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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. What an absolute fucking joke of a thread Benwell Lad, go and take your face for a shite as you come across as an ill informed bitter tart. The march is taking place away from the ground for the exact reason that it doesn't have a negative impact on the players. I also think that you'll find far from making NUFC more of a joke NUSC has garnered huge amounts of positive press since it's inception. No matter what you think of their statements they're far preferable to some tracksuited mong calling for "Sheeeraaaaa!" to buy the club and install himself as manager. At the end of the last meeting they were pratically begging people to join the committee and get involved at the very top, so the old "All they want is Ashley out and don't care about the opinions of other fans!" line doesn't wash. If you join then you've got ample platform to make your voice heard. I also distinctly remember people at the interview airing pro-Ashley views and they were heard out. Unsurprisingly though the vats majority of the people there were anti-Ashley and while i'm sure NUSC would like to represent everyone inclusively they have to find a middle ground based on the opinions of their members. Currently that is one of dislike and mistrust for the current regime. Christ, even posters on Skunkers which was initially staunchly NUSC have decided to part with their cash and give it a chance. Whatever your personal opinion of Ashley this club was crying out for some form of respectable supporters organisation and we've got one. It's all fine and well sitting behind your keyboard acting all cynical about what NUSC are doing but a lot of people involved in it have given up their time and money to get the thing off the ground. Whether you agree with their motives or not give them a fucking round of applause for their effort.
  2. What are they actually doing to the club? Wheres the long term plan in all this? Supposing they get there way and Ashley leaves - then what? I havent heard them mention once what happens after that. That's not their business to basically go and find good people to run the club, it is however all of our business that the current owner does a good job but he's not doing that, hence the opposition to his ownership. It isn't rocket science to understand why this opposition, why this anger. There doesn't have to be an end solution, although I'm in no doubt that the end solution to the fans' club is to represent fans on other issues, proper fan issues, like ticket prices, travel, stewardships, policing, support etc. etc. f***ing hell, so the plan is get rid of Ashley and hope for the best?? Oh do f*** off will you. You are without doubt the most boring person on here with your inane 'questions'. Like a dick though I'll try and answer your ridiculous question, or rather offer some thoughts on the issue. For me a very public and vocal display from fans that we will no longer put up with mismanagement and that we'll always hold those responsible for managing the club accountable in such a way will go a long way in ensuring whoever does manage the club whether it be Ashley or someone else, will do so in good fashion. You're calling them "inane" becasue you dont like the implicationsof the answer. As for the answer - its a s*** one, its bascially a dressed up version of "We'll get rid of Ashley and hope for the best" mind you, to be fair to you you have included "hope Ashley changes his ways". Well done. http://www.chevroncars.com/learn/wp-content/uploads/2006/07/tired-yawn.jpg Well said. He has a point. Your argument seems to be something similar to "The grass isn't always greener..." but the fact of the matter is there's very little grass, if any, on this side anyway.
  3. All it comes down to for me is supporting the club. That's all we can do. If we got Ashley out, who's to say someone better would come in? I respect fans talking passionately about the club, but at the end of the day we're just fans. My honest opinion is that the best thing to do is to support the club as best we can and hope for the best. I'm well aware that many will disagree with me, but I can't see any other way. I agree with the sentiment about support, but that's hardly going to get the club moving in the right direction. We're shit and now amount of cheering from the touchlines is going to change that.
  4. What are they actually doing to the club? Wheres the long term plan in all this? Supposing they get there way and Ashley leaves - then what? I havent heard them mention once what happens after that. That's not their business to basically go and find good people to run the club, it is however all of our business that the current owner does a good job but he's not doing that, hence the opposition to his ownership. It isn't rocket science to understand why this opposition, why this anger. There doesn't have to be an end solution, although I'm in no doubt that the end solution to the fans' club is to represent fans on other issues, proper fan issues, like ticket prices, travel, stewardships, policing, support etc. etc. Fucking hell, so the plan is get rid of Ashley and hope for the best?? Do you know how football ownership works? The club is Ashley's. He can't just take his ball and go home. When we 'get rid' of Ashley we will be owned and ran by someone else, hopefully someone with more ambition. So thats a yes then. We could hardly get someone with less ambition, lets be honest.
  5. What are they actually doing to the club? Wheres the long term plan in all this? Supposing they get there way and Ashley leaves - then what? I havent heard them mention once what happens after that. That's not their business to basically go and find good people to run the club, it is however all of our business that the current owner does a good job but he's not doing that, hence the opposition to his ownership. It isn't rocket science to understand why this opposition, why this anger. There doesn't have to be an end solution, although I'm in no doubt that the end solution to the fans' club is to represent fans on other issues, proper fan issues, like ticket prices, travel, stewardships, policing, support etc. etc. Fucking hell, so the plan is get rid of Ashley and hope for the best?? Do you know how football ownership works? The club is Ashley's. He can't just take his ball and go home. When we 'get rid' of Ashley we will be owned and ran by someone else, hopefully someone with more ambition.
  6. Yes. Not a lot. A few questions to be passed onto the club and lots of anti management talk. No discussion of supporting a team in much need of a full, positive stadium like last Sunday! Have you been listening properly? One of the major points raised tonight was that we need to support the side during the games for the remainder of the season. But no mention of how we can create a positive atmosphere such as on Sunday. You'll have the vocal support at away games but the singing section (a thing Ashley brought in) doesn't offer enough at some points during games. When we are on the back foot, it goes deadly quiet too many times. We don't want media focusing on tshirts in the crowd and angry fans outside. I'd much rather watch MOTD and have them talking about 3 points rather than the hype outside the ground. Protest if they want but keep it away from matchdays because the anger WILL travel inside the ground. Matchdays should mean matchday excitment and doing as much as we can do to support the lads. Any nerves should be blown away with verse after verse of songs (or an alternative). There was very little (if any) of how the fans can come together as one! Anger travels inside the ground anyway because we're fucking shite, protest or no protest. The lack of atmosphere is an issue, as it is in every ground because of the way football fans are treated by stewards/police/clubs in general. It's not an issue inclusive to NUSC and nor should it be seen as one.
  7. What are they actually doing to the club? Wheres the long term plan in all this? Supposing they get there way and Ashley leaves - then what? I havent heard them mention once what happens after that. Unfortunately, I don't think NUSC have enough money to invest in a crystal ball. Newcastle United needs a supporters club whether Ashley is here for much longer or not. We constantly go on about how our fans are the best in the business but IIRC we're one of the biggest clubs not to have a dedicated supporters club. Once the Ashley issue is sorted then i'm sure, especially in this day and age when supporters are the dirt on the shoe of the football world, they'll represent the fans in other ways. NUSC dont have plan if they suceed in removing Ashley? Theres a gap in logic and sense in there somewhere... I resent the idea that someone is taking firm action against something I love with absolute blantent disregard to the future of the club. What are you going on about daft shite? It's not a coup. They want the bloke to sell up as he doesn't have or isn't willing to give this club what it needs. This club's future is in a more perilous position the longer Ashley runs the club in a cackhanded fashion and we slide further towards the next rung in the football league ladder.
  8. Yes. Not a lot. A few questions to be passed onto the club and lots of anti management talk. No discussion of supporting a team in much need of a full, positive stadium like last Sunday! Have you been listening properly? One of the major points raised tonight was that we need to support the side during the games for the remainder of the season.
  9. Liam Liam Liam O's rapier wit meant they all went home with their tails between their legs and they're not playing anymore.
  10. He's put over £100m in, chances are he won't be getting any return out for fucking years. All reducing the revenue streams will do is reduce the funds available for players & reduce chances of him finding a buyer. They really are a bunch of deluded, self-important thick fuckers. If people have a problem with the third line, try answering the first two? He put £100m extra in because he failed to do his due diligence. His fault. And sadly indicative of the unprofessionalism that was to follow in his running of the club. Is why he did it really relevant? I don't believe anyone's claiming he's given the club money because he loves us. The point is money has gone in not the other way around. He hasn't given the club any money, he's loaned it. Isn't it interest free, and saving the club £6m a season? He's still getting his 'loan' back, so the idea he's clearing the debts out of the goodness of his heart is complete bollocks.
  11. He's put over £100m in, chances are he won't be getting any return out for fucking years. All reducing the revenue streams will do is reduce the funds available for players & reduce chances of him finding a buyer. They really are a bunch of deluded, self-important thick fuckers. If people have a problem with the third line, try answering the first two? He put £100m extra in because he failed to do his due diligence. His fault. And sadly indicative of the unprofessionalism that was to follow in his running of the club. Is why he did it really relevant? I don't believe anyone's claiming he's given the club money because he loves us. The point is money has gone in not the other way around. He hasn't given the club any money, he's loaned it.
  12. What are they actually doing to the club? Wheres the long term plan in all this? Supposing they get there way and Ashley leaves - then what? I havent heard them mention once what happens after that. Unfortunately, I don't think NUSC have enough money to invest in a crystal ball. Newcastle United needs a supporters club whether Ashley is here for much longer or not. We constantly go on about how our fans are the best in the business but IIRC we're one of the biggest clubs not to have a dedicated supporters club. Once the Ashley issue is sorted then i'm sure, especially in this day and age when supporters are the dirt on the shoe of the football world, they'll represent the fans in other ways.
  13. He's put over £100m in, chances are he won't be getting any return out for fucking years. All reducing the revenue streams will do is reduce the funds available for players & reduce chances of him finding a buyer. They really are a bunch of deluded, self-important thick fuckers. If people have a problem with the third line, try answering the first two? He will when the club is sold, since it's a loan rather than out of his own pocket.
  14. Is it fuck, its a set of fans fucking pig sick of cunts mismanaging this club and Ashley just so happens to be the number one mush in that respect at this moment in time. Of course they don't like him and want him out, I do and thousands of others do too, in fact I imagine a number of players would wish he fucked off as well. i bet that, if it had been another manager treated like keegan then this group would never had been started Moot point. Apart from a few idiots this is no longer about Keegan but it's about one man, his negligence and the way he's fucking this club up.
  15. He's put over £100m in, chances are he won't be getting any return out for fucking years. All reducing the revenue streams will do is reduce the funds available for players & reduce chances of him finding a buyer. They really are a bunch of deluded, self-important thick fuckers. Aye and you're the fucking clever one sat picking faults on a website. Genuine fans of the club bothering their arse to try and have a constructive and meaningful debate about the current situation, and this is the level of your craic. Turn up to the next one and enlighen people. I'm sure you're a right clever bastard. The first two lines of my post are the important ones & they are also the two you've not commented on. NUSC at present is an Ashley pressure group. We'll see what comes out of tonights meeting in terms of what they want to do going forward. If they come up with something constructive then fair enough, but the signs haven't been good so far have they? It comes across as an Ashley pressure group because he's the biggest problem at the club.
  16. Hear, hear. It's very easy for people to sit on here and scoff at their suggestions but the fact that people are unwilling to go to the Irish Centre and bring these apparently salient points up shows them up as feckless keyboard warriors. There have been a few idiots on tonight but for the most part the people there have been well spoken and knowledgable. Certainly much more knowledgable than people on here.
  17. Bent. The hero worship Martins gets is farcical.
  18. But he is by far our most dangerous player... no debate. He's hugely inconsistant, gets injured frequently and hasn't got a good footballing brain. His pace makes him dangerous but he doesn't even use that properly most of the time. Bent is a much better striker. Put him one on one with a 'keeper and he'll find the net, put Martins on that same position and he'll find row J.
  19. I can't say I understand why people are having a hissy over the prospect of Martins/Bent swap deal. He's hardly a goal machine.
  20. His company has never been worth 2bn. He bagged nearly 1bn from the floatation and city traders took on the other 50%. So it was only ever worth nearly 2bn at its peak. Plus SportsDirect International posted exceptionally good figures considering the crunch for the last 6 months trading. http://www.sports-direct-international.com/library/InterimResults2008FINAL.pdf In my opinion his looses have come as a result of bad gambling and poor investment. Us being one of them:( Lets not put too much emphasis on the numbers Kinnear throws about. This is the man who doesn't seem to know how long our players are out for, or how long his new contract is.
  21. Correct. His companies are losing value but his personal wealth hasn't taken a mammoth hit, unless he's been share betting again From what i've been told the drop in the share price of SD has played into MA's hands as he's bought up a load of the shares and now owns around 70% of them again, meaning he effectively netted a billion for nowt.
  22. I can't believe i'm reading some of this shite Veloso is the type of player you can build a team around. If we can get him, Abondo and ANother in this transfer window then i'll be quite happy, despite the lack of Shay Given inbetween our goalposts.
  23. Anyone who says Veloso isn't good enough should go and take their face for a shite. He's eminently better than anything we have had in the centre of the park for a long time and for that reason I doubt we'll get him.
  24. Aye Baggio is proof that they all talk shite
  25. He also thinks that "Toulouse are better than Newcastle, far better than Newcastle" Hard to argue with that at the minute.
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