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About thomas

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    Highly Trustworthy American
  1. [prays silently before before a candle-laden closet altar with a picture of Emery atop it] what could have been
  2. ayyyy let's go. free football. eddie howe's black and white CLOWNSHOW rolls on
  3. all three of them are like usain bolt riding a wave of liquid cocaine compared to guimares. steve bruce on his way to a broccoli eating competition type of slowness from bruno tbh. just stupendously unreal how glacially he moves. still in the middle of tracking back for liverpool's 2nd goal. syrup in winter scored better on the beep test. should have been a dmv worker in zootopia. disgusting. i hate him so much.
  4. liverpool are of course very very good but not so good that we should look this bad i don't know if this makes sense
  5. i'd be grateful if they could just blow the whistle at 89 minutes at 2-0 tbh
  6. there's something about luis diaz's face that makes me want to two footed tackle one of his ankle into an explosion of gore.
  7. torn between feeling like we could be doing a lot better but at the same time Liverpool are also a Really Good Side® in 1st for a reason . the goal was crap but coming anyway. Need one of those Howe halftime team talk masterclasses.
  8. murphy's crossing is absolutely next level turd
  9. softest goal i've ever seen literally kill me
  10. well now i'm questioning the legitimacy of the entire enterprise with this resetgate debacle.
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