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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. I know of another fascist who was big on hard work... http://img7.joyreactor.com/pics/post/hitler-arbeit-macht-frei-251897.jpeg
  2. I've got that book I've met Andrew Lisgo who runs their PR department a few times. Great lad who is really good at his job. He's been dropped right in it by the club. This is your area of expertise. What should had Sunderland done PR wise? Not appoint a fascist. That simple. It's not as if this is something that's just came out since he took the job. His political views are known to all. They sound aggrieved that they're being taken to task over this issue but what did they expect? It's not as if he has much in the way of pedigree to distract from the fact he's the man who gave a Nazi salute to a vile section of Lazio's support.
  3. I've got that book I've met Andrew Lisgo who runs their PR department a few times. Great lad who is really good at his job. He's been dropped right in it by the club.
  4. I assume after the PR department penned that they went down the "pakis" to stock up on blue pop.
  5. Margaret Byrne, April 1st 2013 - "To accuse him now, as some have done, of being a racist or having fascist sympathies, is insulting not only to him but to the integrity of this football club." Paolo Di Canio, December 24th 2005 - "I am a fascist"
  6. The saddest thing about this is seeing good people with fairly strong political beliefs parking their principles because Di Canio is their new manager.
  7. There are a lot of anti-Di Canio campaigns springing up on Facebook. Obviously this is all the work of Mags rather than the few sane SAFC fans.
  8. You started it ! (Now where have I heard that before ?) Of course - it's what Ive been saying for past 20 pages ! Just been in shower and decided one last look in to deal with another shower....(sorry, couldn't resist) In fact lets get off the subject and actually talk about what it will be like when DiCanio arrives at SJP. Going by these pages, ranting amongst ourselves (Why FFS ?) God knows what will happen when the subject of the ranting is there in person. The feller is getting built up by the very people screaming to do him down ! Was thinking about that myself when watching some clips on the news about him earlier. Showed him arms aloft with a scarf in the centre of the pitch at Swindon's ground. It wouldn't surprise me to see him pull some kind of stunt like that at St James' on derby day to get their fans onside, moreso if they lose/get humped at Chelsea. Carver would fucking murder him
  9. Actually, I have avoided having a go at you for any of your posts, as its YOUR opinion and nothing to do with me. (Not noticed ?) Doesn't seem to be your attitude. You didn't even see the point I was making, others have had the same view, and have not get the usual flaming from the usual types. Whats wrong with just disagreeing ? Honestly, I give up. You're like trying to figure out an M.C Escher painting. Phil K's had a 'mare in here. I think he needs to go and lie down in a dark room.
  10. RTG has gone more mental that usual. There are a small band of people who are fighting the good fight and arguing that Di Canio shouldn't be anywhere near the club based on his politics alone, another group saying they don't care about his politics as long as he beats "tha maggy bastads" and a not insubstantial number who are basically trying to redefine fascism. Honestly man, on their huge Di Canio thread I've actually just watched someone selectively quote the fascist manifesto to try and prove that it's not that bad. The classy club tag has well and truly gone the distance now. Nothing they say or do from this juncture will ever make me think they're anything other than a bunch of utter fucking cretins. They're appointing a self confessed fascist as manager and they're trying to justify his politics. Tossers.
  11. I'd be cock in hand if we could orchestrate a chorus or two of L'Internationale on derby day.
  12. I had Franco, Pinochet and Peron around for tea a few weeks ago. Great bunch of lads.
  13. Classy bastards That's absolutely astonishing. Got to be a wind up
  14. http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2012/05/29/swindon-town-paolo-di-canio-inappropriate_n_1551854.html Not racist, just calls players by their skin colour rather than their names.
  15. My season ticket would be straight in the bin.
  16. They won't be torn if he beats us. I know some very principled Mackems who'll be seething. Unfortunately I also know people like this... http://img62.imageshack.us/img62/1428/mackemfascists.png Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  17. I'm extremely disappointed they seem to be appointing Di Canio. The man's a fascist. He shouldn't be anywhere near football IMO. I know a lot of their fans who will be very torn if he is appointed.
  18. Is there actually a "football person" on the board at Sunderland now since Quinn was sacked?
  19. Hughes comes across as a massive tart. The strop he throws every single time someone doesn't shake his hand exactly how he would like is fucking hilarious plus the way he left Fulham was pretty disgraceful. Goes without saying as a massive lefty I'd hate to see Di Canio get any job, let alone the Sunderland one.
  20. It's quite simply one of the worst articles ever committed to paper (assuming it's in tomorrow's Observer). A journalist saying "you know all those assumptions you have about Redknapp and the press? They're not true!" and then spending the next 500 words proving that actually they are
  21. I actually really like Peter Reid I hope he doesn't go back.
  22. You didn't even watch the game, man. I pump close to a grand a year into the club, I'm buggered if I'm going to be talked down to someone who admits he does't watch the bloody matches.
  23. Hold on, were we outside the top 6 at any stage last season? We had one win in eight after our great start and then the season started to turn when Benny came into the side. Whether you like it or not, the Man U game was a fluke, beating them 3-0 with Raylor, Shola wasn't due to Pardew as he ain't god and they were in bad shape when they played us. We then won couple of games and then went on four games without a win before Benny and Cisse went on a run. Without those two we wouldn't have finished top 6... Seriously? Come on - that's beyond harsh imo. That was one of the most complete performances I can remember since Bobby - pretty much everyone was exceptional and we barely gave them a sniff. It was a fluke man. We giving such a performance was a fluke, we had nowhere near showed that quality during the whole season. We were in a completely different level than we've been before like you said. I don't mean it was a fluke in the way that we won, it was a fluke in the way that we managed to put such a perfomance in. Give your head a shake, man. There's no arguing with loops like you. Calling me a loop man, look at that. Seriously, if you're that miserable that you enjoy the way we play fair enough, but I know me and many others don't enjoy it. Truth is you can't see much football outside of Newcastle because your view on things is embarrassing. We are a bigger club than Stoke and Norwich, yet we play at the same level as them and are below them in the league. It's embarrassing that supporters can actually still think Pardew might be a good manager. He's a likeable guy and I wish him all the best, but he has to go, now or the end of the season. People said we should never had let Nolan go when he left, or Carroll or Barton. Look at what we achieved last season without them. We can achieve the same without Pardew too, trust me. You're saying our 3-0 win against Man United last season is a fluke when he comprehensively outplayed them and Pardew's tactics were central to that (starting Raylor over HBA, for example. Something I criticised him for pre-match). Don't be bloody stupid man. I don't mind criticism of Pardew if it's legitimate but give the man credit where it's due. It's hard to take you seriously when you chalk every single positive result under him down to an inordinate amount of luck. But if Pardew's tactics were central to us outplaying them, why didn't he persist with those fabulous tactics that beat the second best team in the league quite comfortably. I just don't see how a manager who is able to set out a team in such a mastermind way can also manage to lose to Fulham 5-2 couple of weeks later? Credit where it's due, Pardew did a great job setting us out defensively last season and he is still capable of that, my main criticism is he has no creativity offensively whatsoever and relied heavily on our players to produce blinders last season. You can't argue against that, and I don't think we should accept that as supporters of this fabulous club. I was at Allianz Arena today and saw Bayern score 9 on Hamburg, I'm obviously not comparing us to Bayern, but they were set out in a way that I'd love to see us play. Their four attacking players were basically hugging their four defenders while pushing their fullbacks forward. What really amazed me though was that when Hamburg tried the same they basically only moved one winger down and kept Kroos, Pizarro and Robben up top making Hamburgs tactics counterproductive as they weren't confident enough. I'd love Pardew to have some balls, let Sissoko, Cisse and Benny or Gouffran stay up top when other teams are attacking and try to win possession fast to counter. Because the way we are set out at the moment is ridiculous. Our wingers falls deeper than our fullbacks to help them out. All I'm asking for is for Pardew to have some cojones. There isn't a one size fits all tactic. It's not Football Manager. Pardew went direct that game and it worked very well. We caused Man United all sorts of problems. Losing against Fulham a few days later (when we'd lost two of our most important players to the ANC) doesn't mean he lucked in against Man United.
  24. Seconds, sadly. Ollie Holt Patrick Barclay Henry Winter. I think the evidence is insurmountable this time. They'll be saying they knew he was shite.
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