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Everything posted by Sima

  1. Sima


    I've just lost my shit
  2. Sima


    Sounds like their ticket sales policy. £5 tickets man. If they don't get over 40K they should just fucking give up.
  3. Hopefully, as Hansen said last night (about the SF)... "Its a local derby, and form goes out of the window". It wants to, because Liverpool are fucking dump.
  4. Look at that scruffy cunt man. What a carthorse.
  5. Sima


    "Ebony Singles" Gerrin.
  6. That was fucking garbage man, it's actually pissed me off.
  7. Brad Jones Is that the one that used to play for Boro?
  8. Have Liverpool got any other keepers?
  9. Nice of the referee to take notice of what Dalglish said in the press. What a fucking joke.
  10. Sima


    I'm sick of this "ooooo, we jinxed" bullshit they come out with and how we have made a pact with the devil. What a box of fucking cocks.
  11. Sima


    6 more points than when MONg took over i might add. Thought the gap was 15 when he took ower? Would be delighted if it was 11 mind! It was 15 but they had the Blackburn game to play so was down to 12 by the Sunday.
  12. Mignolet clearly hasn't got his positioning sorted since Over The Wall
  13. Ha. Mackems so inept. Ron Weasley looks a good player but he's no left back.
  14. Fellaini bossing Catts again.
  15. Awesome pass from Sess there Nice overhead
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