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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. So what was the craic with the knife wielding Mackem? I missed the SMB thread.
  2. Sunderland's stewards can't deal with a lone pitch invader attacking a player but are shit hot when it comes to Tino Asprilla smoking? Fucking hell
  3. Tino has but not his ejection. Why was he kicked out? Smoking! The man does not give a fuck
  4. Just remember that he'll be saying this through gritted teeth because his team only just managed to scrape a draw against their newly promoted local rivals.
  5. Should've been booked for "ungentlemanly conduct" apparently I assume that's related to his little bit of gamesmanship with the goalie which is perfectly legal because he's standing onside, unless there's now a law about pulling funny faces at Craig Gordon.
  6. They'll finish top 6 or 7. I don't think they're a bad side, I just think they've frozen when they've had to play us.
  7. There was a tannoy about a police incident on Anfield Road just before full time.
  8. Boo. It'll detract from the Mackem scrote laying out Harper. Seriously though, hope it's bollocks.
  9. The more I think about it the more I hope one of our lot did bring the Magpie in. The mental image of some utter nutter standing in the away end for 45 minutes with a live bird in his pocket is too funny for words. The half time interval would've been a treat too. "Here mate! Will yee hold my bird while a gan for a piss!?"
  10. Probably because it was bollocks of the highest order
  11. I thought they navigated by using ultrasound? So not only can they make their way down to the shops with their eyes closed but they can tell you if your lass is up the duff too? The flashy flying fuckers.
  12. It was something they levelled at us after the 5-1. They seem to genuinely believe that they're Brazil '70 and we're the antithesis of everything a football team should be. I'll just let them get on with it.
  13. Off topic slightly, why would a bat spin out of control and be twatting the roof? Think they have problems navigating in daylight. Steven Taylor's tan blinded the poor thing.
  14. http://images.cheezburger.com/completestore/2011/1/16/5c61c08c-7d91-48c5-ab29-c8a4aca777a4.jpg
  15. Anyone seriously debating the idea that one of our lot brought a bird in needs their head checking Birds at football grounds are not an uncommon occurance due to the fact that the vast majority of football grounds are open air. It's amazing really.
  16. The Magpie was bloody there all match. Simon Bird tweeted about it being injured and being chased by the Sunderland mascots before kick off. God bless Louise, she is mental
  17. Clipped wings. Bloody hell It was clearly injured, it was there before kick off and their fucking mascots were chasing it.
  18. I know nothing about the lad, but he seems to have went for some fairly large transfer fees over the past few years. Never seemed to stay in the same place for too long though. Highly rated but a bit of a twat perhaps?
  19. He's half black you heartless bassa
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