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Everything posted by geordiedean

  1. Me neither, he played well. Obviously needs a goal but his all round play was pretty good on Monday. His link up play is very good, if he can add a few goals to that he'd be a top class old fashioned centre forward. I think that'll come in time, he needs to develop his instincts in front of goal. Not just the finishing but the movement and anticipation too. He's not there yet and probably shouldn't have the responsibility of leading the line at this stage but that's what we've got and we'll just have to hope Rafa can get a bit more out him quickly. Getting Shearer in to give him some coaching would be interesting, I think he'd benefit massively. I'm sorry but this is just absolute rubbish to think this guy will ever be a top class forward is ridiculous. This guy is 21 yet has absolutely no characteristics of a striker at all.1. He can't score, 2. He's as slow as shit no pace at all. 3. He never seems to jump for a header so no threat in the air, 4. He has no positional sense what so ever, 5. He can not think ahead or anticipate where he should be to be a dangerous threat to the opposition If you watch him it's like watching a Sunday league player who's trying his hardest. The guy isn't even as good as Shola was and that's a damning indictment Top class forward my Arse some of you on here need to remove the blinkers
  2. Immense potential my Arse. He's 21 as slow as treacle and has the turning circle of an oil tanker. He's not going to get any quicker. He also does not have the brain of a footballer and certainly not a striker if he did he would actually get into positions where he looks like scoring. Sadly he doesn't, I look at this lad and other than the fact he can hold the ball up (which in fairness I could try my best at doing) he has absolutely no attributes to make a good striker
  3. What runners? Fair point. He is shite though it really amazes me what this useless cunt Carr seen and thought " this guys a star" . It's no co incidence he's managed by the same sports management company that does about 6 of our other players If you watch him play he puts himself about. But Jesus Christ I'd put myself about on the pitch. He has no pace skill confidence or anything and for a lad of 21 who should be buzzing and busting a gut and be quick off the mark that's worrying. This guy will be knackered by the time he's 25 He never looks fit either always puffing out his Arse after 10 minutes. He makes Kevin Nolan look like some kind of ironman
  4. If and it's a very big IF we somehow manage to win the next 2 games we will stay up. Fail to win either of them and it's bye bye If we lose to the mackems we are effectively 2 games behind them so I'm afraid it's game over if we lose on Sunday
  5. This hopeless fucking carthorse doesn't even get into any positions where he's likely to score. Always goes to chest the ball down rather than flick it on for a runner which usually breaks the play down He truly is a 21st century Billy whitehurst but no where near tough enough I hate this guy with an absolute passion 13m for 3 decent goals from open play the other 2 a pen and from 6 inches If we stay up by some miracle then this guy needs marching back over the channel
  6. Course we deserve to lose we could play until this time next week and not score
  7. Picks down from where the wanker wants to learn to jump to flick balls on instead of using so chest all the time.....I've not hated a striker this much since shola
  8. Why can't that useless fucker mitrovic jump for a header.....what fucking use is a striker who doesn't jump
  9. 7 goals away from home man all season.....fucks sake no other team in the country has less than double figures Whenever I watch us we just don't ever look like causing teams issues can't score for shit
  10. The guy is an utter fucking plank I hate him I'd rather have doumbia up top at least he can score
  11. Why just put the ball out of play that's what I mean about not being able to pass that's fucking shocking
  12. Always fucking amazes me why our players make so many errors and mistakes you never see players of other teams making simple mistakes like not being able to pass 5 yards to a team mate It's schoolboy stuff it really is these fuckers are getting paid a fortune and can't do something a 12 yr old could do
  13. We are just so toothless and shot shy up front we never look like scoring or being dangerous at all
  14. Why the fuck doesn't mitrovic ever jump for a header has he got lead boots on or something
  15. Here's an omen for you Rafa is our best managerial appointment since Sir Bobby Sir Bobbys first game was away to a team in blue.....so is Rafas Sir Bobbys first home game was against a team in stripes beginning with an S also in trouble at the bottom....so is Rafas We all know the rest
  16. To be honest, as much as it pains me to say so, I think Merson is correct in this case. With us, it had been building and even though we did incredibly well in our first year in the premier League, apart from the fact that it had been hinted at how good we could be by storming the Championship, we didn't win the League. That's a whole different ball game. For Leicester to go from near relegation certainties, to champions, within 1 season, I would say, will never happen again. What has also worked for them is that every other team who you'd expect to challenge has under performed quite drastically. I can't see that happening again either. This is a complete one off. I think it's the injection of money to other clubs. For example Chelsea or city replace Costa or aguero say with lewandowski there has been a huge outlay of money for little increase or any ability. Yet Leicester West Ham et al pay 25m for a player or 2 or 3 it increases their squad ability massively and the catch up between sides can be evened out. I also think that with England teetering on losing a champions league place the likes of Leicester Tottenham and even West Ham being in there next season will be detrimental to that and could result in the prem league only having 3 places which I don't know is a good or bad thing really. How far British teams have fallen in Europe in 3 or 4 years is quite staggering. PSG beat our champions with ease
  17. Charnley is such a cowardice bald headed weasel. He hasn't got the balls to face mclaren to sack him prefers to do it over the phone. Then expects Rafa to come to him asking for a job Tell this fucking idiot to pack his bags and sign on the dole Monday. He would struggle to run a bath
  18. Above the PSG fans, there's Chelsea fans above. Probably to stop it raining lighters, piss, and coins. Ah memories of the San Siro.......happy days never again will I be showered in piss by Italians watching Newcastle
  19. Ashley is probably looking at Leicester and thinking hmmmmmmm cheap shoestring club with ex Chelsea and Valencia manager Guess who wins again
  20. Thing is football management must be the only career where getting the sack never reflects badly on your record or cv
  21. Imagine going into work knowing they dont want you there and just waiting to get the sack Has this cunt got no dignity If my boss wanted to sack me and was looking for a replacement but told me i could stay if they didnt find one Id be back home in time for loose women
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