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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. No he's not off the hook, but apart from making yourself look ignorant about footballing finances what else does chanting abuse at Ashley do? He isn't going to decide one day in the middle of the season that he is going to up sticks and leave because a bunch of lads in tracky bottoms bought from his Sports Direct shop are calling him nasty names is he? I don't think anyone needs to be told to get behind the team (well apart from the tartan blanket brigade in the East Stand but unless they have their hearing aids switched on they wouldn't hear me anyway), but it's a waste of carbon dioxide and saliva shouting s**** at Ashley. hey blef....was farty man farting today ? Aye he was. I took is photo and am going to set up a facebook group outing the dirty fecker. What happens if he has one of those medical conditions that gives him a stomach or whatever problem that makes him fart all the time? His giggling after he gasses 2,000 unlucky sods behind him between 5 and 20 times each game suggests it more malice than medical. You should have tried standing behind him just after christmas man, I am sure he had extra sprouts and bottles of dog on purpose. We are going to ask Llambias for complimentary gas masks up in the cheap seats. (we did discuss dust masks but remembered the hassle some lads got when the smoggies came into toon and so ruled it out). I have cold so I couldn't smell the cunt today. Believe it or not it made the result even better
  2. Agreed with all excvept atmosphere, thought it was utterly piss poor which is a shame considering we raped them. It wasn't as good as it has been. Usually I'd have been fucked off but I'm riddled with cold so I wasn't arsed.
  3. Barnsley supporting midget who looked like the ginger beer comedian. http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/606/A64462278 They did seem to have a large number of tossers. Fair play to the ones that stayed to the death and indulged in a bit of daft banter but the majority were spoiling for a fight. I saw about half a dozen get kicked out.
  4. The Beeb's official stats are fantastic reading. We only had 5 shots on target apparently 1 of the goals was a header. I think it's more a case of penalties not counting as a shot, still confused me initially when I glanced at them.
  5. I was genuinely gutted we failed to keep a clean sheet. How daft? The Beeb's official stats are fantastic reading. We only had 5 shots on target apparently
  6. Regardless of negative opinions of this in the past, I'd definitely welcome it It would be nice but they've got to go somewhere. Unless they're positioned very well they're going to fuck a multitude of fans off.
  7. Steering? No. The rudder is fucked and it has bene for a while. He has merely hoyed the sail up after fingering his arsehole for the past 18 months and by luck we're making our way towards dry land.
  8. Good stuff from NUST. This is the type of thing they should be doing.
  9. That may have been the match Smith tried to leather him after.
  10. Sorry, but fans who are willing to fork out for tickets, travel and take time off work should always take precident over those who are going to sit and watch it on Sky.
  11. This. Would you have him back even though he ditched us? I loved him when he was playing for us, but he went down in my estimations when he left cos he thought the grass was greener on the other side. Fuck it, he's a Premier League class player and we'll need them. He could've pissed in my pint if he can do a job then I'm happy to see him back.
  12. I'd have him back on a year's contract. Good back up/competition for Simpson.
  13. I hope you're correct. The P'Boro game will be epic.
  14. Everyone should get on to the FSF and NUST. Make an issue of it.
  15. Not commenting? In the op The headline man, even the new one is just taking the most negative spin possible, and well you know it. Jesus wept.
  16. Not entirley true, given the amount of money he had to put in toward's the debt, which was built up by the previous chairman/board. While a lot of that is his own fault for not carrying out due diligence before buying the club, perhaps if he hadn't had to plough as much in towards the debt, then he may have been prepared to spend more on the playing side. But should he be expected to run/fund the club and keep buying players out of his own 'deep pockets'? That's exactly what you accept when you buy 100% of a football club.....unless you can run it such that revenue covers costs...which he (like Shepherd) has not been able to do. We signed Nolan and Ryan Taylor January 09, didn't we?. Not saying it was the answer and/or enough (it clearly wasn't), but he did give JFK the money to spend. I'm not pro-Ashley, but I can understand (to a degree) why he isn't spending all of his own money on players each transfer window, while also (allegedly) putting money into keeping the club running. Shepherd never put any of his own money in beyond his intial investment in '92, but because Ashley is a Multi-Millionaire (was a billionaire), he is seemingly expected to continuously. There is clearly some kind of plan to get the club running off it own back again (reducing wages, etc), which is taking time, and hopefully promotion can/will help that as well, with the additional monies that will come with it. We made around £8 million during that transfer window. We weakend our squad when we should've been looking to improve. The fact of the matter is Ashley could've done what you've highlighted (running the club on a sensible budget, reducing wages etc.) without us getting relegated.
  17. It would be a great gesture if they hadn't froze them last year too.
  18. Not entirley true, given the amount of money he had to put in toward's the debt, which was built up by the previous chairman/board. While a lot of that is his own fault for not carrying out due diligence before buying the club, perhaps if he hadn't had to plough as much in towards the debt, then he may have been prepared to spend more on the playing side. But should he be expected to run/fund the club and keep buying players out of his own 'deep pockets'? Maybe he would have, we'll never know. However, the fact he was unwilling to spend last January when it was obvious to all we were in a relegation dogfight sums the man up. There is no plan, everything is done on a whim.
  19. Not entirley true, given the amount of money he had to put in toward's the debt, which was built up by the previous chairman/board. While a lot of that is his own fault for not carrying out due diligence before buying the club, perhaps if he hadn't had to plough as much in towards the debt, then he may have been prepared to spend more on the playing side. But should he be expected to run/fund the club and keep buying players out of his own 'deep pockets'? Maybe he would have, we'll never know. However, the fact he was unwilling to spend last January when it was obvious to all we were in a relegation dogfight still sticks in my throat.
  20. Fuck off, Derek. Would you rather be in our position right now or Portsmouths? Ours, clearly. Where did that come from anyway? Sorry, picked any random post to quote. The point is though that the way we were headed under Fred, we could quite easily be in Portsmouth's position. We were losing money hand over fist and were running out of options to generate funds. It was basically outside investment or turn off the tap. I'm sure that 2 years ago no Portsmouth fan envisaged this season, but its happenede - and quickly too. Ashley has made some big mistakes - no one can deny that with a straight face, but its very possible that he has had to put together a plan which would turn the company and club around after a few years of pain - I'm sure that relegation wasn't part of this, but I'di take one season in the fizzy pop league to oblivion. It happens all the time in corporate entities, a MD comes in and makes unpopular decisions for the long term good of all. Its only in hindsight that this is recognised, and often only once the big bad wolf has left I don't doubt our financial situation under Shepherd was less than sound, I just haven't seen anything to suggest Mike Ashley & Derek Llambias have any sort of 'plan' to take us to the top. The only thing we do know Ashley has is deep pockets which he isn't particularly keen to put his hand in unless he absolutely has to. You have to plough the field before you sow the seeds Apart from the fact Ashley hasn't so much as ploughed the field as napalmed the fucking thing.
  21. Fuck off, Derek. Would you rather be in our position right now or Portsmouths? Ours, clearly. Where did that come from anyway? Sorry, picked any random post to quote. The point is though that the way we were headed under Fred, we could quite easily be in Portsmouth's position. We were losing money hand over fist and were running out of options to generate funds. It was basically outside investment or turn off the tap. I'm sure that 2 years ago no Portsmouth fan envisaged this season, but its happenede - and quickly too. Ashley has made some big mistakes - no one can deny that with a straight face, but its very possible that he has had to put together a plan which would turn the company and club around after a few years of pain - I'm sure that relegation wasn't part of this, but I'di take one season in the fizzy pop league to oblivion. It happens all the time in corporate entities, a MD comes in and makes unpopular decisions for the long term good of all. Its only in hindsight that this is recognised, and often only once the big bad wolf has left I don't doubt our financial situation under Shepherd was less than sound, I just haven't seen anything to suggest Mike Ashley & Derek Llambias have any sort of 'plan' to take us to the top. The only thing we do know Ashley has is deep pockets which he isn't particularly keen to put his hand in unless he absolutely has to.
  22. Fuck off, Derek. Would you rather be in our position right now or Portsmouths? Ours, clearly. Where did that come from anyway?
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