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Everything posted by Sima

  1. Arsenal to get a soft decision here.
  2. Marriner is such a shit referee.
  3. Wigan are pretty dangerous on the counter
  4. On RTG it'd be "Look at Niall, look at Niall, he came on the tube. Heroic" Man of the people tbh. Or maybe he has finally had his licence took from him.
  5. "Maturing into a nice goalkeeper" He's not a bottle of wine ffs Niall. Although if he was, you'd probably drink him and then drive home. Cunt.
  6. Who is this fuckwit on now? Ghost goal ffs
  7. Sima


    Mrs Ketsbaia ffs Stalker alert.
  8. Scouse whinging about the minutes silence. Do they have a minute's silence around 11th May or 2nd January every year?
  9. Look at that Spurs end man. Must only be about 2,500 left. Gutless fucks.
  10. Haha Take that you scrotum-faced cunt.
  11. It will be getting binned upon receipt at Soho Square at this rate.
  12. On comes Torres. The ultimate insult.
  13. Wembley to be bombed 63 minutes into the Cup Final please.
  14. Foul from the Togolese there.
  15. Fuck me I thought that was in.
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