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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. You're sacked but we don't want to pay you compo, so resign you knob.
  2. Confirmed by Hull, it's on their site. Steve Parkin caretaker.
  3. Football fans don't get the benefit of sensible policing, regardless of how good the force apparently is, so it's a moot point really.
  4. I've never understood the apologist line because he just gets his head down and gets on with things, unlike Kinnear who was singing from the Llambias penned PR hymn sheet.
  5. Because it's Nicky Butt, basically. The idea was right but the personnel was wrong. He's useless.
  6. Thats exactly why I didn't fancy going to this game. They hate us more then us and the Mackems do to each other. No doubt Cleveland police will come out with the "Newcastle fans provoked the attacks" bullshit. Huge chip on their shoulder. They've got to try and make it a derby because it isn't.
  7. We were shit, they weren't much better. The Colo injury/Butt sub basically stopped us from getting three points. I'd have taken a draw at the start of the day and after going 2-1 down I was happy with it. Fingers crossed WR, Jose and Colo are back on Wednesday. With any luck these cunts wont darken our door for the next few years. They're just horrible, fairweather fans. I've yet to hear a story from both NUFC & SAFC fans who have travelled down which hasn't included some form of tête à tête between the Boro scum and regular match supporters.
  8. He's done well to keep Butt out of the side recently, I assume he got a bit light headed and tried to make us a bit tougher to break down by bringing on a defensive midfielder. Problem is that defensive midfielder was Butt. Nee point crucifying him for one bad decision.
  9. Europe, basically - beating all comers 6/7-1 over two legs until March when we'd get a dodgy draw against a decent side and crash out.
  10. I'm surprised it hasn't been mentioned that the elections are now taking place. http://www.nust.org.uk/nominee-statements/
  11. Not strictly true. British football was at a very low ebb when Sky arrived for a number of reasons but that would've righted itself over time. All they did really was fast forward the recovery of the game in this country. That's not entirely a bad thing as the Premier League wouldn't exist in this capacity had they not came along when they did (something would've changed eventually, the bigger clubs were starting to get fucked off) but they've also got to shoulder a large amount of the blame for creating this culture of running to stand financially. Also Sky don't need the permission of the clubs to change games, just the league. Last season the Mackems game against Pompey got moved against their wishes and this seems to be a carbon copy of that situation.
  12. No, he was shoehorned in at right back before we signed Simpson IIRC.
  13. Is that a joke? From what I've seen of the two Kadar looks more assured defensively than PvA but he doesn't offer half the attacking threat. Not totally surprising considering he's a left footed centre back primarily.
  14. Three. http://www.catflapfootball.com/Football-Blogs/Football-Blog/content/binary/phil-brown-tache.jpg
  15. The Leazes Corner does have quite a large contingent of kids and charvas which gives it a bad name but for my money it's the best part of the ground to watch the match from. I'm neither a kid nor a Stone Island clad charva (although there was one trying to twock my seat when I arrived yesterday, another story for another time) and I throughly enjoy myself up there. I do cringe every now and again when someone starts off a tired old chant aimed at the away support but I just don't join in. I don't think you can really comment on it until you've sat up there if I'm honest. The accusations of snobbery really baffle me. If anything it's a tad hypocritical as it's obvious that the fans who sit elsewhere and have a real issue with the LC are the ones who think they're better.
  16. If he looks at the Premier table and sees Birmingham 8 points behind Liverpool with a game in hand he might think we can do that. What's that got to do with anything? If he not only believes we can reach that height next season but adjusts his aims and not his back balance because he's still in the fans bad books that says more about him than it does about us. If we become a yo-yo club it'll be more costly to him than it will be to us, as the club he bought for £300+ million, debt and all, goes down the swanny. The songs are a product of his mismanagement, not the cause. As a paying "customer" *shudders* I feel I have every right to air my grievnces in a way which wont effect performances until I see a tangible change.
  17. It might have an effect on how much Hughton has to spend next season when we're looking to spend his money on new players and he wonders why he should bother. He might just decide that we don't need that many new players because the settled club will do enough to keep us up. So he's going to risk the value of his only real saleable asset because of some well deserved nasty songs directed towards him? If there is any chance at all that this has some grounding in reality then it just cements my opinion that we need rid as soon as.
  18. No he's not off the hook, but apart from making yourself look ignorant about footballing finances what else does chanting abuse at Ashley do? He isn't going to decide one day in the middle of the season that he is going to up sticks and leave because a bunch of lads in tracky bottoms bought from his Sports Direct shop are calling him nasty names is he? I don't think anyone needs to be told to get behind the team (well apart from the tartan blanket brigade in the East Stand but unless they have their hearing aids switched on they wouldn't hear me anyway), but it's a waste of carbon dioxide and saliva shouting s**** at Ashley. hey blef....was farty man farting today ? Aye he was. I took is photo and am going to set up a facebook group outing the dirty fecker. What happens if he has one of those medical conditions that gives him a stomach or whatever problem that makes him fart all the time? His giggling after he gasses 2,000 unlucky sods behind him between 5 and 20 times each game suggests it more malice than medical. You should have tried standing behind him just after christmas man, I am sure he had extra sprouts and bottles of dog on purpose. We are going to ask Llambias for complimentary gas masks up in the cheap seats. (we did discuss dust masks but remembered the hassle some lads got when the smoggies came into toon and so ruled it out). I have cold so I couldn't smell the cunt today. Believe it or not it made the result even better "I can't smell it" are usually the words of a guilty man. Not guilty, guv. I sit in row Y so if I did shat myself I'd only be gassing wor kid and my mates. Depends on if this is you or not (but I know it isn't) http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=341802503548 I'm offended. He's a bit of a state.
  19. What is singing anti Ashley songs going to achieve? I agree with most of your post but the singing seems pointless especially while we're relying on the bloke to pay the bills and buy the players that we'll need if we're going to make any impression on the Premiership if we do go up. If it's pointless then what does it matter to you or anyone else? My breath, my lungs, my vocal cords, I'm going to flick the verbal Vs at our bumbling owner. Not only am I going to do it but a few hundred/thousand others are too. In the words of Bobby Brown it's my prerogative. It's not going to have any effect on his position at the club, it's not going to effect performances on the pitch, let's get over it.
  20. 5 years ago it wasn't unthinkable. Dekka said it was unthinkable last about this time last year. I think he must've been the only person in Newcastle who couldn't see it coming.
  21. No he's not off the hook, but apart from making yourself look ignorant about footballing finances what else does chanting abuse at Ashley do? He isn't going to decide one day in the middle of the season that he is going to up sticks and leave because a bunch of lads in tracky bottoms bought from his Sports Direct shop are calling him nasty names is he? I don't think anyone needs to be told to get behind the team (well apart from the tartan blanket brigade in the East Stand but unless they have their hearing aids switched on they wouldn't hear me anyway), but it's a waste of carbon dioxide and saliva shouting s**** at Ashley. hey blef....was farty man farting today ? Aye he was. I took is photo and am going to set up a facebook group outing the dirty fecker. What happens if he has one of those medical conditions that gives him a stomach or whatever problem that makes him fart all the time? His giggling after he gasses 2,000 unlucky sods behind him between 5 and 20 times each game suggests it more malice than medical. You should have tried standing behind him just after christmas man, I am sure he had extra sprouts and bottles of dog on purpose. We are going to ask Llambias for complimentary gas masks up in the cheap seats. (we did discuss dust masks but remembered the hassle some lads got when the smoggies came into toon and so ruled it out). I have cold so I couldn't smell the cunt today. Believe it or not it made the result even better "I can't smell it" are usually the words of a guilty man. Not guilty, guv. I sit in row Y so if I did shat myself I'd only be gassing wor kid and my mates.
  22. He has changed, Keegan left because of Wise and Co bringing in players. Wise and Co have gone and the manager brings in his own players. They could and should have done that earlier but they didn't, better late than never and a sign that lessons are learned. Far to early to give him the benefit of the doubt. I see it like this - we were not a Championship club until Mike Ashley bought us. Due to his gross mismanagement we are now a league lower than we realistically should be. Now I'm not a Keegan fanboy who thinks he can do no wrong (although I believe he was justified in leaving) and while his sacking/resignation was the catalyst it wasn't the only reason I and many others got fucked off. Last year was more than just farcical on the pitch - it was genuinely offensive off it too. There was a contempt shown for the support by Derek Llambias (and Ashley by proxy, although he was quiet) that made Freddy Shepherd look caring and for that reason I'm still going to sing, chant and do whatever else I need to do to convey my annoyance (although FCB song is a bit boring now). Providing we get back up and build I'm happy to forgive and forget. One condition is that Ashley needs to get rid of Disco Dekka and talk to the fans directly, not through some Mockney rent-a-gob who has no idea what he's doing.
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