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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. It's not good for my health to be debating with certain individuals. The last hour alone has probably shortened my life by three months. It's just a debate, this is exactly what this site is for isn't it. It would be bloody boring otherwise. I don't mind debate and there are a large number of people on here I disagree with regularly. Stupidity is a completely different matter altogether.
  2. It's not good for my health to be debating with certain individuals. The last hour alone has probably shortened my life by three months. It's needed.
  3. I didn't know there was one tbh I can point you in the right direction if you're interested? I'm now Felipao free!
  4. This. We beat Man U 3-0 at home why wouldn't we be able to beat them 2-0? You laughing? Read the last pages, people make it out like it was impossible to beat Benfica 2-0 ffs. Only Barcelona have done that this season. Barcelona for f***s sake. One of the best club teams to grace the game. You're f***ing mental Right. And only Cit beat Man U by more than three goals last season. Not even Real did it this season. What's your point? Calling me mental for? Actually why even respond when you're clearly delusional? Is there an ignore button on here? Seriously? I can't cope with this every time we don't win. It's like holding a conversation with my 2 year old niece.
  5. Jesus wept, that's not what I'm saying at all. The point I'm making is that we are simply not good enough to go out and play one of the best teams in Europe off the park. The idea a 2-0 scoreline was a piece of piss to attain and Pardew's tactics are to blame for the QF exit is the type of chatter that should get you committed to Cherry Knowles it's that batshit crazy.
  6. No one is saying we should have gone all guns blazing though. But we should at least have put out a side that could cause them some problems in the first half. He could have put Sissoko on the right and had Shola up front with Cisse instead of Bigi for example. His over-cautious line ups kill our self belief IMO. You could see the team and crowd came alive once we brought on our quality attackers. And he'd have had the brain trust on here that he was playing Sissoko out wide (I can see it now, "he's not a winger man!") and Shola was getting a game at all (choose your variation on "useless plank").
  7. This. We beat Man U 3-0 at home why wouldn't we be able to beat them 2-0? You laughing? Read the last pages, people make it out like it was impossible to beat Benfica 2-0 ffs. Only Barcelona have done that this season. Barcelona for fucks sake. One of the best club teams to grace the game. You're fucking mental
  8. Cool, when are the semi's? Sorry, you said you weren't happy about it before the game so presumably you think we'd have done worse than that if we had some semblance of an attacking plan for the first 70 minutes? It seemingly nearly worked but it didn't, we gave ourselves 20 minutes to win it when we could have played it over 90. Shit scared of the opposition. I was more annoyed at the inclusion of Mike Williamson to be honest. I didn't think we could contain them for as long as required with him on the pitch. It is obvious that we are not a good enough side to do what half the posters on here wanted us to do, which was go out and attack them like we did from the 70th minute onwards from the first. We would've been out of the tie long before Savio tapped in their equaliser in stoppage time. You saw how easy they scored when we were pushing up. To go through tonight would've required us to do something only Barca have done to them this season and Pardew's tactic of containing them, frustrating them and tiring them out before throwing HBA and Marv on almost paid off. I honestly cannot fathom how anyone can have any genuine complaints about the performance or tactics after seeing the way we played it tonight.
  9. Sod setting up the goal, watching him gee up Shola just before the start of the second half was brilliant
  10. After being absolutely aghast at the line up prematch I have to say I think he played this relatively well. It could've been so much different if they'd scored early on but they didn't.
  11. I think he's just had a stroke. It would explain the selection.
  12. Clumbsy, slow, gives away penalties, turns like a tank. Nice hair though. A walking Brylcreem advert.
  13. The Mike Williamson school of defending: 1) Tug shirts 2) Fall over 3) Hoof the ball as far as you can manage
  14. Why put them on the bench? Never understood the logic of benching someone who isn't ready to come on if there's an injury 30 seconds.
  15. Was hoping Pardew was bluffing about our tactics. Couldn't think of opposition who are better at letting a game peter out with 15 minutes left at 0-0. They will keep possession, dive, roll around and cheat like the Dickens if we get to that stage I'm not saying gung-ho from the off, but we need to have urgency in our attacking play (ie. with numbers!) from the off. Thing is he could've picked a gung-ho team. They started slowly in either half last week and with the crowd behind us we could really build some momentum. That selection, and I say this as a Pardew acolyte, stinks. In a humourous role reversal, I'm waiting to see how we start. Don't know the details of why people are/aren't starting. Anyway, howay Cisse! Rediscover your Midas touch! Marv and Perch are on the bench, so I don't think fitness is that much of an issue. Mike Williamson, man
  16. Was hoping Pardew was bluffing about our tactics. Couldn't think of opposition who are better at letting a game peter out with 15 minutes left at 0-0. They will keep possession, dive, roll around and cheat like the Dickens if we get to that stage I'm not saying gung-ho from the off, but we need to have urgency in our attacking play (ie. with numbers!) from the off. Thing is he could've picked a gung-ho team. They started slowly in either half last week and with the crowd behind us we could really build some momentum. That selection, and I say this as a Pardew acolyte, stinks.
  17. I suppose all those people who wanted us to play a weakened team are getting their wish. The inclusion of Williamson and Bigi (who I like) is tantamount to throwing in the towel. How on Earth does he expect Mike Williamson of all people to deal with their forwards?
  18. The 5-1 was amazing. Probably the greatest day of my life truth be told It was like a carnival from the minute Bramble got his marching orders. Never known an atmosphere like it either in the ground or out on the town. Everyone, absolutely everyone - man, woman, child - was delirious. I've never hugged so many people in my life. I ended up spending close to £100 getting absolutely blitzed on Timmerman's.
  19. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mef88dZo5V1qh2nrho1_500.gif
  20. Need to have our passing game on and Cisse needs to be at his best. They pressed the fuck out of Chelsea yesterday and Di Canio kept telling their defence to push up the pitch. If we can get Cabaye and Marveaux into space I have every confidence we can get Papiss in behind their back line. They'll almost certainly play on the break though so we'll have to watch Sessegnon. We could really do with Debuchy and Tiote back for this one.
  21. I stopped taking anyone on here seriously when he got criticised for playing Shola a full two days before a game and guess what... ...Shola didn't play. N-Oers be trippin'
  22. His statement is the footballing equivalent of saying "I did not have sexual relations with that woman". Unlike Ms Lewinsky we've got not one but four spunk splattered dresses to prove that actually he's talking bollocks - the salute, the tattoos, "I am a fascist" and "I admire Mussolini". On ne passe pas, lads.
  23. http://static3.businessinsider.com/image/515999eb69bedd5624000016-620-465-400-/paolo-di-canio-fascist-salute.jpg "I'm not a fascist, I was just asking the Irriducibili to check if I was well deodorised."
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