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Everything posted by jarralad

  1. Should of had some subs on much sooner and it could have been a diff outcome to the game.
  2. Sunderland fans not happy,can hear them shouting and swearing in the background on century. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  3. Poll even said Joey Barton had been playing for us tonight and Burley loved putting him right on that.
  4. Craig Burley is really ripping into Graham Poll,Poll wont admit it was a pen.
  5. Pleased with the performance we put in tonight,if we play with the spirit was have in the last two we can beat the mackems.
  6. If true he's clearly taking the piss,parasite.
  7. jarralad

    Mind your language

    Well said Jo its about time someone gave them a good talking to.
  8. Fuck Keegan he should never set foot in st james park again,our downfall started when he left the first time and he left again leaving us further in the shit. If he loved the club as much as he makes out he could have atleast stayed until the next transfer window so we would of had some points and maybe avoided relegation.
  9. At the moment i don't think i can forgive him,he should of just got on with the job as best as he could and got us as many points as possible before the next transfer window and then stepped down,atleast by then we might of had enough points on the board to assure us premiership survival.
  10. The legends is the North East Talkshite ran by 3 muppets and listened to by muppets. And anyone who thinks this savenewcastle thing will ever work are even bigger muppets.
  11. Peter Lee one of the supposed blokes behind this has just been on the legends and was basically laughed off,they havent got a chance.
  12. Whilst i would love it if we owned the club ourselves it would never ever happen,none starter really.
  13. If he does that tho he's just losing more of his investment and the price he can expect from selling us will go lower and lower.
  14. If he loves the club as much as he is portraying he will be prepared to make a loss on it if the right buyer comes along.Time will tell eh...
  15. Olny a matter of time before wise leaves now as whoever buys the club will know the fans wont tolerate him.
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