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Bad Mongo

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Everything posted by Bad Mongo

  1. But none of this happened, so what was the point again?
  2. Exactly. I was optimistic myself, based on the sounds he made, but it's clear to me now that he's a fraud. He hasn't delivered on any promise that matters.
  3. What long term plan? Ashley has failed to deliver on his short term plan. How is he going to fulfil his long term plan if he can't even do that? We were supposed to build on the squad weren't we? Yes, we were. We were supposed to invest in new players? Yes. But the investment is negative, and we haven't added a single body to the squad. The only possible reason to keep faith in Ashley's ambitions for the club is wishful thinking. He hasn't delivered, and there's no reason to believe he ever will.
  4. He's only sacked one manager because he's only been here for a year. He's also forced another one out. How you can claim he's any better with regards to managers is a huge mystery, because the evidence against it is staggering, and the evidence for it is absolutely non-existant.
  5. It's probably just a regular walking stick. He's an old man, but no magician.
  6. The lying has nothing to do with the system if I'm right in thinking HTT is on about the DOF, if he's not then I've picked it up wrong. It does seem to be part of the system, though, with the statements that Wise's position was to bring in young players for the academy and report to Keegan, the statements from the owner that Keegan was the one who decided upon which players to bring in, and further that there would be investments to bring in more players, etc. In fact, the lies should be investigated as false advertising: people have bought season tickets under the assumption that Ashley was telling the truth. But sure, my comment was off target.
  7. I'm not sure it's such a fantastic long term plan to persist in selling your best players to better clubs.
  8. The way they have lied to the fans isn't wrong because they were lying, but because of the way it was lied?
  9. No, the difference is that Arsenal are aiming for success.
  10. We're not going down the Arsenal route. How about splitting the second option in two parts: Arsenal - buying young talent in order to create a great team; Us - buying cheap foreigners with potentially great resale value.
  11. "Then Dennis wise appointed out of the blue which has alarm bells ringing in the media and amongst some fans" -- there's nothing there about Wise's appointment being a surprise for Keegan, Indi. It's about the fans and the media.
  12. Considering the ridiculous official statement from the club last night, it wouldn't surprise me all that much if the board's attempt at character assassination scored yet another own goal in admitting the real transfer budget was far below what we were led to expect. I don't think they're telling the truth, but I believe the source to be Ashley or Llambias.
  13. It's attributed to someone claimed to be "one of the directors", though. Surely they would call him "a source close to the club" if they just made it up.
  14. Your example can't possibly show "logically" that Keegan knew precisely what kind of structure he was part of (then Wise reported to him, now he should report to Wise: those are two different structures). I'm showing that logically, your so-called "logic" is what in logic is called a non-sequitur. I questioned your age because, for all your talk of logic, if you were 16 or less, you might be excused. Logic isn't what you think it is. If your profile is correct, and you're 30, then there's no excuse for your bullshitting. Also, you're still younger than me.
  15. How does he feel about being a cult football player for purely linguistic reasons?
  16. That's what I've said, they're trying to make us into another Spurs, not Arsenal. Get in a new manager, promise some ambition, get in a couple of exciting foreigners on the cheap, sell season tickets, and sell whichever players you can get most money from. It wouldn't surprise me if this is a result of Ashley betting against his mate Kemsley that he could make any football club profitable.
  17. They did, but they also sold two of their best players.
  18. If Xisco and Nacho were Smith's and Barton's replacement, we would have replaced eight players leaving with six new players, all while not getting that defender and midfielder we were supposed to get.
  19. Pointing out flaws in your logic is exactly what we've been doing: You claim Keegan knew what he was getting into when what he and the club stated Dennis Wise would work under him (X), and what he was getting into was that he would work under Wise (Y). Your claim is that X = Y when clearly X = !Y, ergo X != Y. That's the flaw in your logic, and if you can't see it, you're incapable of using logic at all. How old are you?
  20. What you choose to ignore is that Keegan's story at the time was consistent with the rest of the club's story until very recently. It's only now, with the club's so-called "facts", that Keegan was supposed to report to some "Director of Football". That has been both the official version and Keegan's: Keegan has the final say on transfers. Wise's role is to recommend players.
  21. Dennis Wise is an anagram of Snide Swine. Mike Ashley is an anagram of Aye, He Milks. Coincidence?
  22. That's a very creative reading, because that's not at all what Mike Ashley said.
  23. No. "If the deal is right – and that means it’s the right player who Kevin wants" defines the right deal as the player Kevin wants. That's a definition of the right deal, right there, from Mike Ashley himself. It was a lie.
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