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La Parka

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Everything posted by La Parka

  1. Those pictures man, lovenkrands and his teddy, and smith/taylor in slippers, fuck me man! Hillario!
  2. I'm excited for carrol, vucic, bradden, kadar, and co. If we finish 17th it will be a fantastic achievement.
  3. ROBBIE BLAKE? ahahahahahahahahhahahaha
  4. At least englands world cup will prepare us for our premiership season.
  5. Shit splatter (sep blatter) better be squirming in his seat.
  6. Jordan Anderson : 6ft 8 Centerback, at 18. What a monster!
  7. this got me into football. THE HURRICANES!!! :colo: the baddies look suspiciously like the german national team!
  8. La Parka


    That pop singer woman looked like fabregas when she won eurovision (if its the right one) http://static01.dernek.ba/blogslikevelike/2303449-1029469.jpg http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2105/2167667223_780374e634.jpg
  9. We should sign harewood to pref his bowel again http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/09/19/article-0-056B4EC60000044D-101_468x286.jpg
  10. Hmm. I'm torn. Giving krul the number 1 or keeping harpers experience for, a very tough season. Can't see us selling.
  11. His passing was shit but he made some very important tackles especially the one at the end which was goalbound, it was a class tackle.
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