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About madras

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  1. Something like the council bought their training ground above going rate then let it back for a peppercorn rent.
  2. madras

    Match Atmosphere

    They really don't care, providing they pay.
  3. madras

    Match Atmosphere

    No. They want them but they don't to or can't pay the money needed.
  4. I totally get that. What if we had all those shots and they just went wide ? Still zero shots on target. You know, I like xG as a stat, it's not perfect but gives a decent idea as to how a game went in a way that zero shots on target doesn't
  5. No denying that. Know what, they had another two or three very good chances, all off target, if instead they'd had 3 shots on target from 35yds that Pope just batted down are they better or worse chances for being on target. I know I'm going a bit OTT on this it just seems weird so much is made of the zero shots on target, if we'd cuts them to bits had 11 one on ones and missed the target with everyone would we still look at zero shots on target.
  6. Justvthe way people are going huge on zero shots on target. Do you really think had Wilson limply had it saved folk would be saying "we had one shot on target"? I doubt it so much. The "zero" weighs so much heavier
  7. For all the zero shots on target stuff. Wilson was clean through on goal and missed. I'd rather have 1 chance like that in a game than 3 on targets from 40 yds that the keeper puts his hat on.
  8. I play some tunes, TV on mute. Some PJ Harvey, Pete and the Pirates, Laura Marling, Ween and the Lovel eggs got me through that first half.
  9. madras


    "Other games" is understandable. As is Sunderland I suppose.
  10. I'd hope horses for courses. V Forest they like that quick long break Pope is sweeper keeper, tonight probably better shot stopper, on Sunday it's more Dubravka's type game.
  11. I thought, could be wrong and can't be arsed to check, that the FA Cup got an EL place but if it's winners we're in CL it reverted to the next league placing. Don't the EL winners get a CL place as well ?
  12. How many Europa and the other one ? and do we get one for the FA Cup and if the winner of that is in the champs league where does that place go to etc.
  13. 8 is it ? Thought it was 7. More confident now then.
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