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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. It just seems like a cheap point scoring attempt by MA and co. If that's the case then fine but don't say you 'can't discuss the situation' in one breath and then blurt out how it's going to effect the club in another.
  2. He's doing f*** all to the fans Ashley employed him, Ashley lied, Keegan walked, Ashley threatened Keegan with legal action of the clause saying he had to pay him X amount, Keegan takes them to court citing constructive dismissal. + keegan lied. About what? Source? There's been nothing in the press about this for obvious reasons so a few people on here must have inside knowledge about various things during his time here and from his own mouth. coupled with various mort quotes, he might find he hasnt much of a case. Very much in the same way Mike "Yes, Keegan has full control.....oh wait, no he doesn't" Ashley lied. It seems pretty clear to me that due to the fact it's being settled out of court your man Mike and his pals have realised that they're the ones who'd be over a barrell if it went any further.
  3. He's doing f*** all to the fans Ashley employed him, Ashley lied, Keegan walked, Ashley threatened Keegan with legal action of the clause saying he had to pay him X amount, Keegan takes them to court citing constructive dismissal. Maybe true - but there's obviously no doubt in your mind that is what happened and that it all happened in that order, what source do you have to back it up? http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/n/newcastle_united/7613562.stm A few quotes from a BBC sports reporter about the cause of the dispute and a fair amount of speculation. It was widely reported in other outlets at the time, the BBC link was the closest to hand. The Beeb aren't the type to post scurrilous rumours and conjecture either so there is probably some mileage to it.
  4. He's doing f*** all to the fans Ashley employed him, Ashley lied, Keegan walked, Ashley threatened Keegan with legal action of the clause saying he had to pay him X amount, Keegan takes them to court citing constructive dismissal. Maybe true - but there's obviously no doubt in your mind that is what happened and that it all happened in that order, what source do you have to back it up? http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/n/newcastle_united/7613562.stm
  5. He's doing fuck all to the fans Ashley employed him, Ashley lied, Keegan walked, Ashley threatened Keegan with legal action of the clause saying he had to pay him X amount, Keegan takes them to court citing constructive dismissal.
  6. There was a clause in his contract saying that if he walked within 12 months he owed Ashley a certain amount if I remember correctly.
  7. Bet you weren't complaining when those alledged team talks saw us putting four past the Yids. Tooj is spot on about Thompson House being under the spell of Disco Dekka by the way. He's elected a few journos from the Ronny and Journal to his 'management board'.
  8. :lol: £10M budget and Joe Kinnear in charge. Arsenal and Villa must be shitting thaself. Isn't the £10 million what he's prepared to put in? Not sure how many other clubs owners are prepared to stick their hand in their pocket to finance their clubs. "Newcastle's accounting methods ensure that they effectively own their assets in their entirety. Aside from making the club more attractive to potential buyers, the benefits are not immediately apparent." That hasn't got anything to do with what I've said. It says he's prepared to put £10 million of his own money in, how many other club owners put their own money into the club to buy players or for running costs? Also, how does paying for the players up front make the club more attractive to potential buyers? You just have to pay Ashley an extra £10 million up front for what he's spent rather than in staggered payments to the club you've bought the player from. It's got everything to do with it. Ashley is the only one funding the club from his own pocket because he's the only one that refuses to borrow against his asset. Doing so would reduce his profit when he comes to sell as he still intends to do asap. Every other club borrows against future guaranteed future earnings to try (at the very least) and retain their premier league position. You're talking rubbish. It says Ashley is prepared to put £10 million of his own money in to go with whatever the club makes, other clubs may borrow against potential future earning but how many of them are prepared to finance the clubs running costs or to sign players like Ashley has done since he's been here to go with current earnings? You didn't tell me how someone wanting to buy the club would be so much better off giving Ashley an extra £10 million to cover the cost of players he's paid for up front rather than pay £10 million less for the club and make the staggered interest free payments. They'd be better off because once you're relegated the players value is halved but the debt remains at £10M. Keep up son. You haven't got a clue have you? First of all the players value won't be halved, also if the club was relegated any debt would be reflected in the price the club was sold for whether it was owed to Ashley or to whatever football club in staggered payments. You also didn't name the other club owners who are prepared to finance their clubs for running costs and players like Ashley has here, I'll start you off by saying Abramovich, Lerner and Gibson. Anymore you can think of then feel free to add them. Players values would drop significantly if we went down. That's a fact. Difference between Abramovich, Gibson, Lerner and Ashley is that the former trio know how to run a football club. They know you need to spend money if you want to have a successful club. Ashley doesn't.
  9. Are you suggesting his statement could have been "wibble" and we'd have to fall in line because he's actually learned to speak. Think it through sonna. Communication is a good thing. Previously we assumed they were fucking us over because they said nowt as we slid into obscurity. Now we know they're fucking us over because they've spouted complete bollocks, without any indication of what they plan to do to halt the downward spiral. It's a positive that we now have it confirmed they weren't just playing their cards close to their chest, and they actually have no idea what the fuck they're doing. My point was that they can't win either way, and I think your reaction to almost every statement so far suggests I'm right! They can't win because they're talking unmitigated shite. We know they're taking us for fools, just because Disco Dekka is all smoke and mirrors about it doesn't mean we should pipe him off.
  10. You're getting nowt out of either the Journal or the Ronny Gill in the way of even handed reporting of the situation as Llambias has got Thompson House wrapped around his finger, much in the same way Anal fawned over Fat Fred.
  11. Allardyce to an extent. We might not be the main culprit (that should always be results), but we may well have make the decisions easier. Bollocks. I can remember a lot of fans still belting out chorus' of 'Big Sam's Black and White Army' up until he went. The Liverpool game was the only one where tensions really boiled over and rigtly so.
  12. As an aside, why the fuck are they gettng arsey about the Weymouth situation? It was well known Weymouth were in the shit and something like this could happen (amongst Weymouth fans and other BSP supporters anyway) but they missed out on the info because they weren't pay enough attnetion. Simple as.
  13. Best not, that detestable mong who on transfer dealine day claims that players, managers etc text him is on. 'Two phones' Burton?
  14. He's a yes man. He'll happy do as he's told and not get in the way of Wise, Ashley, Llambias et al when they want to pull the strings. This is probably true but they must surely know that majority of the fans are against the appointment. Working against the owners you have - fans aren't happy with the manager, the managers health aint the best, players aren't the happiest (presumed Owen, Shay,N'zog admittedly) they are the main points. However do they know that a huge amount of supporters are against the contract extension? or do they not care too much? I think you'll find out sooner rather than later that Ashley, Llambias and everyone else frankly don't give a toss about the fans.
  15. He's a yes man. He'll happy do as he's told and not get in the way of Wise, Ashley, Llambias et al when they want to pull the strings.
  16. Read the quote again. He is not complaining he says that more needs to be done besides a little price cut to win over supporters which is very true, he didn't mention transfers. If Ashley spends in the summer - it would help. If he doesn't - the reduction in season tickets would have done no good. What is wrong about that? It's the wording though, surely something like this would be better: NUFC announced a reduction in season ticket prices, which despite other notable off field problems is a positive step. However without further investment on playing staff and more signs of ambition this move will be redundant. Obviously I'm not a writer , but those are the same facts reported in a different light. Splitting hairs. There's nowt wrong with the way it was originally wrote.
  17. One of the main points is that fans are almost being threatened - sign up before May or you could lose your seat. That's blackmail. Many fans may want to wait until the end of May to see if we go down or wait even later to see if we make any real progress this summer. If we do get relegated (God forbid) those who signed up early for fear of losing their seat will have arguably the most expensive season tickets in the Championship.
  18. They caused JFK's heart attack too. And they're the reason our bid for Michael Johnson wasn't accepted. And they make Disco Derek cry.
  19. Regardless of what you think of the fanzine I don't get how you can say they obviously don't support the team? Why because they are critical of the shambles of whats going on? That does not make them any less of a supporter... Giving up your season ticket will of course be a kick in the teeth for Ashley but it also means less support of the team. I don't think the True Faith lads are going to give up but some of the stuff they are writing seems to be trying to convince everyone else to do so. I don't think TF are advocating that anyone give up their season ticket, they're simply calling it how they and many others see it. Supporters who give up their season ticket this year aren't any less fans than those who don't. The situation is dire despite what some people on here believe and people who are sick of sitting through shit and entitled to throw in the towel.
  20. True Faith clearly support the club, they just don't think sitting on your hands while some jumped up pricks with little or no previous interest in the game of football come in here and ruin the club.
  21. Why come out to the press at all? They dont have to answer to the paper talk as most people know its all bollocks. Exactly, they didn't have a problem about saying fuck all recently so why talk about JFK now?
  22. Depends when his wife stops buying Weetabix and moves on a Fruit and Fibre tbh. He'll probably turn up on MotD looking like Carmen fucking Miranda.
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