck holding his face, screaming like a girl.


    ... yeah I know saw that one and all! plus the way he theatricaly swan dived for THE free kick, Nobby was getting pretty heated by it all... he should have just let his anger take over and properly done him.

  6. He's known for being really uneducated in Spain. I think he left school early or without qulifications, or something like that anyway.


    Still better off than most of us!


    bet he is... Strongly dislike Reyes mainly because we have the exact same date of birth, but I'm not a pro footballer :(


  7. Everton are even moreso justified to keep pulling at the rope here because:


    - They asked for an apology from Chelsea/Mourinho

    - Gave them at least 2 days to say something

    - Chelsea haven't said a word on the matter, trying to make things blow over leaving their egos intact.


    Classless giant if ever there was one.

  8. This is one of those instances where Mourinho is totally in the wrong. Add to that the hypocrisy of the claim seeing where it is coming from. Everton have every right to take this all the way.


    PS: And we'll all have to watch and put up with Robben tomorrow night run around like a fanny and cry like a baby.

  9. And that FA Cup replay (6-1), it was literaly two or three days before Christmas, bestest gift.

    have i been whooshed here?


    what? :lol: how would that have worked?

    jeez you're right aswell,how many times have we been involved in FA cup games before xmas,bet you didn't know that off your top...if not it's sad that you know it.




    I have no idea what's going on here... ("how would that have worked" meaning: how could you have gotten wooshed).

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