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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. saturday 1230 SAFC.com still have it down as a 3pm kick off.
  2. The only evidence there was any life in this transfer window is a shadow of Artie doing his stupid fucking touchline jump burned into the concrete outside the National Glass Centre.
  3. Yes. Personally I think it's Haidara, he looks short and stocky. Definitely NUFC property - the guy with the moustache on the extreme left is a long-time club security guard. Is he a member of the Baader-Meinhof Gang?
  4. That Friday night he turned up at the airport was absolutely fucking mental. The killjoys trying to say it wasn't Newcastle baggage claim when it patently fucking was
  5. He just turned into a massive c*** when he went national for some reason. Probably spent too much time rubbing up against Paul Hayward. aye, most of the NE nationals are cunts tbh. Bird, Young and Brenner aren't much better. Taylor's always had a gripe. Caulkin is the only one who seems reasonable along with Douglas and Wilson in the locals. Louise Taylor was absolutely ridiculously blatant in her dislike of us until the past 18 months where she has, to be fair, tempered it a bit. I assume the regular abuse the likes of Glendenning (don't get me started on that unfunny wanker) got on Twitter about her shite probably resulted in a little meeting where she was told to stop being so partisan. I noticed she was taken off covering us for a while. Bird's alright but he does take himself far, far too seriously. I don't have any major gripe with Young but Brenner should stick to covering tennis. Martin Hardy from the Indy is the only one I can say I like, along with George Caulkin. Hardy's just a good journalist and Caulkin seems to be the only national reporter who really has his finger on the pulse and doesn't misrepresent our support.
  6. He just turned into a massive cunt when he went national for some reason. Probably spent too much time rubbing up against Paul Hayward.
  7. Ryder's a shit journalist. Edwards is a shit journalist with an absolutely fucking huge chip on his shoulder.
  8. Did anyone else see the clip of him on the local news? He was wearing a comically oversized jacket, dancing and waving the sleeves about like a fucking child What a billionaire.
  9. I don't watch French football. I don't know much about him. My support for this deal is based entirely on the fact his first name sounds like a Geordie saying my poo.
  10. I don't know why people are going mental over our opening bid. His contract runs out this summer, we've got a strong hand.
  11. That's not a jinx mate, just fucking disturbing.
  12. Ahhh the good old days of the morning paper and look north. Happier times Ceefax was brilliant. Get up bleary eyed, go to page 302, watch as it flicks through the numbers, here's the headlines, we've only went and fucking signed Shearer.
  13. He'll get handed his report card on 1st February. No sooner.
  14. Nice to see someone is focusing on the important stuff.
  15. If you're going to bring off Marveaux for Perch it should've been coupled with bringing off Shola for Obertan regardless of Cabaye's injury situation. Put some pace in the game to keep it stretched, don't invite fucking pressure when we've absolutely no confidence.
  16. @Sammy_Ameobi What Nile said after the game was wrong and I only meant to shut him up but you obviously took it the wrong way so for that I apologise Sounds like they've been getting a telling off in training. I doubt we'll get an apology from Dutty Custard.
  17. Eh - I thought he was valued at something like 6 million? http://www.mirrorfootball.co.uk/incoming/article134873.ece/ALTERNATES/gallery-large/Derek-Llambias-Mike-Ashley-Newcastle-cropped
  18. Do people really check the arrivals and departures at Newcastle? I'm absolutely certain we fly players and their reps in on Ashley's private jet nowadays.
  19. I see Carver as a Terry Mac type of figure. His main job is keeping morale up. His record doesn't suggest he's be a great manager.
  20. Not after the"touch of a rapist"comment on MOTD2 That isn't what he said. There was a bad tackle and he said "he's absolutely raped (raked?) him." Essien disposed someone in a rather comical fashion and Pardew shouted "HE'S ABSOLUTELY RAPED HIM!"
  21. Problem with this thinking is Moyes was the exception. Should every club stick with an under performing manager on the off chance he turns it all around? It's very easy for others to say that but when you support a club and you're concerned with the immediate future of the team it's not a risk I think we should be willing to take.
  22. "I know what I'll do since I hold absolutely no sway within the boardroom, I'll start losing matches. Genius! That'll convince them to invest."
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