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Everything posted by jarralad

  1. The legends is the North East Talkshite ran by 3 muppets and listened to by muppets. And anyone who thinks this savenewcastle thing will ever work are even bigger muppets.
  2. Peter Lee one of the supposed blokes behind this has just been on the legends and was basically laughed off,they havent got a chance.
  3. Whilst i would love it if we owned the club ourselves it would never ever happen,none starter really.
  4. If he does that tho he's just losing more of his investment and the price he can expect from selling us will go lower and lower.
  5. If he loves the club as much as he is portraying he will be prepared to make a loss on it if the right buyer comes along.Time will tell eh...
  6. Olny a matter of time before wise leaves now as whoever buys the club will know the fans wont tolerate him.
  7. Lets see if Keegan actually comes out and tells us what actually went on for him to walk or whether he has accepted a pay off in order to keep his mouth shut.
  8. Its obvious Ashley doesnt have the financial backing to take Newcastle any further so if he did turn them down i'd be gutted.
  9. If there were no truth to this surely the club would have dismissed these rumours already?
  10. He only played great last night as it was against Coventry i dont think ive seen him play like that against a premiership team.
  11. Attendance was 47711,lowest weve had for a Prem game in a long time.
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